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Treatment of uterine prolapse at home

A well-known gynaecologist from the US of A. Kegel in the middle of the last century proposed a simulator for efficient recovery of the muscles of the perineum in women with postpartum incontinence. He saw the cause of this disorder in a relaxed urethro-vaginal sphincter. Exercises, called Kegel exercises, are widely distributed in sources of information. Sometimes there may be doubt as to their authenticity, as several sources recommended this exercise as the "straining" that is unlikely to be recommended by a doctor to their patients who have suffered from similar torenia in childbirth.

The basic principles of gymnastics, declared A. Kegel:

  • Regular independent work the right muscles;
  • The use of load elasticity;
  • Monitoring of the results obtained by using perimetry.

Kegel exercises and urination. Get the wrong conviction that the basis of gymnastics Kegel is the interruption of urination. It is not so, because the start and stop of urine is one of the many ways to exercise the muscles of the perineum. In this process involved only the bulbous, spongy muscle, then as a doctor is strongly recommended to develop all the muscles of the pelvic floor.

The abuse of such an exercise may lead, according to the inventor of the method, "to anxiety, stress and loss of control." Many women perceive the exercise at the termination of urination, as a kind of test of the ability of the muscles to succumb to postpartum recovery. If they can not produce this exercise, you agree to surgery. Through this practice, surgeons incorrect reason to believe that exercises Kegel are useless.

The doctor determined 3 important step of his method:

  • The first step is a manual examination. The patient during the external examination should lie on your back with bent knees feet. The doctor examines her ability to pull at will tissue of the perineum.

  • The second step is vaginal examination. Its objective is the assessment of the development of the pubic-coccygeal muscles, as well as an evaluation of the ability of the patient to find and properly cut the desired muscles. The process switches between muscle, urethro-vaginal sphincter and muscles prianalnoy region of the pelvic floor. It is impossible to connect the abdominal muscles, hips, diaphragm, creating intra-abdominal pressure.

  • The third step is the introduction into the vagina exerciser Kegel to measure the strength of contractions of the muscles of vaginal region. The introduction of perimeter invented Kegel, isafter five to ten correctly executed cuts. This is the starting point of the third phase of the program.

Before the invention of perimeter in world practice, there was no similar tool of biofeedback to assess the strength of the muscles of the perineum. This device can be used as in medical practice, and independent application of his woman at home.

Kegel exercises and feedback. Dr. Kegel was convinced of the need of biological feedback with the use of perimetry. He repeatedly mentioned this in their works. Kegel on own experience was convinced that different women have different ability to reduce the muscles of the vaginal muscles. At the beginning of the exercises many patients are unable to create a pressure of a few millimetres. After strengthening the muscles of the perineum compression perimeter reaches 60-80 mm Hg. article and even greater than this value.

Kegel was convinced that the result of episodic training to become a minimum of achievement, while hard work will lead to a complete success. In addition, visible changes, as measured by perimetro, encouraging the woman to continue exercises.

The subjectivity of manual research. Manual data measure the strength of contractions of the perineum at the present stage are considered to be approximate values, having a gross error. There are more accurate instruments for measuring effort of the muscles of the pelvic floor, such as laser simulator VAGITON. But such simulators are deprived of the main advantages of Kegel exerciser – the ability to create the load elasticity. The very resistance of this resistance effectively pumps up the muscles of the pelvic floor.

How much to do? On the recommendation of the doctor should be perimetral placed into the vagina for at least 60 minutes a day. To be more precise, is only 300 cuts, three sets of 20 minutes. If you divide the total number of seconds (3600) by the number of repetitions (300), the rest work cycles lasting for 12 seconds. Instructions Kegel, the cycle consists of 6 seconds of contraction and 6 seconds break between contractions.

Total: 6-week rehabilitation course includes three 20-minute cycle every day for which you want to perform at least 300 contractions of the vaginal muscles.

Dr. Kegel claimed that the patient receives a powerful motivation, if he sees a daily increase of perimeter a few millimeters of mercury daily.

What is the efficiency? According to a study conducted by Dr. in 1950 in Los Angeles, of the 300 patients selected at random, 93% of women completely got rid of the weakness of the muscles of the pelvic floor and associated problems using itexercises. The other doctors, this figure reached 91%. All of these women were spared from having to undergo an operation.

Despite impressive results, the technique is Kegel still is not used completely. The use of the proposed Dr program is designed to train the muscles of the perineum, tracking the effectiveness of training method of feedback.

The technique of proper exercise Kegel: