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Causes, symptoms and prevention of osteoarthritis

Currently, all countries of the world experts struggle with degenerative disc disease, as every year increases the number of patients who are diagnosed this disease.

According to published in specialized media statistics, about 80% of people on earth suffer from diseases of the spine.

This files most often diagnosed osteochondrosis of the young people, whose age ranges from 15 to 30 years. This is due to the fact that the development of the disease occurs in a socially active age (the male half of the population is more difficult to tolerate osteochondrosis).

The content of the article:

What is osteochondrosis?

Low back pain is the affection of intervertebral discs and other tissues of the spine. Under the osteoarthritis refers to a degenerative process in the intervertebral discs. The spine is compressed, crushing the disks that lie between the vertebrae. Over time they lose their elasticity, and begin now to constricted and the nerve endings of the spinal cord. There is pain, there is swelling.

In the advanced stage of osteoarthritis people experience serious complications, some of which cause disability.

The osteophytes is a pathological bony outgrowth on the edges of the surface of the bone or articular processes of the vertebrae. The osteophytes appear because of the longthe existence of instability vertebral-motor segment on the background of degenerative disc disease or spinal injury. All osteophytes is a protective reaction of the body to heavy loads, so in the case of removal of the growths, they are back again.

Symptoms of degenerative disc disease

Low back pain is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, which can be considered the following:

  • strong pain syndrome (all patients complain of an intolerable cutting, sharp or cross pain in the spine, which are reduced by special drugs);
  • numbness of the upper and lower extremities;
  • muscle spasms;
  • headaches (migraines) that begin in the neck and spreads to temporal and parietal regions;

  • aching in the limbs;
  • neck pain, aggravated by any movement;
  • vertebral artery syndrome;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;

  • the appearance of spots or color spots before eyes;
  • pain in the heart and other nearby organs;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • the shot in the back;
  • deposited salt;
  • chilliness of the lower extremities;
  • chills, tingling in the spine;
  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • increased or decreased sweating;

  • spasm of the arteries of the feet;
  • lowering the temperature of the skin of the lower limbs, etc.

The cervical and lumbar spine are damaged most frequently, as are the movable. To 45 years the life of a human intervertebral discs no longer store water. And, as a consequence, are not as elastic as before. Therefore, they are more prone to flattening, can be squeezed out over the edge of the spine. This phenomenon is called herniated discs. If the disk came forward, or sideways, that much discomfort is not felt. But if ago, it is what is called sciatica.

Pain can occur because of a simple cough, sneeze or efforts of the abdominal muscles. If the symptoms of degenerative disc disease continue for more than two weeks should seek help from doctors or a neurologist or neurosurgeon to trauma – and to be screened bettercomplex, which necessarily includes fluoroscopy. It would be good to do another MRI.

The causes of osteochondrosis

Causes of degenerative disc disease may be hypothermia, sharp turns, in which occurs the displacement of the vertebrae, physical overload.

According to many experts who study this disease, the main cause of osteoarthritis is incorrectly distributed load on the spine. As a result, patients directly in the field, which is the excess of physical pressure, there is a change in the structure of cartilage.

As precipitating factors of osteoarthritis are:

  • stoop;
  • weak back muscles (not the muscles);
  • curvature of the spine;
  • being in an uncomfortable position for a long period of time;
  • lifting weights;
  • dragging heavy objects;
  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • violation of metabolism (in the body of the patient does not have enough phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc and other beneficial vitamins and microelements);
  • bad heredity;
  • negative effects on the body provided with chemicals;
  • infectious disease;
  • General hypothermia;
  • nervous shock, stress;

  • a violation of hormonal background;
  • classes are active and power sports;
  • frequent and sharp changes of position of the torso;
  • downs, bruises and other injuries of the spine;

  • the change in elasticity of the nucleus (gelatinous);
  • adverse climatic conditions which have a detrimental effect on meteo-dependent people, etc.

The cause of the herniated disc is lifting weights at a right angle to the torso. Therefore, always take the load, squatting, that you protect your spine.

