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Brain tumor: symptoms, stages and treatment

A brain tumor is an intracranial education, which provoked enhanced cell division of the brain: pituitary gland, pineal body, sheath, blood vessels or nerves. Brain tumor is also called a tumor formed from cells of the bones of the skull. The same term is used to refer to tumors consisting of abnormal cells that were in brain tissue with blood flow. This maternal tumor is often located in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract, although it is possible that it will be in the organs of the reproductive system.

According to statistics, out of 1,000 people with oncological diseases, brain tumor, diagnosed in 15. And 100 000 healthy people, the brain tumor affects on average 10-15 people. A tumor can be benign or malignant nature. The risk of malignant tumors is that they tend to accelerate the growth and metastases, that is, amaze with the cells of other organs, spreading in a certain way. The ability to germinate in the tissues and structures of the brain have, and benign and malignant tumors.

There are more than 100 types of brain tumors, all of them were in 2007, systematized and grouped into 12 large associations. Each tumor has its own name that is assigned to her based on what cells began abnormal uncontrolled division.

As for symptoms, they are largely determined by the location of the tumor in the brain, as well as its size and type. Therapy involves surgical intervention in the case, if it is possible. However, to perform the operation does not always work, because the borders between healthy brain cells and the tumor is often unclear. However, Oncology as a science is constantly evolving, and currently there are new treatments, among them radiation therapy, radiosurgery, chemotherapy. Another new area of chemotherapy is a biological targeting.

The content of the article:

Symptoms of a brain tumor in the early stages

Symptoms of a brain tumor in the early stages depend on exactly where it is located. If the tumor grows close to the cortex of the brain, or near the centers responsible for speech and movement, the symptoms will be noticed almost immediately sick.

Among the most obvious signs:

  • Problems with speech;
  • Violation of coordination of movements;
  • Fainting.

In the case when the tumor affects the centres responsible for the various analyzers and cognitive function for speech, hearing, sight, smell, then striking symptoms of the disease will be hallucinations (visual, auditory, olfactory, etc.), or normal sensation will be absent. Movement disorders occur in a situation when the tumor affects cortical motor centre.

The person loses consciousness due to the fact that the tumor disrupts the normal supply of the brain blood, constricting blood vessels in it. Fainting also can happen due to the fact that the tumor irritates the precentral and postcentral cerebral cortex responsible for the sensitivity of the internal organs.

Naturally, these symptoms a person can not be ignored and promptly turned for help to the professionals. Perform MRI allows to reveal existing in the brain and to start treatment, which in the early stages of disease development is most effective. In that case, if the tumor is located in deep structures of the brain, increasing it in size will not cause such prominent early symptoms.

It is important to pay attention to such features as the appearance of nausea and vomiting in the morning, and frequent headaches that are not stopped by appointment painkillers. You should not disregard the olfactory hallucinations, which often can be the first symptom of cancer. An example of such hallucinations can be that the person constantly has the feeling of the presence of any foreign odor. However, other people don't feel it. In addition, conventional products may appear in other on taste and smell.

Other symptoms of a brain tumor in the early stages of the following:

  • Headache. Brain tumor causes severe pain thatpresent on a permanent basis. The pain is often oppressive in nature and very difficult to adjust the by using painkillers. Strengthen its intensity, capable of physical exertion, bending the torso, the tension of the peritoneum, especially during cough. Headache often occurs in the morning after a night's rest in brain tissue accumulates more liquid.

    This is due to the fact that the tumor grows and secretes toxic substances. Normal blood flow is disturbed, which becomes particularly noticeable for a human at night, closer to morning. Because for a long time the patient is in the supine position, on the background of existing tumor provokes brain edema. When a person stands up, blood flow is somewhat normalized and the intensity of the pain decreases. Often before an attack of severe pain a feeling of nausea, which can provoke vomiting.

