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Effective drops in a nose from a cold

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Vasoconstrictive drops in the nose from a cold

Drops with vasoconstrictor effect, are the most popular means for the treatment of rhinitis in children of early age. These drugs however, only in the form of a spray are used for adults and children older than six years.

Their principle of operation is quite simple: when applied to the mucous membrane lining inside the nose, occurs a marked narrowing of the blood vessels. Swelling subsides and people can once again breathe through the nose, as barriers to the ingress of air into the lungs for the duration of the drops will not exist.

Another effect, which possess vasoconstrictor drops is to reduce the speed of the production of mucus. It is not a liquid and it is easier to breathe.

However, it is worth remembering that any statement that is included with all drops having a vasoconstrictor effect, warns users of long-term use of funds. Period of time, which allows the use of drops and sprays without concern for the development of addiction ranging from 3 days to a week.

For occasional use of side effects usually do not develop. Dangerously prolonged and regular use. Develops a kind of dependence of vessels of the nose from the main active substance included in the composition of the drug. When applied, they narrowed the release dose – dilate, swelling and couldn't breathe. Sometimes increased swelling even from the drops.

To avoid such serious consequences, you need to treat a cold as soon as it began to develop.

Because in addition to getting used to, vasoconstrictors can cause:

  • To the malnutrition of the mucous membrane of the nose (the constant use of drops for chronic runny nose).
  • thinning of the vessel walls, increasing their fragility. This leads to the fact that the increased risk of injury. So, the blood vessels can be damaged even if the rise in blood pressure, which will cause a nosebleed. (see also: nose bleed - first aid and treatment)

  • Arrhythmia, palpitations, headaches, sleep disturbance, nausea, depression – all side effects that may occur with an overdose of the drug.

In addition, it is forbidden to use any nose drops, have vasoconstrictor effect with hypertension, hyperthyroidism, disease of the heart and blood vessels. If a woman is breastfeeding, should consult the specialist if she could use some medication to stop the runny nose.

The basic rules to be followed during the application of drugs with vasoconstrictor effect:

  • They are not allowed to use regularly.
  • The application must be justified. The drug should be administered only in the case when the respiration is seriously hampered.
  • Feeling the symptoms of a cold, you can try to eliminate puffiness by using breathing exercises and massage, without the use of drops.
  • Day better to use drugs that retain its effect for four hours, as a state of complete congestion during wakefulness is rare.
  • On the night time to use the drug prolonged action (up to 12 hours).
  • To the extent possible, we need to minimize the contact time with the medicine and the frequency of its use. It is important to remember that most difficult to breathe during the initial stage of the disease.
  • When you get better, you should try to do without the drops. To help alleviate the symptoms and accelerate recovery of pulmonary and introduction into the nose of a weak saline solution.


Most often to help you breathe easier during the common cold use nasal drops with the main active ingredient called Xylometazoline.

There are several drugs, with different names, but each of them basic ingredient is Xylometazoline:

  • Galazolin. Itavailable in many dosage forms: drops and gels for use by adults and children.
  • Spray a cold "Llanos".
  • Spray a cold "Rinonorm".
  • Spray a cold "ksimelin".

As for sprays, they allow more accurate dosing of the drug due to the convenience and ease of use. Savings is another advantage of the use of sprays.

In addition, there is a much smaller number of side effects among people who use for getting rid of cold preparations in the form of sprays. With regard to the duration of action of all drugs on the basis of Xylometazoline, it averages four hours.


Oxymetazoline is another drug that has a vasoconstrictor effect and helps to get rid of a cold. Sprays based on it are long enough. The effect of a single application can last up to 12 hours.

However, before applying, it is important to ensure that the patient has no contraindications to its introduction into the nasal cavity:

  • The period of gestation;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • The age of one year;
  • Disorders in the kidneys.

Drugs that produce on the basis of Oxymetazoline:

  • Nazivin. It can be purchased separately for adults and separately for children of different ages. The drug remains unchanged, however, the concentration of the main active ingredient is chosen taking into account age peculiarities of different categories of patients. For adults Nazivin can be purchased in spray form and in the form of drops. For children the drug is produced only in the form of drops.
  • Spray Good.
  • Spray Nazol. The drug Nazol advans, in addition to having in its composition Oxymetazoline, is supplemented with components that will help to reduce the feeling of dryness in the nasal passages.
  • Spray Pazin, which produces a Russian manufacturer.


Naphazoline acts as decongestants not more than six hours. The drug, manufactured on its basis, are the most inexpensive of the total number of similar drugs, among them:

  • Dropsemulsion nasal spray are all forms of a drug called Sanorin. In addition to the main active ingredient – not effective, this drug is additionally enriched with paraffin oil, eucalyptus essential oil and boric acid. Due to these components increases the efficiency of Sanorin and decrease its side effects.
  • Nasal drops Naphazoline.

