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The treatment of onychomycosis of folk remedies

The treatment of onychomycosis Kombucha.

Even in the villages when any disease of the nails used method of national treatment of onychomycosis – Kombucha. Take a small piece of Kombucha, peel it from the film and grind to a mushy state. Massage this fungus in the diseased nails. The procedure should be carried out two or three times a day. For each new procedure, use a new piece of mushroom.

And at night do the compresses. To do this, take Kombucha and leave it for three months. Infused mushroom is very good at helping to cure a fungal nail disease. Wet the limbs with sick nails in water, where it is necessary to add potassium permanganate or iodine, and then put the Kombucha to the affected area and tie a bandage. These packs are made at night, removed in the morning. Treated for four weeks.

The treatment of onychomycosis of the nails of air

One man is constantly sick with fungal nail infections. Most interesting is that pharmacy drugs helped quite a short time, relieved the pain for a couple of hours, but the disease never left. He for many years spent on the treatment of onychomycosis.

Once his brother had read in some newspaper that the onychomycosis can be treated with traditional methods using calamus. The treatment is very simple: you just need to drink a decoction of this plant. Do you also do mechanical cleaning of the nails once a week. Cut away rough skin constantly, trim the nails, clean them. After several weeks of this treatment the fungus started to go away. Gradually, the nails began to return to normal. Just for the treatment of men left year.

To prepare the broth, take the rhizome (you can buy in the pharmacy), chop it and one or two teaspoons of raw pour a hundred milliliters of boiling water. The composition boil for minutes, then strain. Take two or three times a day. Composition it is important to drink water because it has a very bitter taste.

Treatment of onychomycosis with tea tree oil

To cure onychomycosis,you will need undiluted tea tree oil. Take the dropper and drip one drop on the nail plate and under the nail. Thus treat three times a day. It is also helpful after this procedure to glue the nail with a band-aid.

You can enhance the action of the oil: mix one to one, tea tree oil and lavender oil. The composition should be rubbed into the diseased nails.

Now well help special medical tools, get rid of onychomycosis. But even in this case, you need to make soap-soda baths for nails, and then carry out mechanical cleaning of the nails once a week. The treatment is carried out until, until you grow new healthy nails. And it can take about six months.

Effective remedy for onychomycosis

Wet nails are affected by fungus, in water, in which you want to add potassium permanganate, and then RUB in the juice of garlic, you can also RUB the juice of hot peppers or onions.

You'll need a few weeks to get rid of the fungus. By the way, garlic is more effective folk remedy for treatment of onychomycosis.