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Causes, signs and symptoms of thrush in women

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Almost all adult women have heard about this disease, as thrush. Unfortunately, a large number of ladies personally encountered this problem. In some cases, the fight against the disease is delayed for months and the disease returns again and again, reducing the quality of life and forcing once again to take drugs.

What is a yeast infection in women?

A yeast infection in women is a disease of the vagina, called in science - candidiasis. Association of milk among populations have arisen due to the fact that women on the genitals appear white discharge, similar in consistency to cottage cheese.

The causative agent is a fungus Candida albicans. Scientists estimate that this microorganism is present in the body in 80% of people as native flora, without causing any problems. Woman's vagina is not normally sterile. Its epithelium contains microorganisms, including the fungus. It is involved in maintaining normal pH of the vagina, which is very important for the epithelium, the process of fertilization.

Own flora of the vagina, furthermore, competes with other undesirable microorganisms and reduces the risk of infectious diseases. At the same time, the immune system of the female body strictly monitors the state of Affairs and, if necessary, inhibits the reproduction of "their" bacteria. If for any reason this does not happen or created the conditions for their active reproduction, it increases the likelihood of developing thrush.

Causes of thrush in women

There are many reasons that can lead to the disruption of the delicate balance in a woman's body and create conditions for the development of thrush.

  • The administration of antibacterial drugs is one of the most common causes. Athe disease currently have to treat with antibiotics. This is an effective group of drugs, which allowed a deadly disease to eliminate just a few days and to prevent the development of serious complications. However, antibiotics have their side effects. They do not act selectively on a single microbe and can badly affect their own vaginal flora.
  • Fungi have a very different structure of the cell wall and antimicrobial antibiotics is not dangerous for them. The result is such a situation: fungi, pathogens of yeast infection remain intact, and the bacteria suffer and die partially. No niche in nature is empty, and the place of the dead microbes is Candida albicans, which does not have competitors. The result in women developing Candida.
  • Reduced immunity, which inhibits the growth and reproduction of conditionally pathogenic flora. Candidiasis is the most common opportunistic infection in HIV patients. If patients develop candidiasis in many places (mouth, vagina, intestines) and is difficult to treat, there is a strong likelihood that the root cause is HIV. Chronic inflammatory diseases and long-term current bacterial infections can also affect the immune defense of the organism. (A list of the best products that boost your immune system!)

  • Impaired metabolism — almost always this condition is caused by diabetes. Few people know that this disease in the human body not only fails to regulate glucose levels, but also affects fat and protein metabolism. The development of candidiasis diabetes contributes to two mechanisms.

    10 facts about the dangers of sugar, see here

  • In the absence of proper control on the part of man (the administration of drugs or insulin, monitor glucose) in the blood contains a lot of carbohydrates. This can not affect their content in the extracellular space and in the mucus of the vagina. It turns out that bacteria and fungus Candida albicans find yourself in a sweet environment that is ideal for their feeding and reproduction increases the chance of developing thrush.
  • Immunoglobulins are substances, due to which the implementation of the immune response of the human body. Violation of protein metabolism, which is the place to be for diabetesdiabetes impact on their education only in the negative direction. The result is a decrease in immunity and lack of control over the condition and composition of the microflora. Fungi that are willing to use, given a good nutritional environment, and multiplying out of control, causing candidiasis.
  • Unbalanced and poor nutrition are normal people every day have to take proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a particular ratio by weight. Many girls and women that call themselves the sweet tooth and consume a prohibitively large amount of sweets, flour products, soft drinks. Their pancreas tries, but can't produce as much hormone to reduce glucose levels in the blood to at least the upper limit of normal. Then everything happens like the way it was described in the case of diabetes mellitus: many blood sugar — lots of sugar in vaginal epithelium — good conditions for reproduction of Candida albicans. In addition, abusing sweets people increases the risk of developing diabetes of the second type, which is much more serious and dangerous than the yeast infection.

  • Hormones. The condition of the female genitals, including the vagina, is highly dependent on hormonal levels in her body.

  • Pregnancy may lead to significant change, which increases the likelihood of developing thrush.
  • Wrong selected hormonal contraceptives can so alter hormone levels in the blood, which will increase the likelihood of developing a candidiasis.
  • Many diseases of the endocrine system can lead to the development of thrush. Experienced doctors always remember this and try to find the initial factor. This allows not only to prevent the development of candidiasis in the future, but also to eliminate hormonal pathology, which is important.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear, or improper use of sanitary pads (they need to be changed often enough) creates the conditions under which heat and moisture do not come out, and this is perfect conditions for reproduction of fungi.

Symptoms of thrush in women

The disease has very specific symptoms, which allows physicians to quickly put the correct diagnosis. Often women themselves before visiting the doctor they realize that they have the disease and begin to take their own attempts of treatment, which is unacceptable.

So for thrush is characterized by:

  • Cheesy discharge of the external genitalbodies. They are particularly well visible on the dark underwear. Imagine a slime with a lot of white lumps.
  • The feeling of itching and burning in the vaginal area. In no case should one try much scratching the affected area because this may damage the delicate inflamed epithelium and to create conditions for the penetration of pathogens into the deep tissues. Also, while combing the allocation is distributed on a large surface and cause further inflammation.
  • Pain and discomfort during urination — due to a decrease in the protective properties of the mucus of the vagina and urethra. The epithelium is vulnerable to such an aggressive liquid, like urine, and the inflammation increases the sensitivity of receptors.
  • Pain and burning sensation during the sexual intercourse is only one of the reasons to refuse from sexual life until then, until the disease will not retreat.
  • Smell — it should be discussed separately. It is expressed not much, and has a sour tint ("kefir"). In most cases, it feels only a woman, but for her, it is a very big problem. Patients believe that all they will be able to catch him. Many sexually transmitted diseases and bacterial vaginosis are accompanied by a really unpleasant smell, but it has almost nothing to do with the thrush.

When the erased (atypical) for thrush and mild symptoms women can worry about only one of the identified characteristics. To learn about the disease in such cases is impossible without professional help. Candidiasis is often accompanied by many gynecological diseases, including hidden and dangerous infections, sexually transmitted. Only a qualified doctor can analyze the symptoms and prescribe the correct treatment. Self-diagnosis in severe cases the symptoms of the disease are useless, and self-medication is dangerous.

Comparative table of characteristic symptoms for thrush, bacterial vaginitis and trichomoniasis can be seen in the table. To consider it as an aid in diagnosis is not necessary. The diagnosis puts the physician on the basis of tests, inspection and complaints of the patient. Even in such cases does not exclude the presence of other genital infections, concomitant thrush. Do not self medicate. All appointments must do the attending physician.


Smell: Sour

Highlight: Homogeneous, dense and milky, resembling cottage cheese

Discomfort: Burning,itching, pain during intercourse and while urinating


Smell: an Unpleasant fishy smell

Highlight: Copious, purulent, frothy yellowish-green hue

Discomfort: increasing Intense itching (outer and inner), impaired urination, redness (irritation) of the vaginal mucosa.

Bacterial vaginitis

Smell: the Smell of fish (typical of discharge)

Highlight: Rich and liquid, gray-white, sometimes foamy

Discomfort: Vaginal itching, burning, irritation.

The first signs of yeast infection in women

The first signs of the development of yeast infection that cause a woman to be wary of are:

  • Acute burning and itching in vulva;

  • Hyperemia (redness) of external genitals and vagina;
  • The appearance of a copious vaginal discharge of white color;
  • Painful urination;
  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

Typically, the first symptoms appear a week before menstruation. Burning and itching much worse in the warm environment, especially after taking a bath, often interfere with sleep. And the appearance of white discharge remove all suspicion from women about the disease and forced to go to the doctor.

The consequences of thrush in women

In the case of yeast infection you need to consider a few scenarios:

  • The patient promptly began to treat acute yeast infections. With proper behavior of women, and compliance with all recommendations of the experts, you can quickly get rid of the thrush completely. Modern drugs are characterized by high efficiency and little side effects.

