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Frostbite treatment

Frostbite treatment folk remedies

Folk medicine for the treatment of frostbite recommends the use of herbs, bee products, potatoes, animal fats.

Frostbite treatment using medicinal herbs

Calendula officinalis. Two tablespoons of flowers of calendula pour two cups of vodka and infuse for three days in a cool dark place. A cloth soaked in the tincture applied to the affected skin 2-3 times a day.

From marigold flowers can also prepare an ointment to treat frostbite and burns. For this one teaspoon of the raw material is mixed with 25 g of vaseline and leave for one hour in a warm place. Ointment smeared the affected skin 3-4 times a day.

Fir. Spruce needles pour two cups of water, taking five tablespoons of the crushed material. Followed by ten minutes to keep the drug on slow flame by closing it with a lid. Insisting the night, the composition is filtered and taken orally in the form of heat during the day in small portions.

The prickly Thistle. In half a liter of boiling water pour six tablespoons of herbs of the Thistle and kept on slow fire for five minutes. After removing from heat, insist one hour and filtered. Ready broth is adjusted to a volume of three liters, refilling water, and immersed in his injured limb for half an hour. The total amount of broth may be increased with aspect ratio.

Shepherd's purse. One tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiled water, cover and keep for half an hour in a water bath, then cooled and filtered. Ready broth stored for not more than two days. The cloth soaked in the decoction is applied to affected skin 3-4 times a day.

Treatment of frostbite with beeswax

For the preparation of an ointment based on beeswax it is necessary to take 100 g of wax, 500 ml of sunflower oil, 10 doncev onions and a handful of spruce sulfur. The stems of onions are cut along with husks.

Oil, wax and spruce sulfur is placed in an enamel bowl and cook for one hour on low heat. Half an hour later after the beginning of cooking the mix add the stems of the bow. After 30 minutes the solution is filtered hot through cheesecloth, folded in several layers, after which the ointment is cooled. Folk remedy for the treatment of frostbite is applied to the damagedareas of skin 3-4 times a day.

Frostbite treatment potato

Another recipe of traditional medicine for the treatment of frostbite is based on the healing properties of potatoes. To prepare the potato poultice and I need to exercise quickly just boiled with peel potatoes. Mashed potatoes should be hot, but in any case not to burn the skin. A compress applied to the frostbitten area and wrapped with cloth. Once the potato has cooled, it is removed and the skin is smeared with lemon juice, diluted with water in ratio of 1:5.

Treatment of frostbite with animal fat

Treatment of frostbite of the popular methods can be carried out using animal fats. Daily it is recommended to lubricate the affected skin cold hare or goose fat, it is better to alternate this procedure with the use of other traditional medicine.

To goose fat, you can add fresh grated turnip. For cooking tools for this recipe take two pieces of roots and one part fat. The finished mixture is applied to frostbitten areas of the skin several times a day.