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Causes, symptoms and treatments of cervical degenerative disc disease

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Degenerative processes and dysfunction of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine called cervical osteochondrosis (SCHOCH).

What is cervical osteochondrosis?

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease in which the soft intervertebral pulp, acting as a shock absorber between the vertebrae, degenerates into ossified tissue in the pathogenesis of involved nerve roots and blood vessels. This pathology masked by a variety of disorders. A distinctive feature of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine is pain in the head, neck and upper back. Also, patients come to the doctor with dizziness, nausea, irregular blood pressure, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, numbness of the tongue, with suspected angina and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

This means that people who feel pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, sternum and retrosternal region file complaints not only to the neurologist, but also to doctors of other medical specialties (cardiologist, internist, orthopedist), which seriously hampers the primary diagnosis.

Degenerative changes in the tissues of the cervical spine are widespread among people of middle and old age. This is due to the vertical arrangement of the human skeleton and the distribution of static and dynamic loads.

Widespread cervical degenerative disc disease is primarily attributed to the release of the roots of the nerve endings in the upper part of the spine and mobility of the neck joints load bearing to hold the skull upright.

Approximately 60% of the adult population of European countries to a varying degree suffers from clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis. It is noticed that this disease manifests itself earlier in men 45-50 years. Women tend to get sick a little later, about 50-55 years.

In modern society, there is a rejuvenationdegenerative disc disease neck. When examining members of different generations who have a tendency to this disease, it is well established that the youth of today is beginning to experience problems with the spine much earlier in comparison with the older generation of the family, sometimes even in adolescence. People born 60-70 years ago, first come to the hospital about cervical osteochondrosis in the Mature or even old age, but people born 20-40 years ago, often develop osteoarthritis at a young age. This indicates a significant deterioration in the health of the young generation, which is associated with a sedentary lifestyle and reduced quality of supply.

Low back pain is commonly viewed in two ways, always in relationship to physiological (natural aging) and pathological (degenerative and inflammatory processes) factors:

  • Physiological process – the inevitable aging of the cartilage of the vertebral column, the adjustable neuro-endocrine mechanisms of the body due to irreversible natural phenomena;
  • Pathological process – the destruction of the intervertebral structures and the surrounding vertebrae ganglia and blood vessels – the less healthy the lifestyle, the faster disease develops.

From the point of view of localization of the pathological process:

  • Physiological changes are located in the center of the intervertebral disc accompanied by the replacement of the pulp of the disc by fibrous tissue, are part of the aging process, clinically manifest or not manifest itself only in irritation of the nerve endings;
  • The pathological changes extend beyond the cartilage, always cause irritation of the nerves and constriction of blood vessels, which is manifested by local and reflected pain reactions (discalceati).

The pathological form of degenerative disc disease is the replacement of physiological aging of the pathological process.

The disease can liquidate compensated and occur sporadically. This feature is associated with the body's ability of the higher mammals and of man to the development of compensatory and protective mechanisms, leveling pathology. Meanwhile, it is impractical to test an organism for durability.

The pathological form of the disease is always associated with the aging process, even young adults. Further destruction of the tissue of the annulus without replacement of the pulp fibrous tissue leads to the formation of microcracks, disruption of the vertebral fixation and development of symptomsinstability of the spine.

The pathogenesis is accompanied by:

  • Impregnation the nucleus pulposus salts of calcium;
  • The indentation structures of the vertebra in the body of the adjacent vertebra (type of hernia);
  • Gradual wear and tear of the vertebrae (spondylosis);
  • The ossification of ligaments (ligamentous ossificans).

Symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease

Diagnosis of the disease difficult, sometimes pain is not apparent, and symptoms is erased the character, moreover, uncontrolled use of strong analgesics mask the signs of disease. Patient unable to feel pain, feels healthy, and this continues until the development of irreversible processes in the tissues of the joints of the neck.

Important symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease are dizziness, headaches, arterial pressure jumps.

Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis

This condition is not always clearly indicates the degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine.

Dizziness can be the result of:

  • Inflammation in the middle or inner ear;
  • Spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • Violations transmission of nerve impulses;
  • Problems with the vestibular apparatus;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

There are no clear criteria dizziness osteochondrosis. However, there are systemic and non-systemic dizziness, they do have distinct differences.

It is recommended to know the differences between systemic and non-systemic dizziness, this will help to determine the causes of unusual States:

  • System dizziness is the sensation of circular motion of surrounding objects or body that is a consequence of disruption of the vestibular apparatus, visual analyzers and receptors in joints, muscles and epidermis (low back pain of various etiologies);
  • Non-systemic dizziness is a feeling of faintness, feeling stunned, unsure of status in a vertical position. When non-systemic dizziness a feeling of circular rotation is missing, and this is an important difference compared signs.

