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A pituitary tumor

A pituitary tumor is a malignant or benign tumor affecting the neurohypophysis (posterior proportion of the gland) or adenohypophysis (anterior lobe of the gland).

By itself, the pituitary gland is a gland of the endocrine system, which has a direct impact on metabolism in the body, the function of reproduction, growth of the organism as a whole. Is this gland in the brain at the very Foundation of the Turkish saddle in the skull and consists of two parts – the front and rear. So, the front end is responsible for producing the hormones necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland, testes, ovaries and adrenal glands. Also, it has an impact on the secretion of prolactin is responsible for lactation and the secretion of growth hormone which regulates growth of the organism.

The rear part of the gland controls the secretion of the hormone, which takes part in the normalization of water-salt balance in the body. Also the neurohypophysis synthesizes a hormone that controls the process of rodorazresheniye women and the process of breastfeeding.

The symptoms will depend on what type of tumors developing in humans. Tumors of the pituitary gland of the total shares of all intracranial tumors account for about 15%. They are with the same frequency as diagnosed in both men and women. The average age of patients is from 30 to 40 years. Most other pituitary tumors are detected adenomas, which are benign tumors, although it is possible the detection of adenocarcinoma related to a malignant tumor.

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The causes of pituitary tumors in women and men

The causes of pituitary tumors in men and women to date, remain not fully elucidated.

However, the researchers suggest that trigger their appearance can the following factors:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Neuroinfections, such as meningitis, poliomyelitis, syphilis, tuberculosis CNS, brucellosis, encephalitis.

  • Chronic sinusitis.

  • Traumatic brain injury, especially traumatic brain hemorrhages.
  • The current long-term hypothyroidism.

  • Hormonal disorders in the body. In this respect, the danger is the hormonal drugs.
  • Hypogonadism.
  • Negative impact on the fetus. This can be attributed to reception of the pregnant woman toxic drugs and influence of ionizing radiation.

Symptoms of a pituitary tumor in women and men

The symptoms of pituitary tumors in men and women directly depend on what type of neoplasm was struck by this gland. So, even small-size tumors are able to cause serious endocrine disorders, if they are hormonally active. While inactive, the tumor will be for many years to develop in the pituitary gland and did not show until you reach the impressive sizes.

To the extent of its growth, the tumor will begin to pinch the surrounding fabric, which will be expressed in a variety of neurological symptoms, including:

  • Violations by the sensory organs: strabismus, blurred vision, limiting its fields. Likely to develop optic nerve atrophy.

  • Appear headaches, which are impossible to get rid of pain medicine.

  • Possible constant nasal congestion.

Symptoms of prolactinoma

Most often in patients with pituitary tumor that is diagnosed a prolactinoma. It does not reach large size and in the amount not to exceed 3 mm. more likely to suffer from this type of tumor women.

The symptoms of this tumor of the pituitary gland are the following:

  • Violations of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation becomes irregular, can last more than 40 days, or absent altogether.
  • From the mammary glands can be allocated colostrum, but childbirth and pregnancy this process is not preceded.
  • Infertility due to anovulation.

If a prolactinoma develops in men, they begin to suffer the potency to increase in volume of the mammary glands, worsening erection. In addition, disturbed Genesissperm that leads to the development of male infertility.

Symptoms somatotropinomy

Somatotropinoma is a tumor of the pituitary gland, which is the frequency of occurrence of the total number of tumors does not exceed 25%.

Suspect somatotropinoma possible by the following features:

  • In children the tumor is manifested gigantism, which is characterized by accelerated growth of the child and rapid weight gain. In adulthood, such people can achieve 2 metres.
  • If the tumor develops in an adult, then it is an increase in foot, hands, nose, tongue. The facial features become coarser, women starts to grow beard and mustache, appear disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Men and women this kind of tumor of the pituitary gland leads to increased growth of the internal organs, which causes the violation of their normal work.


