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The degree of frostbite (frostbite)

Depending on the depth of the lesion of the skin there are four degrees of frostbite. The first two degrees relate to the surface, the following two – deep.

Classification of frostbite

In the diagnosis of frostbite classification helps in further treatment of the patient, defining features of the treatment of the disease.

When frostbite first degree is the disorder of blood circulation, tissue necrosis does not occur. The patient complains of pain in the skin damage, which can be pungent and very strong at the time of rewarming. Over time, in a warm room the skin reddens and becomes warm. In place of frostbite, there is a small swelling that goes on healthy tissue. Skin sensitivity and joint mobility are maintained. On the fifth or seventh day the symptoms pass.

Frostbite second degree skin suditsya, burns, tissue her tense. Symptoms persist for several days. At the site of damage bubbles are formed, in most cases it occurs in the first day, more rarely on the second, third or fifth day. Inside the bubble is transparent content. After removal of bubbles opens with red papillary layer, which may be covered with fibrin. The bottom of the bladder is very painful. Swelling of the tissues beyond the affected area on the skin.

Third degree frost bite is more serious and the symptoms persist for a long time. Such skin damage occurs after exposure to cold for extended periods of time. In the reactive period, the skin is cyanotic and cold. Bubbles appear infrequently, inside of them is hemorrhagic content. Extensive edema is formed in the first hours or day, and covers healthy skin areas, skin sensitivity is lost completely. The bottom bubble – blue-purple hue, it does not respond to the injections, the pain response does not appear and after contact with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Over time, the tissue nekrotizirutee, then place them the rejection forms a scar.

On the first day frostbite of the third degree does not differ from the frostbite last degree. Skin pale or cyanotic. Skin sensitivity is lost completely, extremities cool to the touch. In the first hours formed flabby dark bubbles with hemorrhagic content. Swelling develops rapidly (the first two hours after the startwarming) and spreads to the entire limb, its area is much larger than the area of necrosis. The next stage starts on dry or wet gangrene of the extremities. To distinguish between the last two degrees of frostbite in the first day pretty hard. Only a week later, after the swelling goes down, it becomes noticeable demarcation line separating damaged tissue from healthy, this symptom is the most characteristic of the fourth degree frostbite.