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The treatment of nephritis

Treatment jade folk remedies

Treatment of the nephritis drug charges

For the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys with traditional methods herbalists have long used medicinal herbal preparations. Below are the most popular recipes these healing potions.

Collection 1. The essential ingredients of this collection are birch leaves and strawberries, flax seeds and leaves of nettles are dioecious. Components, taken in equal quantities, interconnected, mixed and milled. A Cup of boiling water add a tablespoon of the mixture, cover and keep in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Before you strain the drug, it must be cool. It is enough to 45 minutes. To drink a medicinal infusion should 15 minutes before a meal, couple of glasses a day. Glomerulonephritis infusion will help to relieve inflammation and allergies, will have a diuretic effect and will provide the body with vitamins.

Collection 2. You will need parsley roots, fennel fruit, roots of medicinal asparagus and fragrant celery. The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts, crushed and added tablespoon of the mixture into a container with cold water (300 ml). Insist the drug for six hours, then boiled for 10 minutes and filtered through a layer of gauze and wool. Decoction drink during the day for a few SIPS.

Collection 3. Mix the root of the ash is high (30 g), cowberry leaves (10 g), hop cones of the ordinary (5 g), marjoram (10 g ) and pour in the liter of water. Boil need no more than an hour. Then strain the decoction and drink half a Cup three times a day. The collection helps in the treatment of acute and chronic pyelonephritis.

Collection 4. Hypertensive form of chronic nephritis is used to treat a collection of the roots of comfrey (10 g), grass Rue (20 g), motherwort (25 g) and shepherd's purse (10 g ). Spoon collection pour boiling water (300 ml) and left to steep for three to four hours. Then the drug tsedyat and drink half a Cup three times a day.

5. For the preparation of this collection it is necessary to connect the leaves mother and stepmother (30 g), the herb St. John's wort (25 g), yarrow flowers (25g) and nettle leaves (20 g). The mixture is pulverized, stirred and brewed a tablespoon in a Cup of boiling water for a couple of hours. Then the drug tsedyat and drink in two doses at half Cup. The course of treatment is 25 days. It is useful to take this fee in the period of remission in chronic pyelonephritis.

Collection 6. Comfrey, flax seed, genista tinctoria (grass) and bearberry leaves (2 of each component) is mixed with BlackBerry leaves and juniper fruits (1 part). The mixture is ground in a coffee grinder or grinder and put a tablespoon in a bowl of boiling water (200 ml). Herbal cook on low heat for 10 minutes, leave for an hour and filtered. You can ease the symptoms of acute nephritis, taking a third of a Cup of the decoction three times a day.

Collection 7. Take 3 parts herb viola tricolor and marigold flowers and connect with the kidneys black poplar and grass shepherd's purse (1 of each component). Grind the mixture and pour a tablespoon in a Cup of boiling water. To insist medication is recommended at least one hour. Pyelonephritis is recommended to take two teaspoons of tincture three times a day before meal (for 15 minutes).

Collection 8. One part flowers of cornflower and birch buds mixed with two parts of bearberry leaves and four parts leaves of bean trefoil. A couple of teaspoons collection pour boiling water (200 ml) and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the broth must strain and drink 100 ml three times a day.

The treatment of jade bearberry, and Basil

In chronic nephritis, traditional medicine recommends the infusion of bearberry. You can cook it in three ways. Half an hour to brew a tablespoon of the herb in Cup of boiling water. Drink this infusion a tablespoon five times a day after meals.

The second method of preparation: a tablespoon bearberry pour cold water ( 0.5 l ) and boil on low heat until then, until the ferry will not leave one-third of the liquid. Drink the decoction three times a day. Also bearberry leaves combined with the leaves of a cowberry (for 25 g each ingredient), fill in with cold boiled water (2 l), heated to 70 ° and evaporated. The broth can be considered finished when the amount of liquid with two liters reduced to one. Drink the medicine three times a day for 50 ml.

It is important to know that UVA URSI is contraindicated in patients with glomerulonephritis and pregnant women.

Also wheninflammation of the kidneys and edema useful three times a day for 1/3—1/2 Cup to drink the infusion of cornflower blue. It is brewed in boiling water (400 ml) and insist to cool.

Treatment jade berries and fruit

Some berries can help patients in the fight against inflammation of the kidneys.

Berries of cowberry are washed in cold water and twist in a meat grinder. Then the raw material is mixed with sugar in equal proportions (1 kg cranberries on 1 kg sugar). The mixture is spread in jars and put in the fridge after covering with parchment paper. This is a tasty and useful tool used to treat chronic pyelonephritis. Before taking, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of boiled water. Drink this juice is not more than three times a day.

Strawberries is also used to treat inflammatory processes. To do this, in equal amounts (for 10 g) need to take its leaves and fruits, pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Then the broth should infuse for a couple of hours. Drink the medicine three times a day for 1 tablespoon.

Watermelon has always been considered an effective diuretic. In addition to the pulp of the watermelon, you can brew it fresh crust. This tool helps to cope with edema in nephritis.

Quince is also often used for the treatment of nephritis. To prepare the broth should take half tablespoon of dried leaves and seeds of quince, pour boiling water (200 ml) and 5 minutes to cook on a slow fire. Tsedyat broth, studet and add honey to taste. Drink a spoonful of medication in 4 doses per day.

Treatment jade birch and horsetail

When inflammation of the kidneys is useful to drink an infusion of young birch leaves. To do this, the leaves are ground, take 100 g and pour warm boiled water (200 ml). The drug must be infused for 5-6 hours. After that, his tail, squeeze the leaves and drink half a Cup before meals. The adult dose is 100 ml.

Folk healers have long known diuretic properties of horsetail. A couple of teaspoons of herbs pour boiling water (200 ml) and leave for an hour. Then tsedyat the infusion and drink during the day a pair of swallows.

The mixturebirch and horsetail – the best folk remedy for treating nephritis. The horsetail grass is mixed with birch leaves in equal amounts, poured 2 tablespoons and pour boiling water (two cups). Medicine insist, referring to himself and drink for 3 times.

Contra-indications: horsetail is contraindicated in acute nephritis! As it can cause irritation of the kidneys

Treatment jade parsley and pumpkin

Two thick crushed parsley root, cut and pour the water and milk (500 ml each component). The mixture is boiled and studyat. Take half a Cup three times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days, then you need to make a month pause. This medicine is suitable for treating chronic inflammation of the kidneys.

Use for the treatment of nephritis pumpkin. The fetus is cut off the top portion and remove fibers and seeds. Pre-prepared mixture of sunflower oil and sugar (for 250 g each ingredient) is poured inside, cover with top and baked in the oven. Followed by pumpkin peel and pound to a homogeneous mass. Such a mess you need to eat 3 times a day for one tablespoon.

Treatment nephritis diet

Diet is a key part in the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys. The first couple of days the patient shows a hunger: he should drink only 2 cups of sugar water (for 50 g sugar in 1 Cup). After that in the diet limit the consumption of salt (to 5 g of salt per day), meat and liquid (up to 1.5 l).

Patients recommended hot diaphoretic infusions, use of laxatives means. Reduces swelling apply milk diet. To avoid bloating in milk add baking soda. Vegetables, fruit, and crackers are eaten without salt. Eat pumpkin and pumpkin porridge.

In chronic nephritis in remission you can not eat salty, fatty and smoked food. Nephritis patients is contraindicated radish, peas, and sea Kale. To drink well suited infusion of rose hips (a couple of glasses a day).