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Treatment of myositis

Treatment of myositis folk remedies

Treatment of myositis with horsetail and vinegar

From muscle pain and myositis will help to flush is a folk remedy as an ointment of horsetail. Dried horsetail crushed into powder, then mixed with vaseline, butter or lard in a ratio of 1:4. This tool can RUB a sore muscle or to make of it compresses.

For internal use suitable mixture of Apple cider vinegar and honey. They are mixed in equal proportions and pour a glass of water, then stir well and drink. A day the procedure should be repeated two or three times. The course of treatment is 30 days, then need to pause for 10 days.

Compresses can be made from the leaves of the cabbage, sprinkling them with baking soda and lubricating plain soap. On top of the fixed wrap a warm woolen scarf or handkerchief.

Treatment of myositis physalis and Adonis

Use in the treatment of myositis healing capabilities of the physalis alkekengi. Fresh fruit (15-20 pieces) filled with water (500 ml) and boil on low flame or is evaporated on a water bath for 15 minutes. Instead of fresh fruit you can take them with juice or same amount of dried fruits. When the time – remove the broth from heat and cool, then drink a quarter Cup 4-5 times a day. Better to do the techniques before eating – so the medication is better absorbed. The course of treatment is one month, and then ten-day break.

Traditional medicine is also recommended to treat myositis Adonis. Per Cup of boiling water you will need 10 g this herb. Cover the container with a lid, and it is better to wrap it with a towel and wait an hour. After that, strain and drink a tablespoon three times a day. Muscle pain must quick you to leave.

Treatment of myositis cucumber grass and barberry

Medicinal properties have leaves of borage officinalis (in any case not cucumber leaves!), which should be brewed in boiling water in a ratio of 10 g to 250 ml In a sealed container medication must be infused about five hours, afterwhich it was filtered through cheesecloth and drink a tablespoon up to six times a day.

Folk healers suggest treatment and alcohol tincture of the bark of barberry. One glass semidesyatiletnego of alcohol, you will need 25 g bark. Prepares medication for a week. It is necessary to insist in a dark place. To make the tincture should be three times a day for thirty drops, diluting with boiled water.

A simple pork fat (100 g), mixed with a tablespoon of salt, is also able to relieve you of pain and improve joint flexibility. Use it for compresses, wrapping the top with rubber sheet and woolen scarf.

Treatment of myositis willow

To relieve pain in myositis, use this effective folk remedy as an infusion of the buds and leaves of willows. Per Cup of boiling water you need to take a tablespoon of raw. Wait an hour, strain and drink the medicine in the throat of 5-6 times in day.

Willow bark also can be brewed in boiling water, dried, and chopped. It is , in the ratio of 1 to 20, pour water and evaporated in a water bath for half an hour, then tsedyat and drink a tablespoon to four times a day. Willow buds can be rubbed into powder, mix 10 g with 50 g lard and RUB the sore spot three times a day.

Don't forget that in the treatment of important and diet: avoid alcohol, salty and fatty food and smoked. It is useful to drink milk, eat oatmeal and wheat cereal, to eating apples, liver and legumes.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"