The degree of degenerative disc disease

Modern medicine defines four degrees of osteoarthritis:

  1. In the first stage it is very difficult to identify the disease. In patients not observed pronounced symptoms, theyexperience a General malaise, which is easily confused with other diseases. Often the first stage of osteoarthritis people experience discomfort in the back, but they associated with overwork, physical exertion, heavy working conditions and is therefore not promptly respond to the alarm signal of the body. This disease progresses slowly and often in a latent form. In most cases, low back pain in the first stage is detected by chance, when conducting a comprehensive examination of the patient (x-ray, magnetic resonance or computed tomography).

  2. The second stage of osteoarthritis accompanied by pain, as the patient begins the process of destruction of cartilage tissue. If a patient is assigned a complex treatment, it is too quickly reduced intervertebral gap and there will be compression of the nerve endings, lymphatic vessels and blood vessels. Pain at this stage of osteochondrosis cropped special medicines. The disease starts to cause discomfort for patients, so they are forced to turn to medical institutions for help.

  3. The third stage of osteoarthritis accompanied by fixed changes in the spine. Such patients developing scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, forming a hump, etc. Constructive treatment will help if you do not return, you significantly improve the condition of the spine and minimize existing defects: curvature, hump, etc.

  4. The fourth stage of the disease accompanied by irreversible changes in the human spine. The patient will be difficult to move as even the slightest movement of the body he will experience excruciating pain. It will have the seal of the cartilage tissue and the displacement of the vertebrae, in parallel, will form the pathological growth of bone tissue. Very often at this stage of degenerative disc disease patients become disabled.

Consequences of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a dangerous disease that can cause muscle atrophy or disability. Most patients complain of constant pain that you can stop only by means of medicines or injections.

Currently, unfortunately, there are people who prefer to self-medicate, which often leads to serious consequences. To narrowthe experts they call in a pinch, when they have formed a hernia or a pinched nerve. If the patient does not receive a constructive treatment, his condition of the intervertebral discs will gradually deteriorate.

The first will be formed a protrusion, which is a protrusion of the nucleus pulposus. If it vbuhanie the patient will be serious violations. After the destruction of the annulus will begin the next stage of osteoarthritis – the emergence of intervertebral hernia.

In parallel, the patient is the growth of the bone tissue of the vertebrae, appear sclerotic plaques within blood vessels. When you begin to squeezed vertebral artery, the brain ceases to receive the necessary nutrition, resulting in disturbed blood pressure and oxygen supply.

Patients diagnosed with advanced stage degenerative disc disease, is frequently observed heart rhythm disturbances, respiratory and swallowing functions. Also develop complications such as deterioration in hearing and vision, coordination of movement, etc.

What else is osteochondrosis?

Worst of all, with degenerative disc disease have you start to appear and other diseases. The fact that damaged the neurovascular bundle, deteriorating blood circulation, as a result, the disease of the whole organism. People who have impaired metabolism, are the most susceptible to this disease.

What to do during an exacerbation of degenerative disc disease?

Exacerbations of this disease in most cases occurs during autumn and spring, when the human body becomes more susceptible to thermal fluctuations and colds. The unfavorable climatic conditions in the spine can develop inflammation, resulting in severe pain. The causes of exacerbation of osteochondrosis can be considered and the lack of vitamins in the body of the patient, the injury, water with high acidity (exacerbation of the disease can occur in resorts or spas) a sudden movement of the body, etc.

The manifestation of degenerative disc disease patients need to follow certain recommendations of experts:

  • to enroll in the pool;
  • to stop playing sports (only therapeutic exercise under the supervision of an experienced instructor);
  • to exclude hypothermia;
  • to be in a state of rest, eliminate stress and nervous shock;
  • do not use heating pads and other warming treatments (recommendedwrap the injured area with a warm scarf or a special belt made of dog hair);
  • you can do a light massage, using special (analgesic) creams;
  • to start the medication, which will appoint a doctor (a specialist usually prescribes a comprehensive therapy that combines medications, acute pain syndrome with drugs restorative plan);
  • take vitamins (especially necessary in this situation, the b vitamins, which can be taken orally or injections);

  • it is recommended to wear a special collar that will help to ease the pressure on cervical spine;
  • if the pain fails to stop, the patient is assigned to surgical treatment.

In most cases, aggravation of degenerative disc disease lasts for 7-10 days, the acute period is 3-5 days. If after you have implemented recommendations, the patient continues to experience pain they should contact the medical facility or to call an ambulance.

