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How to get rid of yeast infection at home?

How to douche chamomile for thrush? Chamomile decoction prepared from the flowers of plants in the amount of 2 tablespoons, poured a liter of boiling water in an enamel pot. Next, the resulting mixture is brought to boil on a slow fire. After cooling the broth to 37-37,5 degrees, it is filtered and poured into the syringe. The procedure is carried out in the supine position, prior to insertion of the syringe vaginal muscles to relax. The solution entered with care and without pressure for 10 minutes. To perform the procedure selects the evening.

Baths with chamomile for thrush have a healing effect against fungus, soothe uncomfortable symptoms. In the tub filled with hot water at 150mm, the lower wrapped in gauze, 100g chamomile flowers and leave for 10 minutes. You need to dive in warm water, comfortable for the body, but not cool. the bath lasts 20 minutes. Repeat daily until symptoms are gone. It is important to remember that this is not a cure, and relieving the symptoms of method.

Bath of chamomile for thrush. Have the same effect as the baths, but in a smaller volume of water. The infusion of the flowers of the plant (2 tablespoons, drenched with boiling water and infused 30min) filter and poured into a bath with ten liters of warm water. Procedure time 15 minutes, after it is advisable to wipe the body and dry.

Soap thrush

Use the soap for medicinal purposes is possible only with full confidence in its naturalness. Today only two varieties of this tool can be helpers in the treatment of candidiasis economic and tar.

Tar soap from yeast. This tool, consisting of soap and birch tar antiseptic, given by nature, is able to reduce inflammation, to fight parasites, to regenerate the skin. Tar, combined with soap, having the increased blood current. Used for intimate hygiene. Act as a preventative (twice a week) and therapeutic (twice daily) remedy for thrush.

Soap from yeast. This soap consisting of sodium salts and acids in bold type, based on vegetable oil and animal fat, has long been recognized by medicine as an antibacterial agent. Is applied as follows: whitish with a solution of soap is carried out the cleaning of the vagina, an hour later, the same procedure is done with clean water.

Yogurt for thrush

This tool, due to its properties is used as to combat the symptoms of thrush and caused by fungi of the genus Candida.Bacteria fermented milk type contained in the yogurt destroy the yeast, creating an acidic environment where it is impossible reproduction of the fungus. The lactic acid yogurt also has antiseptic effect.

You can eat with a yeast infection? It is possible and necessary. The undeniable fact of the influence of food intake on health. Diet controls the aggravation of the disease. And yogurt helps to improve the digestive tract, because its condition affects the immune system, to increase the capacity which is the primary goal of the diet.

For more information on what you can and cannot eat with a yeast infection , see here

Douching with yogurt for thrush. This is a direct effect on the pathogen by lactic acid bacteria. For the procedure you need 200ml of yogurt to warm to 37°C and then be douching. Apply in the morning and at night. The course lasts a week, improvement was observed on the third day. When running the yeast infection can enhance the effect by putting on a night of the vagina a tampon of gauze, soaked in yogurt.

Bath with a yeast infection

Growing the fungus yeast infection concerned about the sensitive mucous membranes itching and burning. Infusions of some herbs and other hazardous to Candida funds added to the bathroom, successfully subdued the pesky symptoms. They are especially beneficial for kids, because they have a yeast infection can occur throughout the body. However, relying on one of the bath should not be. Their participation in the treatment of thrush is of secondary importance.

Can I take a bath with a yeast infection? It is possible, especially if worried about itching. In this case, help bath with the addition of herbs, essential oils, soda and other popular drugs. This is the old folk method of combating yeast infection, which is always available and can serve as a variant of the ambulance, easing symptoms.

Soda bath with a yeast infection. This method is applied to eliminate the itching caused by the disease and disinfection of affected sites, which greatly accelerates the cure. When the bath water add a large amount of soda (about 150g).

Baths with chamomile for thrush. It is a known method that increases the immune capacity of the organism, thanks to the saponins, and get rid of the fungus. Method of cooking available to everyone. A pack of chamomile zaparivat in liter thermos for six hours. The mixture is filtered and poured into the tub with warm water. The time of treatment for at least one hour with a constant gravy of warm water. Treatment regimen: twice a week – 10 timesthen once a week 10 times.