  • Sharp thrush was treated incorrectly and untimely. Constantly postponing a visit to the doctor and subsequently the failure to comply with its recommendations due to the probability of transition of the disease into a chronic form. In this case, to treatthe disease is much more difficult, and complications more serious.

Complications of chronic thrush

According to statistics, almost 70% of cases, chronic disease leads to the development of any complications:

  • Adhesions of pelvic organs;
  • Tubal obstruction due to the development of adhesions;
  • Infertility — a consequence of obstruction of the pipes or destruction of ovary;

  • The lowered immunity, which leads to frequent infection;
  • If a woman is pregnant, the fungi can infect in utero to the fetus;
  • The transition of the disease to other pelvic organs — bladder, rectum;
  • The ingress of the pathogen into the bloodstream — Candida sepsis.

If passed thrush men?

Normally, the male body is constantly faced with the same fungi that female. Because they are found in the vagina of most women, the genitals of a partner, in any case, contact with the causative agent of thrush. Men too can develop candidiasis genital mutilation, which has about the same symptoms and causes, and female. So if men are lowered immune system, have diabetes or other pre-requisites, he can easily get infected by thrush. Moreover, the sexual partner can bring to a woman's body is a large amount of fungus that trigger the development of the disease.

Thus, a yeast infection transmitted to man only if he has the prerequisites for its development, and he does not observe elementary rules of personal hygiene. In the end, the man is way simpler to remove all pathogens from the surface of the penis, just carefully washed it, unlike women. Yes, and the sexual act in the presence of candidiasis is a rash action, contrary to the recommendations of doctors and hardly will give pleasure

Diagnosis of thrush

For accurate diagnosis and the complete clinical picture, the doctor needs to have not only results, but also to draw conclusions based on data inspection. Going to the gynecologist, a woman will have to answer a number of questions. To this we must be ready and able to provide the most complete and accurate information that will help the doctor.

The specialist may ask:

  • What symptoms bother you?To describe the need in detail.
  • When I was first noticed the symptoms of the disease?
  • Did the signs of the disease since its emergence? If so, how.
  • What kind of discharge? The color, fragrance, profusion, consistency, important all the details.
  • That provokes increased symptoms? If the condition got worse than it was provoked? When and for what reasons comes relief?
  • Were there symptoms before?
  • Had or not to be treated for sexually transmitted diseases?
  • How active your sex life? How many sexual partners?
  • How and what protected?
  • Was noticed partner discharge from the penis?
  • Any drugs taken recently? If prescribed antibiotics, what kind?
  • How many days last month? What is the frequency?
  • Used ever douching or not?
  • Are there any chronic diseases? If you have been in the past, what?

After collecting the necessary information, the doctor makes the patient's examination. Taken a swab of the cervix and of the vaginal mucosa. Microscopic examination of the smear may reveal fungal mycelium. This examination method is considered to be more informative, so as to recognize a type of fungal infection that caused the thrush, it is impossible.

To know what kind of fungus triggered the disease, allows bacterial seeding of the swabs on a nutrient special environment. Determines the sensitivity of the identified colonies and their susceptibility to antifungal drugs. Very important quantitative factor. A small number of colonies is considered normal for a healthy vaginal flora.

All studies of experts indicate the fact that the Association of yeast infection with other genital infections. In most cases candidiasis occurs in the complex, while the symptoms of thrush masked hidden infections. There is a tendency of their growth and wide distribution in recent decades. That's why doctors recommend the adoption of the differential method of diagnosis of thrush. This will reveal the presence of diseases such as gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis. A visit to the venereal diseases and take necessary tests provide an opportunity to confirm or exclude the presence of dangerous infection and make a correct plan of treatment of thrush.

Integratedexamination in chronic candidiasis helps to identify diabetes. The first symptom of this disease is a yeast infection. If tests show excess sugar in the blood, the woman should consult to the endocrinologist and follow his recommendations.