    Characteristics of headaches caused by brain tumors as follows:

    • Very severe headache after sleep, which after a couple of hours alone passes;
    • Headache pulsating type;
    • Headache is not typical migraine symptoms may occur in parallel confusion. Sometimes it appears at night and is frequently accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
    • Increased headache occurs when the person changes the position of the body when coughing or making physical effort.
    • In parallel, in addition to headaches may experience muscle weakness, double vision, loss of skin sensitivity. See also: causes, signs and symptoms, the consequences.

  • Dizziness. A brain tumor often causes dizziness, which appear regardless of standing, lying down or sitting. The head can spin very rare and very often. This happens due to the fact that the fluid in the brain is delayed and causes an increase in intracranial pressure. In addition, the tumor itself is able to put pressure on the vestibular apparatus in the case that it is in the vicinity of the cerebellum, cranial fossa or cerebellopontine angle. See also: vertigo – types and causes.

  • Nausea. Vomiting and nausea are joining as the tumor increases in size. These symptoms often accompany the headache. After vomiting improvewell-being is not happening, it happens regardless of, whether took person food.

  • Deterioration of General health. This results in drowsiness, weakness, fatigue. Sometimes there is unilateral loss of motor functions. Old age possible partial or full paralysis.

  • Disorders of the functioning of the senses. Violations of sight, hearing and smell are often observed in elderly people with brain tumor. Patients may experience severe hearing problems, did not feel smells, possible rapid loss of vision.

  • Deterioration of cognitive functions. Suffer all the mental faculties of man deteriorating memory, reduced concentration. As disease progression occurs, the inability to Express own thoughts, to read and speak. People may not realize where it is, ceases to recognize relatives.

  • Violations of the psyche. Often, people have seen depressionmay experience hallucinations.

  • The loss of sensitivity. The skin may become immune to thermal effects, or even any touching.

  • Sometimes people with brain tumor is difficult to say how and where is their hand if they have their eyes closed.

  • Horizontal nystagmus or run games of the pupil is also characteristic for brain tumor symptom, which the man himself does not even notice.

  • Other signs of a brain tumor

    Other signs of brain tumor arise as the progression of the disease:

    • Consciousness is increasingly blurred. If in the early stages of tumor development headaches provoke drowsiness, grows person can sleep for days. He's not waking up to eat, and if there is, it can not realize where is;
    • Headaches are present on a regular basis and can somewhat be corrected by the administration of diuretics;
    • Photophobia and dizziness intensify.

    Depending on whereis the tumor, the patient will be present the following symptoms:

    • Lesion of the motor cortex is accompanied by a paresis or paralysis. Most often, movements are limited or completely lost with only one side;
    • A lesion of the temporal lobe is accompanied by the development of auditory hallucinations. Sometimes it can lead to deafness. The person may completely lose the ability to understand and reproduce it;
    • The defeat of the occipital cortex accompanied by visual hallucinations. In addition, the possible complete loss of vision, the appearance of double vision, distorted visual perception of shapes and volumes of objects. Also characterized by nystagmus, lost the ability to read;
    • Lose areas in the front of the frontal lobes is accompanied by olfactory hallucinations,;
    • The patient's pupils can react to light;
    • Lost the ability to email;
    • Face or a certain part may become asymmetric;
    • Coordination suffers. When walking a person can begin to postebatsya or miss the target, for example, when you try to sit on a chair;
    • Suffering emotional and intellectual sphere. May increase aggression, deterioration of relationships with other people;
    • The autonomic system of possible violations, such as increased sweating, hot flashes or cold, loss of consciousness on the fall of pressure;
    • Tumors of the pituitary and pineal provoke violations hormonal sphere;
    • Deteriorate the touch sensitivity of the person. It may cease to respond to temperature, pain and vibration exposure.

    You can draw an analogy symptoms of a brain tumor with symptoms of stroke. But the difference is that when stroke symptoms develop quickly and, if the tumor is slow.