On topic: the 3 most effective means of thrush

Yeast infection treatment iodine

Iodine belongs to a unique substance, the basis for the preparation of drugs with biologically active properties. External use of iodine due to its ability to disinfect, to serve irritating and distracting agent for inflammatory and other diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. In the treatment of thrush when applied to mucous membranes, iodine in its pure form is not used, but is used as an additive to water solutions.

Douching with iodine for thrush. Vaginal shower with a water solution of iodine (distilled water with a tablespoon of 5% iodine) is used in the presence of inflammation of a chronic nature. To affect the yeast infection in this solution, you need to add baking soda.

Soda and iodine from yeast. It is a popular folk medicine remedy for candidiasis. Soda suppresses the fungus that iodine reduces inflammation. It is necessary in a liter of water for 2 minutes to boil 30g of salt. After cooling, add 5 g iodine and 5g of soda drinking. To douche in the morning and evening for five days.

Blue iodine for thrush. This type of iodine the inherent properties of elemental iodine. Oral thrush disappear with full recovery of the mucous membrane of the mouth and intestines if taken 50ml of iodine blue three times a day and irrigate the mouth with 30ml of iodine. Method of preparation: 10g of starch from potatoes diluted in 50ml of water, add 10g of sugar, 0.4 g of citric acid. The resulting mixture pour 150ml of boiling water. After cooling, add 5% solution of iodine in quantity of one teaspoon. Get the tool from the intensely blue iodide of starch.

Oil from the thrush

Thrush can bring great discomfort to the woman, although pain does not cause. Today pharmacy chains offer a lot of medicines that kill the fungus. However, it is possible to use traditional medicines, particularly plant oils, if you understand their properties and methods of application.

Tea tree oil from yeast. The extraordinary oil is the ability to fight simultaneously against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Usually each of them is individually tool. For thrush helps aqueous solution of soda with a few drops of tea tree oil. It is recommended to use for daily cleaning, douching, it is possible to impregnate it with a solution of a tampon andat night put into the vagina.

Sea buckthorn oil from yeast. This oil has a unique set of properties. Gynecologists use it effectively in the treatment of candidiasis in the initial phase of development of the disease and erosion, located on the cervix. Method of application: oil-impregnated swab to drip no more than two drops of oil and insert into the vagina for three hours. 7 day course. Stimulates the immune system-daily consumption of a teaspoon of oil.

Essential oil from yeast. In the recipes of folk medicine for a sufficient number of ways using essential oils with antifungal properties set. Lavender oil and tea tree inhibit not only thrush, but also other fungal type infection in the early stages of the disease. They are used in diluted form for irrigation and plugging of the vagina. The result is rapid, but full recovery should be treated for at least three months and diet.

Lavender oil from yeast. Using the pronounced property of lavender to kill the microbes, its chamomile oil added to a bath. It is also possible to three drops of oil, add a glass of boiled water, use mouthwash, and douching is a good treatment of mucous membranes affected with thrush.

Coconut oil from yeast. The composition of the oil of coconut is a source of fatty acids having an average chain. Its special formula effectively fights fungal infections. Combine coconut oil with other compounds antifungal type. Apply coconut oil way of rubbing in places affected by thrush. The oil can be Supplement several anything tea tree oil.

Borax in glycerol from yeast

Borax in glycerol (20% solution of sodium tetraborate glycerin) effectively eliminates overlap and fungal mycelium type with a vagina than inhibits the development of cells of the fungus. The drug has an antiseptic effect and cause of the disease does not eliminate. Used as a local remedy applied with a cotton swab on the mucosa affected by the fungus, or diluted for irrigation. 1-2 times daily for weeks.

Potassium permanganate from the thrush

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) – the owner of the acidic properties, is used as an antiseptic for douching of vaginal yeast infection. The solution is prepared before each treatment of boiled water, where osypaetsya a few crystals of the substance. The result is a liquid pale pink color. More than a saturated solution can cause burning of the mucosa. Used as a Supplement to the basic treatment.

Sodium tetraborate atthrush

Sodium tetraborate (borax) and 20% in glycerol is a tool providing for a yeast infection the antiseptic and bactericidal action of the character, removing the mucous fungal symptoms, inhibiting their reproduction. It is used in douches of the vagina, treatment of the affected mucous membrane, mouth rinse, pre-wash affected areas with boiled water or herbal decoction. The course lasts 7 days, two or three treatments or on prescription.