Modern drugs able to exert a vasoconstrictor effect, are:

  • Glycine, which can be purchased in the form of a spray or drops. The main active substance in it is tetrazolyl belonging to the group of imidazolines. In pediatric patients administered to children who have crossed the age limit in two years. The duration of its action is quite large and can reach 8 hours. Often this drug on the basis of tetrizolina can help to resume breathing when other means prove ineffective.
  • Farial, the active ingredient of which is indanazoline. Produced product in the form of a spray. It cannot be used by children under seven years of age and people with closed glaucoma.

Moisturizing nose drops nasal

Nasal drops to moisturize the nasal mucosa, are not drugs. They have not therapeutic, but rather a helper function. Through their use, can improve the properties of mucus and to make its separation easier.

The maximum effect can be achieved if to use means for moistening in combination with other drugs for the treatment of rhinitis. This is especially true in the treatment of atrophic rhinitis chronic nature.

Moisturizer is prepared on the basis of water from mineral sources or from sea water. They contain not only salt but also a variety of trace elements such as iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper. They help the cilia of the nasal mucosa to actively move, normalizes the functioning of glands located in the nose move.

Apply moisturizer almost without restriction. They have no ingredients that can cause side effects. Therefore, if a barrier to normal air flow in the nasal passages is not the edema of the mucosa, and the abundance of mucus, it is more efficient to wash the nose with saline spray than to use the drops or spray vasoconstrictor effect.

Moisturizer to get rid of a cold:

  • Other types of pain.
  • Salin.
  • AquaMaris.
  • Marker.

Nose drops for edema and allergies

With the aim of increasing the effect of the use of vasoconstrictor drops, manufacturers add substances that have antihistamine effect. This helps eliminate swelling and relieves allergic reactions, if any. Significant relief from the use of such drugs can get a person suffering from allergic rhinitis, however, their use for colds.

Among these preparations:

  • Vibrocil, produced by the Swiss company. It is often used in pediatric practice to address symptoms of nasal congestion in children. This drug can be found in three forms of release it is released: as a gel, as a spray and as drops. It is not recommended to use more than seven consecutive days.
  • Sanorin-Analerginmade by the Czech producers. The drug is one form of release – only in the form of drops. An overdose of this remedies can cause drowsiness and slow reaction. Therefore, it is recommended to bury before the night's rest. As I suffered, this drug should not be used more than a week.
  • Rinofluimutsil – a new drug combined action, which is produced by the Italian manufacturer. It can facilitate breathing through the nose by thinning thick secretions, discharge from the nose. In addition, the drug has a mild vasoconstrictor effect. This remedy is best to start to apply when a common cold lasts is the third or fourth day.

  • For external use – tablets from the cold from the Indian manufacturer. While taking the drug, be aware that it can cause increased sleepiness.
  • Orinol – combination drug for the common cold manufactured in pill form. He is able to ease breathing, but also causes drowsiness.

Antibacterial drops and ointments for the common cold

When it is necessary in addition to the vasoconstrictive effect to get an additional antimicrobial effect, it is possible to use combination drugs, including:

  • Dr. theis, Natollin. It includes not only Xylometazoline, and eucalyptus oil, which has antimicrobial action.
  • Pinosol. This drug is available in the form of a spray, drops, creams, ointments and capsules bath. The preparation consists of a mixture of different oils that are derived from medicinal plants. These drops are not addictive and can help in the fight against many bacteria and viruses.

  • Baktroban, the drug is available in the form of ointments. The main active ingredient has activity against staphylococci. To apply the ointment, it is advisable to appearance of purulent discharge from the nose, in the long-term persistent rhinitis. With the purchase of the drug is important to clarify that the patient must be a means for nasal administration, as there are Took the form of ointment, but for the treatment of skin diseases. Her nose lay is prohibited.
  • Polideksa with fenilafrinom is a product of combined action, which is able to exert anti-inflammatory effects and vasoconstrictive effect at the same time. It includes antibiotic and phenylephrine as the vasoconstrictor component. Form release spray. However, Politeca not suitable for the treatment of viral colds, it should not be used in gestation, when kidney problems, and during lactation. Age limit – 2.6 years.

Hormonal nasal drops

If the patient suffers from allergic rhinitis, accompanied by a heavy current, it is possible to use sprays for the nose with a hormonal component.

Among these preparations:

  • Nasonex. This spray is performance. The effect can be felt after only 12 hours after the first administration of the drug. The usability of the tool is that it is equipped with a manual dispenser, this allows you to avoid overdose. Since the medicinal substance is introduced locally into the body, it has no effect. Perhaps the use in children three years of age.

  • Almost four years. Available with 6 years.

  • Nasobek. the drug children are allowed after 6 years.