    Causes of brain tumor

    Causes of brain tumors in children often are caused by irregularities in the structure of genes, which are responsible for the correct formation of the nervous system. Also the cause of tumors in children can be considered the emergence of oncogenes (one or more) that are embedded in normalthe structure of DNA and begin to monitor the activity of the cells. These abnormalities may be congenital or acquired, as the child is born with the nervous system, which is being improved in the process of growing up.

    Genes that can be subjected to transformation (congenital abnormalities):

    • Neurofibromatose the first type develops when the defeat of the NF1 or NF2 genes. The disease in 50% of cases is complicated by the pilocytic astrocytoma;
    • Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2b, which develops as a result of modification of the PTCH gene that triggers the formation of neuromas;
    • Mutation of the APC gene triggers the syndrome Turkic, which, in turn, causes the formation of malignant tumors (glioblastoma and medulloblastoma);
    • Li-Fraumeni syndrome is provoked by disorders in the gene P53 and causes the development of sarcomas. It is also possible to mutations of certain genes.

    The underlying violations involved in the pathological process following protein molecules:

    • Hemoglobin, which is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to cells;
    • The cyclins, which are responsible for the activation of cyclin-dependent protein kinases;
    • Protein kinases (enzymes that control the life of cells from their birth to death);
    • E2F proteins, which regulate the proteins responsible for the destruction of tumors and to viruses, trapped in a human body, does not violate the structure of DNA;
    • The proteins that make the signals clear for body cells;
    • Growth factors are proteins that indicate that one or the other tissue in the body needs to begin growth.

    It is established that pathological changes before the rest will be subject to those cells that actively grow and divide. In children, these cells are larger than in the adult. This explains the fact that the tumor can begin to develop even the child who just was born. In the case where the cell contains a large number of pathogenic changes in the structure of their DNA, to predict how quickly it will begin to divide and what from it happens, new cells, just not possible. Therefore, benign tumors, the most common of which are gliomas, can be transformed into malignant. In a glioma can occur mutations that are not amenable to control by the body. Malignity glioma to glioblastoma.

    There are triggers that can start the process of development of a brain tumor, among them:

    • Impactelectromagnetic waves;
    • The effect of infrared and ionizing radiation on the body;
    • The poison gas used to create plastic things (vinyl chloride);
    • The impact of entering the body of pesticides and GMOs from foods.
    • The presence in the body of papillomaviruses two types – 16 and 18. Their presence can be detected by blood test (PCR). To control the activity of these viruses is possible by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which enhances the protective forces of the body.

    In addition to starting mechanisms that affect the development of brain tumors, there are also risk factors, among which:

    • Sex. Higher risk of brain tumor in men;
    • The age of eight years and an age range from 69 to 79 years;
    • Participation in liquidation of consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • Long conversations on a mobile phone, including using the device hands-free;
    • HIV infection;

    • Transplant;
    • Work at enterprises with a high class of danger, when there is a constant human contact with harmful substances (arsenic, mercury, lead, waste oil, pesticides, etc.);
    • Kura passage of chemotherapy.

    Knowing the risk factors can adequately assess and if necessary, consult a neurologist. The doctor will give that person undergo PET or MRI of the brain.

    Oral contraceptives increase the risk of tumor development

    Hormonal birth control pills increase the likelihood of brain tumors, namely glioma, those women who are protected from unwanted pregnancy this way for a long time. Such conclusions were made by scientists from the University of Odense and the hospital of the University of southern Denmark. Moreover, the risk increased 1.5-2.4 times.

    Women worldwide use various forms of hormonal contraception (pills, patches, intrauterine implants). These drugs are like cheating body, working so that he thinks if a woman is already pregnant.

    In the statistical study included 317 women diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, and the control group consisted of 2126 healthy women aged 25 to 49 years. In the end, were able to determine that the tumor was developing by 50% higher among those patients who regularly took hormonal contraceptives. With the results of the studycan be found in the journal British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

    People have a glioma develops rarely and are diagnosed only five people out of 100,000, but with regular intake of oral contraceptives for 5 years or more, the risk of education increased by 90%.

