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Than rinse your nose with a cold?

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In the cold season, when the number of colds and respiratory catarrh, accompanied by fever, rises sharply, it becomes a problem of elimination of nasal secretions and nasal congestion, as these symptoms are difficult breathing, interfere with normal healthy sleep and can also cause a lot of complications.

Many wonder what to wash the nose with a cold? There are many effective ways, one of which is flushing of the nasal passages normal salt water that allows you to relieve nasal congestion, ease breathing, reduce mucus.

How to wash the nose when cold?

For maximum cleansing nasal cavities from mucus and the pathogens that contribute to the development of inflammatory processes and runny nose, use nasal rinses. This is not a complicated procedure, but it should spend wisely, not to harm their health and not to provoke the development of possible complications like otitis media. Correctly perform necessary actions will of any person. For independent nasal lavage at home you can use one of the options listed below.

Easy way

Pharmaceutical solution for nasal lavage or boiled water with salt to draw hands or pour into a saucer, bend over and slowly pull the liquid first through one nostril, pressing the other finger to pick my nose and do the same with the other nostril. Then caught in the mouth cavity liquid need to spit and rinse the mouth with simple boiled water to remove any mucus, and drug. For washing use only warm, room temperature solution, while retraction of the fluid the mouth is recommended to keep open. With a strong fever the procedure should be carried out every two hours.

Method with lavage of the nasopharynx

Rhinitis accompanied by purulent processes, i.e. sore throat, enlarged tonsils etc. are also effectively treated with nasal irrigation that kills pathogenic flora, removes plaque, which is characteristic for inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.

For the procedure you will need:

  • Prepare a saline solution at the rate of one-third teaspoon of salt per Cup of boiled water or buy in a drugstore ready means on the basis of sea salt;
  • To fill the syringe, medical bag (always with a soft tip) or syringe with irrigation solution;
  • To bend at a right angle above some capacity (bath, basin, etc.), open your mouth, sticking the tongue;
  • To enter a tip of a pear, a Turkey Baster or syringe into the nostril and slowly squeeze their contents to the fluid passing through the nose, out the mouth.

After the procedure you need to blow your nose and do the same steps with the other nostril. For proper operation should be to turn your head sideways and pour the solution into the nostril that was higher, that is, turning the head to the left, you have to clean the right half of the nasal cavity, and Vice versa. If washing is done correctly, a small portion of solution injected is output from the opposite nostril, and the liquid through your mouth.

It is very important to pour the liquid to wash very slowly, otherwise the pressure of the jet may cause the spread of infection that caused the runny nose to the middle ear, which is fraught with complications.

After the procedure should be to remove remaining solution of mucus and pathogens from the nasopharynx by bismarckiana. Observing all these simple rules, you can significantly ease breathing and get rid of a cold for a few days.

Folk remedies for nasal

Among the folk remedies for the common cold there are many recipes for nasal irrigation, which are not only effective, but also more secure compared to medicines since cause fewer side effects. Herbal decoctions and infusions of for washing the nose contribute to the dilution and excretion of mucus, have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

The solution for nasal lavage can be prepared based on different ingredients:

  • Of honey;
  • Beet juice;
  • Bow;
  • Chamomile;
  • Sage;
  • Series;
  • Calendula;
  • Eucalyptus.

For the preparation of decoctions or infusions of herbs for nasal lavageyou need to take one tablespoon of dry raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes or let stand about half an hour. The solution can consist of one ingredient or a mixture of healing components that only enhance its effectiveness. For nasal herbal infusions used several times a day.

For the treatment of serious running fever it is recommended to do the rinsing beet juice mixed with honey in the ratio 1:2. To the mixture add the same amount of boiled water. This solution nasal wash twice a day, and after two hours after each procedure to do the washing with boiled water.

Important before using folk remedies to ensure no allergies to ingredients in the therapeutic solution.

Medications for nasal lavage

In addition to recipes of traditional medicine for nasal use ready-made medicines that help in combating congestion and runny nose.

Furatsilin for rinsing the nose

Furatsilin is one of the main tools that are actively used for nasal lavage.

In pharmacies can buy ready-made solution furatsilina or the drug in the tablets, the solution of which is prepared as follows:

  • Crush two tablets furatsilina;
  • 200 milliliters of boiled water to heat to a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • Mix the powder obtained from tablets, with water;
  • Drain.

Lavage of the sinuses with furacilin is carried out three times a day for five to seven days. This simple tool is an excellent antiseptic, is not inferior in efficacy of expensive drugs.

Saline and drugs based on it

Saline (saline) is widely used in medicine for various treatments – as an antibacterial agent for the treatment of wounds and abrasions as an anti-inflammatory agent in diseases of the eye. For the treatment of rhinitis, it is used in inhalations with nebulizer and lavage of the sinuses. He gently open nasal passages and thins mucus, which contributes to more rapid excretion.

Saline is an inexpensive tool, its free you can buy at the pharmacy or make your own. To prepare the saline will need a liter of boiled water and a teaspoon of salt. Components needed to mix well and strain. This tool is not sterile, but it is quite suitable for the procedure of flushing.

To disturb a recipe is not necessary, highly concentrated saline solution may have a negative impact on the course ofdiseases and cause complications.

The saline is included with many medicines, nasal – drops, sprays, solutions for rinsing. Among them the most popular are Dolphin, Kviks, Phrase, Akva Maris, Otrivin, etc. But in addition to saline in their composition are additional substances that increase the efficacy of the drug, for example, extracts and extracts of medicinal plants that, in General, reflected in the price.

Nasal lavage in children recommended special tools, which are sold in pharmacies as they are equipped with a convenient bottle for easy and safe irrigation of the mucosa.

Contraindications to the nasal lavage

Any therapeutic effect on the body, nasal rinses – no exception shall be by the recommendation of a doctor, in order not to complicate the situation. This is because even such a simple procedure has some contraindications.

It is impossible to hold a nasal wash when:

  • Severe edema of the nasal cavity, causing obstruction;
  • Tumors of the nasal mucosa;
  • The deviated septum;
  • Predisposition to nosebleeds;
  • Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media); (see also: causes and symptoms of otitis media how to treat it?);

  • Existing perforation of the eardrum;
  • Individual intolerance of the drug components for washing.

Thus, the correct choice can be done only after a diagnostic study, which is only possible when referring to a specialist.