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Causes and symptoms low hemoglobin

Why do people decreases the level of hemoglobin? Why pharmacy drugs not always help, and sometimes even harmful and how to avoid it? How easy it is to increase the hemoglobin at home? You will learn it in this article.

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Symptoms of low hemoglobin

How can a person determine the decrease in hemoglobin? First and foremost is the presence of meningitic symptoms: the patient feels General weakness, quickly gets tired, he marked drowsiness, dizziness, possible headaches, disturbances of heart rate and blood pressure (reduced). In severe cases, patients can happen fainting.

When the decrease in hemoglobin is the result of a lack of iron in the body, marked dystrophic symptoms: dry skin, in the corners of the mouth develop cracks, nails and hair become brittle, fall out, grow back slowly. There may be disorders of smell and taste.

Mostly low hemoglobin is a sign of any disease. The most common of them:

  • chronic iron deficiency anemia;
  • blood loss;
  • thinning of the gastric mucosa (chronic atrophic gastritis);
  • inflammation of the gut, dysbiosis (chronic enteritis);
  • iron deficiency anemia after operations.
  • autoimmune diseases (lupus, glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • prolonged infectious diseases (hepatitis, gastroenterokolit, tuberculosis, pneumonia, inflammation of the kidneys, etc.);

  • malignant pathology of the blood;
  • malignant neoplastic lesions, particularly of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Determination of hemoglobin

    Hemoglobin is a complex compoundiron and protein. It is located in red blood cells – red blood cells. Hemoglobin plays an important body function – the transfer of molecules of oxygen to all organs and tissues. It captures oxygen in the lungs and conducting further oxidation by passing it all the necessary structures. The oxygen required by the body for life support, collection and exchange of energy and recovery reactions.

    For the production of hemoglobin you need to eat iron-containing food. It is also important that the iron is normally absorbed in the small intestine. It is extremely important that the contents of dietary b vitamins, especially vitamin B12 and folic acid. It is also important that in the blood was absent pathological changes, i.e. acquired or inherited blood diseases.

    The normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood of men is 130-160 g/l, in women 120-147 g/l in pregnant women the lower limit of normal hemoglobin is reduced to 110 g/L.

    What should be the hemoglobin?

    For normal hemoglobin accept values of different age, sex and other characteristics of a person.

    Is hemoglobin in grams per liter (g/l). For adult men normal is the indicator 130-170 g/l, when a woman is 120-155 g/l. This difference is due to the fact that men have a higher concentration of androgens (a special group of steroid hormones) that stimulate the formation of red blood cells. For pregnant women the normal range of hemoglobin reduced to 110-140 g/l, as the body begins to use iron more active.

    People under 18, the rate of hemoglobin differentiated by age and not gender specific. In the first two weeks of life is considered normal hemoglobin 135-195 g/l, then this drops to 125-165 g/l, and to one year reaches 110-130 g/l. After the hemoglobin level gradually increases by about 1-3 g/l per year (and lower and upper limits). For example, school age (6-7 years) he reaches 115-135 g/l, and by the age of 13-14 years – 120-145 g/l.

    A blood test can show the deviation of the hemoglobin concentration not only with metabolic disorders and various diseases, but also for other reasons. This use in that day or the day before of fatty, fried, alcohol, excessive mental or physical stress, certain medications, Smoking before analysis.

    Many people have observed reduced hemoglobin, that in 90% of cases is associated with iron deficiency anemia. This syndrome is characterized by approximately 30% of the population of the entire planet, especially for children and women.

    What is dangerous low levelhemoglobin?

    When low hemoglobin levels due to iron deficiency anemia may manifest plenty of symptoms. This weakness, malaise, decreased performance, dizziness. Often shortness of breath, heart palpitation, distorted taste and smell, mouth appear dry, and the tongue begins to pinch.

    Among the external signs of anemia, you may experience dryness and thinning hair, pale skin and lips, brittle and loss of luster of nails. Women may experience burning or itching of the genital (external) bodies. If a strong decrease in hemoglobin starts fainting and dizziness, constant headache, rapid fatigue, impaired attention. Often there is muscle relaxation, which sometimes leads to urinary incontinence.

    If the hemoglobin is below normal, then there are malfunctions of the immune system. This can lead to complications for any disease, even if it is a cold elemental.

    Low hemoglobin is common for most pregnant women. A strong deviation from the norm affects the health of both the female and its unborn child. Women have complications such as uterine atony, improper location of the placenta, hypoxia, delay or cessation of fetal development. From the unborn child may be low weight, underdevelopment, violations of respiratory and nervous system, subsequent abnormalities in physical and mental development, the atrophy of muscles and organs.