    Those drugs that contain a progestin, are in particular danger, as increase the risk of glioma in three times. Scientists believe that this process is associated with the regular intake of progesterone in the female body. He provokes the growth of malignant cells.

    Naturally, a lot in the development of gliomas in humans is still not understood. However carried out a statistical study indicates that coming from outside female sex hormones increase the risks of developing brain tumors.

    Stage of brain tumor

    There are four stages of cancer development.

    Stage 1 brain tumor

    The tumor is located superficially, the cells of which it is formed, do not behave aggressively. All their activity is directed on the processes needed to maintain their own life. The tumor is not growing, so find it very difficult.

    Stage 2 brain tumor

    Cells continue to mutate, the tumor is growing actively. It begins to penetrate into deep brain tissue, forming adhesions, disrupts circulatory and lymphatic pathways.

    Stage 3 brain tumor

    There are the first symptoms of the illness, among them headaches and dizziness. Perhaps inexplicable to human loss of body weight, an increase in temperature. At the same time, there morning nausea and vomiting.

    Stage 4 brain tumor

    The tumor permeates all brain structures and cannot be deleted. At this stage it begins to spread metastases throughout the body, involving in the pathological process of other organs. The patient later developed symptoms of the disease with hallucinations, seizures or epilepsy. Headache is present on a permanent basis and has an intense character.

    The prognosis of the disease

    The prognosis of the disease depends on what kind of tumor is diagnosed in humans, and at what stage of development it was discovered. If a patient goes in the early stages of the disease, and the tumor is not aggressive, the chance of five-year survival rate equal to 80%. As a rule, the presence of benign tumors improves the prognosis, but keep in mind that tumors of the braintend to recur, and surgery undertaken on her brain, always associated with severe complications.

    In the presence of a malignant tumor, which is located in a remote place, has a large size and metastasized, the prognosis is poor. The chances of five-year survival decreasing to 30%

    Diagnosis of brain tumors

    Diagnosis of brain tumors is within the competence of the doctor-neurologist. The doctor examines the patient, assesses his reflexes, functioning of the vestibular apparatus. For a more thorough diagnosis, he sends the patient to see the ophthalmologist to check the eye fundus and to the otolaryngologist for evaluation of smell and hearing.

    One of the instrumental examination methods is EEG (electroencephalography), which allows to identify the foci of pathogenic activity in the brain.

    For diagnosis the patient is sent to:

    • MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging is the main method of diagnosis of a brain tumor;
    • CT. Computer tomography is executed only if the possibility of MRI diagnostics is absent;
    • PAT. Positron emission tomography yields information on the size of the tumor;
    • MRI with angiography. This method has the ability to detect the vessels that feed the tumor.

    To determine the treatment plan, to forecast possible only after the biopsy. It is performed after having obtained the 3D model of the brain with tumor. In the lesion precisely place the probe and take a sample for analysis.

    Also shown are the examination bodies to which a tumor could metastasize.

    MRI in brain tumors

    Magnetic resonance imaging when a brain tumor gives the opportunity to see education, to determine its size, to distinguish from the edema of cerebral tissues. If you have cystic part of the tumor, it will also be found using MRI diagnostics.

    In addition, it is possible to identify tumor metastases, to assess the degree of involvement in the pathological process of Radom located tissue. MRI is more effective in detecting tumors that do not accumulate contrast. For example, this applies to gliomas.

    In addition to standard magnetic resonance therapy, doctors can apply:

    • Mr-spectroscopy;
    • Mr-thermography;
    • MRI of brain vessels;
    • Functional MRI;
    • PET-CT of the brain;
    • SPECT.

    Each of the methods hasspecific purpose and is used depending on the indications.

    Treatment of brain tumor

    The only reliable treatment of tumor of the brain is its surgical removal. Running the intervention in the case, if it is possible to distinguish healthy brain tissue from tumor tissues. If education permeates brain tissue, the surgery is performed only in the case when it presses on an important plot.