  • Flixonase. the reception is possible after the patient is 3 years old.

It is worth remembering that drugs are part of the hormonal component can only be used after consultation with a doctor. Casethat uncontrolled prolonged use, may reduce the immune protection of mucous membrane of the nose. This becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and mycotic organisms.

Herbal nasal drops

In medicines for the common cold of plant origin and includes a variety of essential oils, most commonly menthol or peppermint oil. At its introduction into the nasal cavity, the patient receives a refreshing and antiseptic effect. Menthol is not able to eliminate the swelling of the mucosa, but its use has the effect of facilitating respiration by influencing receptors of the nose.

Sinupret – the preparation of combined action. It contributes to liquefaction of sputum, relieves inflammation and has an expectorant and mucolytic action. By reducing swelling, is more easy discharge of fluid from the paranasal sinus.

Sinupret can be used from early childhood with two years. It has antiviral activity, increases the resistance of the mucosa of the nose and throat to the effects of pathogenic agents. You can find the medication in the drops and pills.

Homeopathic nasal drops

Homeopathic remedies are also often used for the treatment of rhinitis, triggered by SARS. Drugs are produced in the form of drops, sprays, syrups, pills, etc.

The effects on the body is complex – removing edema, improving immune resistance, elimination of viruses. If the disease is in the acute phase, medication should be frequent – every 15 minutes during the first two hours. The dosage depends on the age.

Among the most famous drugs in this group:

  • EDAS-131.
  • Euphorbium Compositum.

They are used by many proponents of homeopathic remedies, however, to judge the effectiveness difficult. Each drug should be chosen depending on the individual characteristics of the organism and the disease. It is therefore possible that drugs do not justify their hopes of a particular person.

Antiviral drops in the nose from a cold

Nose drops from the common cold with antiviral effect – excellent tool for the prevention and therapy of colds during the initialstages of virus infection. They impact exactly on the reproduction of viruses, thanks to active components isolated from donor blood and are created through genetic engineering.

With the threat of infection such funds can be used as a preventative. Their reception continues until such time as the threat is eliminated.

As for the treatment of viral rhinitis, the funds should be used immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms.

To antiviral drugs include:

  • Grippferon – solution for instillation into the nasal cavity.
  • Arbidol in the form of capsules.
  • Tamiflu in capsule form.
  • Rimantadine in pill form.
  • Kipferon in the form of rectal suppositories.
  • Viferon in the form of rectal suppositories.

Nasal drops on the basis of silver

Reduce inflammation, provide antiseptic effect, quickly and effectively to eliminate protracted rhinitis helps drops, which is composed of silver. They should also be applied in the initial stages of hypertrophic rhinitis chronic nature.

Such tools include:

  • Protargol in 2% solution, a form of output – drops.
  • Collargol in a 2% solution dosage form – drops.

Both medicines is colloidal silver. When getting to the inflamed mucosa is astringent effect and weakly expressed anti-inflammatory effect.

Antibacterial nasal drops

If rhinitis is complicated by the accession of bacterial flora, or there is a complication of sinusitis or sinusitis, it is advisable to the administration of antibacterial drugs.

Among them:

  • Bioparox spray.
  • Framycetin, aerosol.
  • Fusafungin, aerosol.
  • Mupirocin, available in the form of drops and ointment for the nose.

When the drug is used in aerosol form, its tiny particles penetrate into deep sections of the nose. They have an antibacterial effect, reduce inflammation and destroy bacteria. Aerosols available for use even for women who are breastfeeding, because it acts locally, without affecting the body.

When to call a doctor?

How to treat chronic rhinitis depends on the etiology of the disease. Often requires the use of drugs in combination with application of methods designed to strengthen the body. Not extra are physiotherapy. If integrated treatment is not giving the desired effect, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

Modern medicine increasingly uses for the treatment of cold laser. It allows you to eliminate the swelling of mucous, reduce exudate, relieve breathing.

When the cause of chronic rhinitis is allergic, need help consult an allergist. He will perform the necessary diagnostic procedures, and will select the optimal therapeutic regimen.

If the runny nose continues for more than a month – this is the reason for going to the audiologist.

In addition, a visit to a specialist should not be delayed in the following cases:

  • After 14 days of treatment nasal breathing is not normal;
  • Experience intermittent headaches;
  • Worried about tearing and stinging in the eyes;
  • The General condition violated;
  • Content, discharge from the nose has purulent.

These symptoms clearly indicate the development of complications and require professional treatment.

Drugs for the treatment of rhinitis there are many, but to apply them reasonably necessary. It is not necessary to use all drugs at once, hoping that some will produce a therapeutic effect. It is dangerous complications and side effects. Optimal initiation of therapy common cold is an appeal to the specialist and not self-selection of drugs.