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Causes and prevention of fainting during pregnancy

Fainting in pregnancy

Fainting during pregnancy is usually the result of pressure reduction. Drop in blood pressure can be caused by hunger, heat, hot tub, emotional instability, fatigue, acute infections or exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pregnant women who have a tendency to a sharp drop in blood pressure, should try to avoid situations that may trigger this condition.

Causes of syncope in pregnancy

Lowering blood pressure during pregnancy notes every tenth woman. Mainly hypotension associated with hormonal changes. Risk factors include the low pressures at the woman before pregnancy. Increasing the load on the cardiovascular system and increase in circulating blood volume during pregnancy can cause pressure reduction below a critical level – 90/60 mm Hg. article

In the normal course of pregnancy lowering blood pressure in the first and second trimester is considered to be physiological, closer to leave these indicators back to the figures that were considered the norm for women before pregnancy.

Slightly low blood pressure, which the woman does not feel and which does not attach special significance, may be the cause of fainting during pregnancy, lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus, miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, the sharp pressure drop during pregnancy requires immediate medical attention, especially if the woman before pregnancy suffered from hypotonia.

Treatment of fainting during pregnancy

In mild cases, the treatment of fainting during pregnancy can performed on an outpatient basis. The goal of therapy will not increase the pressure to the generally accepted norms and improving the quality of life of the pregnant woman. To achieve good health helps avoiding harmful habits, healthy way of life.

To raise a tone of vessels helps the collection of medicinal plants, which can include St. John's wort, juniper, strawberry, wild rose, yarrow, chicory, birch, nettle, mint or currants. You can try the finished dosage forms of herbal preparations. It is recommended to take during pregnancy, 15-20 drops of extract of Eleutherococcus of tincture of aralia, schisandra, ginseng. Three times a day, you can take 2 tabletspantocrine or ginseng. Treatment with herbal drugs is two weeks, after a two week break, the course can be repeated.

Frequent fainting treatment of pregnant women carried out in the hospital: prescribe physiotherapy with the use of drugs that increase the tone of blood vessels, the treatment is carried out in the chamber.

Prevention of fainting during pregnancy

To preventive measures frequent fainting include a balanced diet. Emphasis in clinical nutrition is on the high content of protein and a varied diet, you must eat a fractional, small portions. It is important to observe sleep and rest. For hypotensive night sleep should last at least ten hours a day pregnant woman is recommended to rest for about two hours. Hypotension useful lessons in the pool, a cool shower, foot and hand contrast baths.

Pregnant you must also avoid situations which can cause fainting.