Is it possible to cure osteochondrosis?

Many people that have a dystrophic lesion of the intervertebral disks are interested in the question: is it possible to cure low back pain and how to do it? The specialists of the leading clinics in the world treating this disease say that if the degenerative disc disease was detected at an early stage, in most cases, you can fully restore the functionality of the spine. If a patient seeks in a medical institution at stage 3 or 4 disease, doctors can only help to improve it, as entering this phase of development, osteoarthritis causes bone spurs and change the shape of the spine. At these stages to achieve a positive result is possible only with surgical treatment.

After this therapy, patients start periods of remission, which they can extend on their own, if they adhere to the recommendations of the doctors:

  • to avoid stressful situations;
  • correctly and rationally to eat;
  • swimming and physical therapy;
  • to reduce the level of loads on the musculoskeletal system;
  • normalize sleep, etc.

How to treatosteochondrosis?

Treatment of degenerative disc disease like any other disease, starts with a diagnosis. During examination of the patient, palpation and medical history of the disease specialist (M. D., neurologist, or orthopedist) assigns the complex procedures required: laboratory and hardware testing. After a complex diagnostic procedures, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Currently low back pain treated medically, surgically and fizioterapevticheskie. Very useful in the treatment of this disease brings physiotherapy and a special diet. During treatment, patients are advised to stay in bed to minimize load on the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine.

Best of all instead of a soft mattress use hard surface. First of all, the specialists are docked pain syndrome. Then prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. Use ointments, creams and gels that relieve pain and inflammation. In parallel, the doctor will prescribe medications that relax muscles, improve blood circulation, promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue. A good result with medical treatment of osteoarthritis is achieved in combination with physiotherapy interventions. Patients assigned to the ultrasound, electrophoresis, magnet, etc.

A beneficial effect on the spine have a therapeutic mud and mineral water (today there are a large number of sanatoriums and hospitals, located in resort zones, in which patients treated in this way). If the patient has no contraindications to massage (had not revealed benign or malignant tumors), it is possible to enjoy a massage. In some cases, in the treatment of osteoarthritis patients are encouraged to undergo reflexology. During a session, the specialist has an impact on specific points of the body. It can use in its work, acupuncture, or injection, or moxibustion.

A course of acupuncture will help the patient to get rid of pain, heal the body and relieve muscle tension. If none of the above methods did not bring the desired result, patients undergo surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease. The goal of surgery is to stabilize the spine structure, removal of intervertebral hernias or fully affected discs, as well as addressing the factors that are putting pressure on the spinal cord. Due to the fact that the surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease accompanied by greater risk for the patient, operations are carried out in cases of emergency.

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In the treatment of osteoarthritis patients are advised to do physical therapy. Moderate exercise, under the watchful supervision of an experienced instructor, have beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal system. Patients engaged in physical therapy, normalize metabolic processes, gradually restoring the mobility of the spine creates muscular system, etc.

Today in the treatment of degenerative disc disease experts used different methods of physical therapy that are intended for a specific spine. Daily activities patients should be started in groups, and after studying the program, you can perform the exercises at home.

Exercises with osteochondrosis

During physical therapy patients diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, must daily perform certain exercises:

  • Tilting the head forward, the patient must be woven by the fingers to put pressure on the forehead. After that you should press: on the occipital region, the left and right temple.
  • The patient should put pressure on the forehead with the tips of the four fingers. Making smooth moves, it should, as it were, to stretch the skin for 45 seconds. Such stretching can be performed in different directions (with their help restore the blood).
  • The patient should sit on a chair or on the floor, keeping your back straight and slowly tilt your head back. Hand carefully press down on the chin in the following direction: up, down. Then slowly you need to make turns his head to the right and to the left.
  • To sit on a chair and try to get the chin to the chest. During this movement it is necessary to cross the hands and put them on the back of the head, after which a little pressure. In this position, it is recommended to sit no more than 1 minute. After that you need to perform the movements with your shoulders, lifting them up and down, trying to touch your ears.

On topic: Therapeutic exercise in osteochondrosis

Self-massage with osteochondrosis

Patients diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, it is recommended that self-massage.