This tumor occurs no more than 10% of cases and is called the syndrome Itsenko-Kushinga.

The symptoms of pituitary tumors kortikotropinom the following:

  • The excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the area of shoulder girdle, face, Crescent-shaped form, the weight loss of limbs.
  • On the skin form of stretch marks.
  • Patients suffer from high blood pressure.

  • Women have extra hair on body, hair growth on the face.
  • In men suffering potency.

Symptoms gonadotropinom

This tumor is very rarely diagnosed and is expressed in the absence of menstruation. In men deteriorates potency, women develop frigidity. External and internal sex organs decrease in size, decreases visual acuity.

Symptoms tireotropina

This tumor is logged in no more than 3% of cases. When the tumor develops independently, the patient begins to lose weight, he has a tremor of the extremities, worsening sleep and appetite increases, blood pressure rises.

In that case, if the tumor is formed due to chronic hypothyroidism, the patient's face becomes swelling, it slows down, begins to peel off the skin. People become prone to depressive moods, they gain weight, and constipation.

Diagnosis of a pituitary tumor in women and men

Diagnosis of pituitary tumors in men and women reduced to the obligatory visualization of tumors. You also need a thorough hormonal evaluation of the patient and ophthalmologist consultation.

  • How active a tumor can be determined by hormonal urine.
  • Assessment of visual fields and acuity gives information about whether the involved optic nerve in the pathological process.

  • To visualize the tumor using an MRI or CT scan of the brain. In addition, perform x-rays of the skull, which gives information about the status of the Turkish saddle (presence of erosions on its bottom, its increase in size). On the radiographic images will be visible thickening of the skull bones, increase in size of the sinuses and lower jaw.
  • MRI allows to detect even the smallest tumor, the size of which does not exceed 5 mm.

  • Angiography of blood vessels of the brain detects the displacement of the carotid artery and helps to distinguish intracranial aneurysm from pituitary tumors.

Treatment of a pituitary tumor in women and men

Treatment for pituitary tumors involves the exposure of several methods. This may be surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and medication effects. To determine the tactics of treatment can be based on what type of tumor the patient, as therapy for each of them is specific.

The most effective treatment for pituitary tumors is considered to be surgical removal of the tumor. Intervention is initiated by resection of the tumor through the sphenoid bone of the skull, or by the front door removal by optical device. To improve the efficiency of operations, it is combined with radiotherapy. Transsphenoidal removal of the tumor (through the nasal cavity) is the least traumatic method of surgical intervention. However, it is not always possible to perform this operation.

If the patient is diagnosed microadenoma, which is not hormonally active, it may conduct only radiotherapy. This is especially true for elderly patients and for people who have contraindications to the operation.

After surgery patients are prescribedhormone replacement therapy with Cortisone, sex hormones or thyroid hormones. It is possible to hold insulin therapy and correction of electrolyte balance, if necessary.

If a pituitary tumor produces the prolactin or ACTH, the possible use of drugs-the dopamine agonists, among which Bromocriptine, Cabergoline. If the patient has Cushing's syndrome, it shows the reception of Cyproheptadine.

A new treatment for pituitary tumors, which is a modern alternative to surgery is the freezing portion of the prostate. The procedure is performed with a probe that is embedded in the sphenoid bone of the skull.

In that case, if the pituitary tumor is not subjected to treatment may be expressed impaired vision, even blindness. As a result the person becomes disabled. In addition, there is a probability of hemorrhage in pituitary tissue.

With regard to malignant tumors of the pituitary gland, which is very rare, the prognosis is very unfavorable. Such tumors rapidly progressing, people suffer from visual and neurological disorders and is killed most often during the first six months of the onset of the disease.

In other cases, the prognosis for recovery is often favorable, and complete recovery occurs in 95% of cases. If therapy was well-organised and pharmacological treatment was combined with radiation therapy, during 5 years, the relapse does not occur in 69% of patients, which is fairly high survival rate.