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Guide to douching with baking soda of the yeast

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Douche is only necessary in case of detection of infection, allergic reactions and altered hormonal levels. It should be noted that the main purpose of irrigation is to remove from the vagina by liquid jets, foreign inclusions, this procedure during a yeast infection has a quite a wide popularity.

Treatment of fungal infection

Treatment of candidiasis is often in addition to medication external and internal action, accompanied by daily irrigation with the use of soda solution. The effectiveness of such a solution due to the radical change of the acid-alkaline balance in the vagina. Like any fungus, Candida prefers an environment with high acidity. Soda, by and large, can be considered as the alkali, for this reason, a systematic cleaning and douching in the treatment process will not allow the fungus to grow and multiply, and after a certain period of time, and did destroy it microfiber.

From a physiological point of view, the solution of soda allows after only a few sessions to get rid of all the unpleasant symptoms of yeast infection at home. Thanks to this solution disappear white cheesy discharge, no burning, itching, is pain during urination.

It is necessary to emphasize that the healing is not enough just to douche and wash. To cure candidiasis can only be under the control of the attending physician with the use of medicated antifungal, antiseptic and immunopositivity drugs.

How is the procedure?

1. To carry out this procedure at home, you should buy a syringe or a mug Esmarch rubber tubes. To purchase all these items at your local pharmacy. Before irrigation, "equipment" should be disinfected with alcohol, then washed with boiled water. Each of the parts in contact with the body should be thoroughly disinfected.

2. Then warm the solution (it should be in advance to prepare) against thrush is typed into a mug Esmarch or the syringe, which is fixed at the height 75 inches over the lower back. In order to perform the procedure you need 200 to 300milliliters of liquid.

3. After that you should lie on your back, bend your knees and raise them in different directions. To make the entrance of the syringe into the vagina more relaxed, the vagina can be treated with lanolin or vaseline. From the tube of the syringe should release the remaining air, and then carefully and slowly introduce her to a depth of 4-7 inches in the vagina. Conduct douching should be made with extreme caution: jet of the solution should not be strong and powerful, otherwise the solution can get into the uterus, which should not be allowed. It needs to be injected with the pressure to 200-300 ml of fluid, enough for 15 – 20 minutes of the procedure.

4. In the next 30 to 40 minutes after infusion of the solution should be to try not to move, it is recommended to spend this time in a horizontal position. After this the vagina should be treated with antifungal ointment.

5. At the end of the procedure should decontaminate the syringe from the inner side with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and on the outside wipe it with alcohol.

If you still have questions about how to douche against candidiasis in the home, it is most appropriate to ask them during the visit to the gynecologist.

Preparation of a liquid for rinsing of the vagina

To prepare the solution against candidiasis is not a very difficult task. This will require a deep pot. Mix in it a teaspoon of iodine, a tablespoon of baking soda and add a liter of warm water. After this, the solution needed to mix well. Should interfere until then, until the grains of baking soda dissolved in water (this is necessary to ensure the best therapeutic effect and prevent damage to the walls of the vagina).

To cure candidiasis with a solution of iodine and soda, should not only wash, but also to make therapeutic baths. It is realized in the following way: a solution of warm water, soda and iodine (the same recipe) should be poured into a small bowl. After this you need to sit in this basin for at least 15 minutes. Such procedures are quite effective.

You should not stop treatment at the moment will disappear as soon as the disturbing symptoms. The procedure should be performed at least 5 to 6 times, and sometimes longer – up until fibers of the fungus is not entirely destroyed.

What you need to pay attention

To treat this disease should not only woman but also man (sexually transmittedby). During treatment it is better to avoid love meetings. Do not forget that, by douching and washing with soda solution against candidiasis, changes in the natural balance of the acid-alkaline environment of the vagina. Even when the thrush was cured, the vagina will prevail alkaline environment that is a fertile ground to conceive a child. So, that is to say, you can kill two birds with one stone.

Many women use douching with baking soda as an additional factor for conception. The effect soda has on the grounds that the vagina is initially dominated by the acidic environment, while the environment of the sperm is alkaline. For this reason, many sperm die because of the simplest chemical reactions. Soda, in turn, facilitates the sperm journey to the egg, making the vaginal environment alkaline.

Summing up, I want to stress again that the conduct of the described procedures is a required way to coordinate with your doctor. Despite the high efficiency of the treatment with soda solution, often there are cases when doctors strictly prohibit douching. The procedure is strictly contraindicated recently have given birth and pregnant women who are diagnosed with erosion or other diseases of the genital organs.