    Alternative methods of treatment are:

    • Radiotherapy, as a kind of radiation therapy;
    • Chemotherapy;
    • Targeted therapy is a form of chemotherapy;
    • The combination of radiation and chemotherapy;
    • Cryosurgery.

    These cancer treatments can be used as independent if it is not possible to perform the operation, and in combination with surgical intervention.

    The latest achievements of Japan

    In Japan in 2011, began studying the effects of atomic hydrogen on the human body. The goal of these studies is the creation of a unique device, which helps in the treatment of many diseases, including brain tumors. Studies in Osaka in the cancer Institute.

    To compare the rate of treatment of brain tumors using atomic hydrogen and with the operation impossible. However, it was found that patients who regularly visit treatments therapy atomic hydrogen, the tumor is reduced to a small size after only 5 months of such treatment. In the future, scientists say, it can be removed at all. It proves MRI and x-rays.

    The technology is based on Soviet methods of getting rid of viruses and bacteria by heating the body up to 41-42 degrees. Such thermal shock helps to activate lymphocytes and to remove from the body not only the tumor, and other pathology. However, a high risk that vital proteins in the human body in the course of treatments can be damaged. The Japanese learned to use not only hot water but also atomic hydrogen produced during water electrolysis.

    Artificial hyperthermia in combination with atomic hydrogen allows to heat the body to 41.9 degrees, while not causing harm to its own proteins. This technology can be used for the treatment of the elderly, which the Soviet technique with the use of hot baths was contraindicated.

    Device for treatmentatomic hydrogen is a chair that is within a bathtub with high walls. On the chair sits ill, and then served in a bath of water with ORP of 560 mV. The water slowly starts to heat up. The procedure is chosen individually and depends on the stage of tumor development. The maximum residence time in the bath is 20 minutes.

    Such treatment is currently available only to the Japanese in a specialized facility. However, there is a possibility of improvement in SPA-capsule at home, which are able to activate the water to 50-200 mV.

    Read more in the article: is there a cure for brain cancer?

    The removal of a brain tumor

    The removal of a brain tumor a number of ways, but before the procedure the patient is always necessary to pre-training. Patient is prescribed a diuretic drug Mannitol and the hormone Prednisolone, or Dexamethasone. These medicines reduce swelling of the brain. In addition, you can assign an anticonvulsant and analgesic medication.

    Also before surgery may undergo radiation therapy, which allows to distinguish healthy tissue from tumor tissue. Irradiation may be done directly or remotely.

    Bypass of the brain performed in the case when the current of CSF and blood covered the existing form.

    Thus, the removal of a brain tumor in the following ways:

    • With a scalpel;
    • With a laser (the cells are burned);
    • Using ultrasound (cells are broken down and extracted from brain). This procedure is performed only in the case if the tumor has a benign nature;
    • Using radiologa. Cells evaporated, the bleeding stops immediately, during the procedure. Also parallel to the irradiation of adjacent tissues by gamma rays.

    If necessary, after the operation is performed remote radiation therapy. The indication is the presence of metastases and the impossibility of complete removal of the tumor. Perform the procedure after 14-21 days after surgery. The total number of sessions can vary from 10 to 30. For each session on the brain affects 0.8 – 3 G. Possible combination of radiotherapy with chemotherapy. In parallel to the patient requires good medical support: the appointment of analgesics, antiemetics and sleeping pills.

    And chemotherapy, and radiationtherapy aims to kill the abnormal cancer cells that remain in the body after the surgery.

    Sometimes during surgery it is possible to cryosurgery. This method of influence on the tumor low temperatures. It allows you to more clearly delineate the boundaries of education.

    Indications for cryosurgery:

    • The tumor is very deep;
    • There are deep metastases;
    • There is no possibility of traditional surgery;
    • Parts of the tumor remain soldered to the shell of the brain after surgery;
    • The defeat has undergone the pituitary gland;
    • The age of the patient elderly or old.

    Brain tumor – how many live with her?

    Five-year survival rate in percent according to the who as follows (2012):