Experts have developed several techniques that can help patients to stop pain and allow the muscles:

  • Light stroking the spine of one or both hands.
  • Kneading of muscles in the neck, lumbar and thoracic spine. Patients need to do about tingling or circular motion, lightly pressing with fingertips on the affected area.
  • The kneading of muscles with palms (made a circular motion with the palms).
  • Straight kneading the trapezius muscles (you can do a pinch motion).
  • Longitudinal and coracoid squeezing, massaging gently.
  • Rectilinear rubbing the gaps between the ribs.

Drugs osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteoarthritis involves a comprehensive medical therapy, which is aimed at pain relief and elimination of pronounced symptoms. Specialists in the treatment of such patients, prescribe medicines with the following properties: relieve inflammation, restore the function of musculoskeletal system, stimulate the regeneration of tissues of the intervertebral discs and cartilage and prevent the progression of osteoarthritis.

Modern pharmacological industry offers a group of drugs that effectively treat this disease:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Of Ketoprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Sedatives (Gidazepam, Donormyl, Eglonil, etc);
  • muscle relaxants (Sirdalud (Tizanidine), Mydocalm, Cyclobenzaprine, Baclofen, etc.)
  • to restore the cartilage (Osteoarthitis, teraflex);
  • vitamins b, D, E, A, C, calcium, phosphorus;
  • Vasodilator drugs (ksantinola nicotinate, Pentoxifylline, Aminophylline, Trental), etc.

Hondroprotektory osteochondrosis of the spine

Spinal osteochondrosis patients assigned frequencies chondroprotectors, which have a cumulative effect, and begin to exert their beneficial effects on the human body after a certain period of time. The attending physician, including such drugs in the course of drug therapy, assigns patients receiving chondroprotectors for 2-3 months. In large doses, these drugs can have a heavy load on the liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, so patients are advised to take probiotics.

In the complex treatment of degenerative disc disease experts prescribe the following chondroprotectors:

  • Hondrolon, Mucosal, Structum,Symptoms and other drugs which are present chondrotin sulfate;
  • Alflutop, Rumalon and other chondroprotectors made on the basis of marine organisms;
  • Arteparon and drugs, which are mucopolysaccharides;
  • Artron Flex, don, etc., made on the basis of glucosamine;
  • Formula, teraflex, Artron complex and other combination of drugs, which include vitamins, chondrotin and glucosamine;
  • other chondroprotectors, possessing anti-inflammatory properties.

On topic: What are chondroprotectors it is better to take?

Injections osteochondrosis

Injections osteochondrosis can be divided into several categories, depending on the therapy:

  1. Injections of chondroprotectors. It is injections of chondroitin and glucosamine. They prevent further damage to the intervertebral disc and facet joints, reduce the intensity of pain and the inflammatory process in General. Recommended for maintaining healthy joints. Such injections include hondrolon, don, Albona, Alflutop, Artrozan, Rumalon, Arteparon and others.

  2. Analgesics. Of analgesics most commonly prescribed are Baralgin and Analgin (Metamizole sodium). Injections have unilateral action – eliminate pain, this does not affect the degenerative process. Their use is justified when the pain of high intensity when no other means is not at hand.

  3. Antispasmodics. The most productive of myotropic antispasmodics osteochondrosis is Mydocalm. Injections of the drug is to eliminate spasm of skeletal muscles in the spine, which contributes to a noticeable reduction in pain. Action Midokalma is to block pain receptors in the affected muscle fibers, which impaired conduction of impulses in the spinal cord. The effect of Midokalma kept for some time, during which the organism manages to regain muscle fibers normal tone and use its own mechanisms of protection against disease. Midokalma dose is 1 ml. Injection is done twice a day.

  4. NSAIDs.Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory remedies prescribed by a doctor, it all depends on the nature of pain, its strength, the severity of the lesion, the presence of comorbidities.

    Osteochondrosis, especially in the acute stage, the patient is prescribed a course of nonsteroidal and anti-inflammatory injections:

    • Have Ketonal
    • Diclofenac
    • Milgamma
    • Ibuprofen
    • Ketorolac

    NSAID injections have several actions at the same time::

    • Effectively suppress pain syndrome
    • Possess strong anti-inflammatory action
    • Eliminate puffiness
    • Eliminate the compression of the nerve endings of the affected tissues
  5. Blockade. The other common method of treatment of degenerative disc disease is malfunction, in which the injections are made directly into the affected place. Blockades are the most effective way of getting rid of acute pain. Performs this procedure is extremely doctor.