It is important and the participation of a gastroenterologist. For the effective treatment of candidiasis may need an abdominal ultrasound. Most likely, you will need to pass stool and to check the intestines. If indications assigned to the FGS and other diagnostic measures.

If the yeast infection causes complications in the urinary system, it is necessary to visit the urologist, to be examined and pass the necessary tests (ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys, analysis of urine by zimnitskiy, a swab from the urethra).

When it is necessary to turn to the gynecologist?

  • Relapses of candidiasis are observed 4 times per year.
  • Treatment for weeks does not work and does not relieve symptoms.
  • If after taking the prescribed drugs, irritation in the genitals.
  • In cases when thrush fever, felt weak, troubling pain in the lower abdomen.

  • When recurrence of candidiasis after the treatment.
  • If during treatment appears blood and pus. Especially dangerous highlight brown shade in the middle of the therapeutic cycle.

How to treat yeast infection in women?

If the disease is mild and the woman promptly asked for help, the doctors are trying to do topical agents. This pill, cream or candles which are inserted into the vagina. There they quickly get to their destination and begin to act.

Most often used:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • The isoconazole;
  • Miconazole;
  • Natamycin.

It's the international names of medicines. Different firms call their money in different ways and at present, at any pharmacy will offer several options.

It is important to treat only anti-fungal drugs because the substances of wide spectrum of action can trigger the development of other infectious diseases due to the complete destruction of flora.

Some drugs can inhibit the spread of infectious bacteria in a few days, the effects of othermay be delayed for a week. The disadvantages of anti-fungal medicines can be attributed to the development of vaginal dysbiosis and toxic effects tablets of drugs and capsules on the kidneys and liver. Uncontrolled medications entail serious consequences. All appointments should be done by the doctor.

Yeast infection treatment accelerates the intake of vitamins and minerals. It normalizes intestinal microflora and strengthens the immune system. Doctors suggest take pribiotikov and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Antifungals in gynecology for local use:

The name of the drug

The active ingredient

Zalain (vaginal suppositories)


Kandizol, Antifungal, Canesten, Clotrimazole, Candibene, Inamazon 100, Candide B6


Gino-pevaryl and Ivanek


Ovulum, Gino-travogen

The isoconazole

Klion-D 100, gyno-daktarin, Gynezol 7, Michal






Poliginaks, Nystatin, Terginan


Nizoral, Livarol, Mycosoral, Ketoconazole, Oronasal, Britrail, Petrosal


Antifungals for systemic use:

The name of the drug

The active ingredient


Flucostat, Mycomax, enalapril hexane, Diflucan, Mycosyst, Mycoflucan, Diflucan, Tiscan.


Ironin, Orungal, Itrazol, Oranit, Rumiko, Candidal


Nizoral, Mycosoral, Fungames, Oronasal

Pills Nystatin

Tablets Pimafucin

Side effects. The preformed antifungal drugs can cause side effects. The most vulnerable digestive system. Possible diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, unpleasant painfulsensation in the abdomen, violation of the liver, a change of taste.

Side effects associated with the nervous system, are manifested as allergic reactions, seizures, headaches and dizziness. The most frequent and serious complications have medicines, which contains Itraconazole.

Most oral antifungal means can not be taken during lactation and pregnancy, disorders of the liver, renal failure and hypersensitivity. Antifungal agents are appointed only in cases where local treatment is not enough and requires complex therapy.

A list of the best home remedies for yeast infection you can find here

Diet for thrush in women

During the treatment of thrush should be excluded from the diet of some products:

  • any dishes that contain large amounts of sugar;
  • sweet fruits and fruit juices;
  • white bread, pasta, flour products because they contain starch processed by the body to glucose — the nutrient medium for bacteria;
  • any products with yeast, because it will only increase the amount of fungi in the body.

In more detail: what you can and cannot eat with a yeast infection

On the contrary, yogurt with a high content of active bacteria would be welcome. Micro-organisms are good competitors for fungi and will complicate their lives. Doctors say that regular use of yogurt helps to reduce the risk of developing candidiasis of almost 40%. The main thing that they were unsweetened.