    If the hemoglobin in anemia reduced slightly, the problem can be solved by taking vitamins and changing your diet. It should be meat, fish, pomegranates, buckwheat, apples and freshly squeezed juices. By the way, from-for absence in the diet of meat vegetarians often observed reduced hemoglobin. More serious deviations from the norm are solved at the level of the drug.

    Often a decrease in hemoglobin indicates the presence of disease or other abnormalities in the body. It can be infection, hereditary pathology, impaired hemoglobin synthesis, reduced hemoglobin may be due to blood loss, not only obvious, but hidden, for example, in some diseases of the stomach or intestine, uterine fibroids, ovarian cyst.

    In any case, the decrease in hemoglobin from the norm you need to change your diet, and if a large deviation is to visit a specialist – hematologist.

    The digestibility of iron, what's the catch?

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    So why taking iron is additionally inside, we in most cases do not achieve results?

    Most of the drugs designed to replenish iron in the body are in the form of ferric iron. Unfortunately, this form is very trudnostyami and more likely to cause constipation and heaviness in stomach, what can help with this problem. The body absorbs only ferrous iron, but this drug is much more difficult to find.

    The second reason for the low absorption of iron lies in the casein. All dairy products contain a special protein – casein. It is glued together with iron and keeps him absorbed and simply excreted from the body. Therefore, another important condition is that all dairy products (milk, cheese, sour cream, yogurt, cream, fermented baked milk including dairy products) should be excluded from the diet, at least not to eat them within 5 hours before or after taking iron (if we talk about pharmaceutical drugs).

    Third, if you have reduced the acidity of the stomach, the iron will be worse assimilated. And the lower it is, the worse the effect!

    There is one important thing: if you have greatly reduced the iron in the first place, it will accumulate in the liver, and only then will appear in the blood, so it should take 1-2 months to half a year.

    Causes of low hemoglobin

    The body can lose hemoglobin for various reasons. The fastest this occurs when blood loss – both overt and hidden. Obvious bleeding happen during heavy and prolonged menstrual period (more than five days), hemorrhoids, various injuries, trauma or operations.

    Hidden bleeding is possible with some gastro-intestinal diseases, pathologies of the female reproductive system (ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, etc.). The decrease in hemoglobin and short life of red blood cells can lead to autoimmune disease, infection or hereditary diseases.

    Also low hemoglobin observed in blood donors (in systematic, personnel donation). In children, low hemoglobin may be the result of an unbalanced diet, poor in essential body vitamins and minerals.

    How to fill the iron levels to raise hemoglobin?

    Probably all heard that black caviar increases hemoglobin. Yes, it can even for one day to raise much hemoglobin, but not everyone can afford it, not to mention the fact that it is not so easy to sell on the market because its sale is prohibited. The sale of black caviar is onlythrough retail chain stores.

    There are more tools available. In dried fruits the amount of iron is much greater than in fresh, so it's easy to make at home "concentrate".

    Mix the dried apricots (or apricots), raisins (can add prunes), walnuts, lemon and honey. In a meat grinder or in a food processor, grind everything into a smooth mixture. To accept on a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

    It is useful to drink instead of tea infusion from rose hips, which also contains a lot of iron, not to mention the fact that the rosehip record the content of vitamin C. And vitamin C improves the absorption of iron in the manner as calcium in ionic form (not dairy products!)

    Make sure to eat every day grenades, can make juice from them. Despite the fact that they are low on iron, it is absorbed completely. But due to the huge number of other nutrients to the body will be easier to rise to his feet.

    If you are a fan of juices, focus on the juices of green apples and pumpkin juice.

    Topic: 5 super foods for a quick boost of hemoglobin!

    Video: elixir - a remedy for anemia, or is it hype?

    Treatment low hemoglobin

    To restore the hemoglobin is usually necessary treatment of concomitant disease. In addition, the patient needs intake of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Food should be rich in iron and animal protein. It is useful to eat fish, meat, eggs, combining them with complex carbohydrates (cellulose) found in fruits and vegetables. In severe cases this is not enough. Then the patient shows tablets and intravenous injection.

    To increase the level of hemoglobin, it is recommended to eat the liver, kidneys, heart, the white meat of chicken. From cereals give preference to buckwheat, beans, lentils, peas and other legumes. Among vegetables it is best to eat tomatoes, young potatoes, onions, pumpkin, lettuce. Any useful greens (parsley, dandelion, spinach, dill). Iron rich fruits: any apples, bananas, pomegranate, apricots, peaches, plums, persimmons and quince. Be sure to drink juices: pomegranate,beet, carrot. It is also useful eating seafood, nuts (especially walnuts), dried fruit, chocolate (black).