Mandatory patients have to take injection b vitamins With a strong pain syndrome patients is novocaine blockade, in which specialist alkalive affected area of the body. The effect of injections of Novocaine lasts long enough, but it occurs only pain relief, not treatment.

Ointment osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis patients can use various ointments, creams and gels:

  • Ointments that possess anti-inflammatory properties (eliminated the cause of the disease, suppressed inflammation, pinched nerves reduced, puffiness disappears, etc.). This category includes such ointment: ointment; Voltaren emulgel; Ketonal; or Ibuprofenbuy of indometacin ointment, etc.
  • Warming and pain-relieving ointment (strengthen the structure of cartilage and vertebrae, normalize blood circulation, relieve muscle spasms, stop pain, relax muscles, etc.). This could include: Nikoplex, Kapsikam, Finalgon, etc.
  • Ointments with a complex action (anesthetize, reduce inflammation, prevent blood clots, have antimicrobial properties). Regular use of ointments such as Dolobene or Vitamine, will help to quickly restore joint mobility.
  • Homeopathic gels and ointments, which in their composition contain vegetable and mineral substances. This category includes: Cinquefoil, Larkspur, Target T, Traumeel, Shungite, etc.
  • Chondroprotective gels and ointments, stimulate the process of renewalcartilage, prevent pain, and relieve inflammation. Such ointments could be considered: symptoms, Handreach, Chondroitin.

Acupuncture osteochondrosis

Very often when osteoarthritis patients are referred to chiropractors who conduct acupuncture sessions. This procedure can stop the strong pain syndrome (should only be performed by an experienced specialist), as during exposure to a needle on a certain point the stimulation of the production of enkephalins and endorphins, having the properties of analgesics. Regular sessions will help the body develop serotonin, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the patient, improves mood, increases vitality.

Acupuncture helps to regulate hormonal balance the patient, especially cortisol production, able to stop even a very strong pain. Many experts believe acupuncture is an ideal way to restore the circulatory system, so patients start to get edema, and more rapidly regenerate tissue. Acupuncture helps to bring muscle tone and prevents cramps.

Orthopedic pillow and collar osteochondrosis

During sleep, the person ceases to control his actions, with the result that it can take an uncomfortable position, which can peredelyvalis vessels and large arteries. Using for a night stay soft and uncomfortable pillow people, without knowing it, constantly runs the risk of dangerous diseases: stroke, brain ischemia, and death.

That is why you should purchase orthopedic pillows which will not only prevent sudden death, but will be used in the prevention of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine. Regular sleep on a pillow that remembers the shape and takes into account all of the anatomical features of the human head, will improve the overall health of the patient, but also greatly improve his mood. In some cases, specialists recommend that their patients wear neck collars to prevent progression of the disease.

Such devices are able to adapt to the structure of the spine, considering the abnormal curvature. This collar is a roller with a dense texture. It covers the neck of the patient and thus captures the correct position of the vertebrae. Thanks to the collar eliminates the pinching of the nerve roots, as well as disruption of the circulatory system.

Today there are several types of such devices:

  • a dense collarof improving blood circulation and warming the skin on the neck of the patient;
  • the collar, consisting of two thick bars, between which is embedded an inflatable pillow (takes the anatomical structure of the cervical spine);
  • inflatable collarmade of rubber (securely locks the neck and prevents the ability to do the tilted head).

Is it possible to "warm pain"?

Very often patients who are diagnosed with osteochondrosis, it is recommended to carry out the procedure, the purpose of which is warming all problem areas. For these purposes, compresses, special creams and gels, warmers, banks. They are able to arrest the inflammatory process, thus eliminating the patient from the discomfort and pain arising in the muscles.

Patients must with great care to perform such procedures, as they may bring not only help, but harm. After warm up, during which blood vessels expand, people can appear edema, which can significantly exacerbate the overall clinical picture of the disease. These sessions are best done before the physical therapy interventions (massage, physical therapy, etc.) for which you want to warm up the muscles. In osteochondrosis not to warm up the cervical spine, as this may cause severe migraine. If necessary, it is recommended to wrap the neck scarf, made of woolen threads.

Progressive low back pain is accompanied by muscle pain, so patients are often prescribed the following procedure:

  • warming ointments, for example, eye drops;
  • paraffin wrap (appointed after examination of the patient, as there are contraindications);
  • warming Bolotov;
  • devices that provide an infrared effect on the location of pain, etc.

Topic: Treatment of an osteochondrosis in house conditions

Prevention of osteoarthritis

Everyone needs to take preventive measures, aimed at prevention of such dangerous diseases as osteochondrosis. You first need to constantly monitor your posture, not only while driving, but sitting at the computer or watching a favorite television series. Notless important exercise, which will help to strengthen the musculoskeletal system and create a muscular corset.

It is recommended to choose for a night stay orthopedic mattresses and pillows that are designed with the purpose of prevention of degenerative disc disease and other spinal diseases. In order not to harm the musculoskeletal system people should be very careful to lift and carry heavy objects (cargo should not weigh more than 15 kg).

Diet food (six times a day in divided portions), which included the perfectly balanced meals will help to normalize the functioning of many vital organs and systems of the human body. You should not consume drinks with a high content of caffeine, alcoholic beverages, chocolate. In limited quantities should be consumed protein foods, particularly liver, meat, legumes.

How to sleep in osteochondrosis?

During sleep, the person has to be in this position, which will allow his muscles and the musculoskeletal system to relax completely. This is due to the fact that for long periods in an uncomfortable posture is often the cause of developing osteoarthritis.

To minimize the load on the spine during a night's rest, one must observe the following rules:

  • It is forbidden to sleep on my stomach. During sleep, the person relaxes, and his head can be rotated or upturned. The resulting blood vessels and arteries peredelyvayut, impaired blood flow to the brain, cervical spine in tension, etc. in osteochondrosis, developed in the lumbar spine, it is best to lie on her back and under knees to put a little elastic roller. Osteochondrosis identified in the cervical spine, the patient should lie on his side so that his head was on the pillow is small, and the shoulder rested on the hard mattress.
  • The best position for relaxation is a pose of "embryo" in which sleep is recommended for patients with a diagnosis of osteochondrosis. The patient should lie on the side, then bent at the knees it should pull up to his chest. If the patient will experience discomfort he needs to put under the knee a small pillow. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the pressure of one body part to another and to prevent compression of blood vessels.
  • In the arrangement of bed patients must give their preference for beds with smooth base. Mattress it is best to use orthopedic (osteochondrosis is strictly forbidden to use hydrometers), which was developed specifically to during sleepon the musculoskeletal system of the person was not a heavy load.
  • A pillow, people with low back pain, use a small to fit his head and shoulders remained on the mattress. Best to buy a special orthopedic pillow that is designed for the prevention of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine.

On topic: What you can and cannot do in osteochondrosis?

If you do not treat low back pain?

If time does not take measures for the treatment of osteochondrosis, the intervertebral discs from being crushed vertebrae will begin to go beyond the limits of the spine. As a result of neuro-vascular bundle will start to hurt. So you will get an intervertebral hernia.

What kind of doctor treats low back pain?

Upon detection of the alarming symptoms of osteoarthritis people, in most cases, I don't know what narrow specialist they need to contact. In order not to lose precious time they should visit nearest medical facility and make an appointment with our General practitioner.

At the reception, the doctor will listen to the complaints of patient, collect anamnesis of disease, conduct personal examination, prescribed laboratory tests and refer him to a neurologist. This choice is due to the fact that most often osteochondrosis develops on the background of neurological disorders.

A neurologist may prescribe a comprehensive hardware examination of the patient, the results of which will be chosen constructive treatment. He will give direction to the patient on an MRI or in the office of the radiologist, the technician will conduct x-ray images which will enable to identify the nidus and assess the affected area.

In modern well-equipped medical institutions, the problem of degenerative disc disease do narrow specialists: spine or vertebroneurology. These doctors spetsializiruyutsya directly on diseases of the spine, therefore, can quickly relieve pain in patients, and will continue to coordinate and guide the work of colleagues involved in the treatment of degenerative disc disease.

okov, Andrey Vladimirovich, doctor-neurologist