People who feel the dizziness one of the specified types should be inspected by an experienced doctor, primarily a neurologist or (if there is a suspicion on disease of the ear and nasopharynx)the otolaryngologist.

The reason for the emergency hospitalization not related to degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine, is the identification of the patient (except vertigo) such signs as:

  • Facial paralysis and numbness of the shoulder belt;

  • Severe headache on the background of deterioration of health;
  • Violation of coordination of movements;
  • The loss or extinction of consciousness.

Headache in cervical osteochondrosis

This is one of the most common nonspecific signs of many diseases. Headaches are particularly prevalent in the female population. It is difficult to determine the cause of headaches, and, moreover, associate it with the lesions of the spine. There are about 14 different reasons for headache in humans.

The most common causes of headaches with the described pathology:

  • Spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • A pinched nerve roots;
  • A reflex increase in intracranial pressure.

Headache in cervical osteochondrosis can recall the sensation when hypertension, angina or stroke. Especially in middle-aged and older, tend to have the risks of developing strokes or heart attacks.

Feel the pain may be paroxysmal, constant, throbbing, and dull.

When heart diseases patients complain of discomfort in the chest, accompanied by a rhythm disturbance of the heart. To identify the cause only by a qualified doctor. In case of headaches combined with nausea, dizziness and chest pain, made sure the ECG.

Pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical

Not always the pain is localized in the head and neck. Known cases different localization of pain.

Neck pain (cervicalgia) may radiate to the shoulder area and in different parts of the hands. The distinctive feature of such sensations is the sudden bouts after sleep, sudden movements, invisible to human stress, for example when you laugh or sneeze. The pain associated with degenerative disc disease, if the process has not taken a chronic character, usually subsides after a short time and combined with the crunch of the cervical vertebrae.

Without prior surveydo not remove the pain by using manual therapy (massage). In some cases, inept manipulation can aggravate the pathology, disrupt innervation or cause disability of the patient.

The intensity of the pain can be mild or sharp. For the duration – both short and long.

Patients described typical feelings:

  • Localization of pain deep in the neck;
  • A feeling of crunching and crackling when you try to turn your head;
  • Muscle weakness or decreased sensation in different parts of the body.

In the cervical region of all mammals, including man, seven vertebrae and eight pairs of ganglia. SCHOCH can also develop on the border of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae.

It is seen that the cervical osteochondrosis most often associated with damage to the sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae.

There are tests to determine the localization of the pain impulse. Defeat in the region of the sixth vertebra is complemented by pain in the thumb, a defeat in the region of the seventh vertebra is accompanied by pain in the middle finger.

Blood pressure with cervical osteochondrosis

The relationship of cervical degenerative disc disease with irregular blood pressure has long been established. The cervical vertebrae are important nerve endings and blood vessels.

Characteristic pressure changes during the day. Hypertension for a long time not typical for this disease. Reflex irritation of the nerve endings and the short-term spasms of the blood vessels cause an abrupt diurnal dynamics of arterial hypertension.

A distinctive feature of the increased pressure in cervical osteochondrosis is a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Headache;
  • Pain in the limbs and chest;
  • The reduction of the sensitivity of the neck area;
  • The occurrence of pressure peaks after stress, muscle tension, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position and other similar situations.

These characteristics must be taken into account in the self-differentiation of hypertension of various Genesis.

Spikes HELL and the rapid deterioration of health are the basis for seeking urgent medical assistance.

Causes of cervical degenerative disc disease

The causes are always associated with aging and developmental pathology of bone and cartilage. However, not all peoplein old age suffer from various types of pathologies of the skeleton.

Numerous observations have revealed that the cervical degenerative disc disease has predisposing factors, including:

  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Compelled postures at work;
  • Excess body weight;

  • Excessive stress and prolonged stress;

  • Previous injuries in the nape and neck;
  • Local hypothermia;
  • Autoimmune diseases that lead to degeneration of the cartilage tissue;
  • Congenital malformations of the structure of the spine.

Moderate exercise, a healthy diet and proper lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of degenerative disc disease or minimize its impact on well-being in old age.

How dangerous is cervical osteochondrosis?

Decreased flexibility in the joints, muscle elasticity, and other signs of aging is the unconditional companion of elderly people is a natural process.

Pain during motion and at rest begin to annoy the person much before the natural period of aging, sometimes it ends with a disability or a significant reduction in quality of life.

Unskillful treatment just as dangerous as inaction, as in the first case, the pathology without quality treatment is compounded in second – inept therapy can be sudden disability or persistent deterioration of health, because medical manipulations affect the two most important body systems – the nervous and vascular.

Syndromes of cervical osteochondrosis

Syndromes is the combination of several symptoms. There are several symptom of cervical degenerative disc disease, the main ones are:

  • Vertebral or vertebral;
  • Vertebral artery;
  • Cardiac or heart;
  • Nerve endings (radicular).

The combination of different syndromes, as a mosaic, formed into a single picture of the cervical osteochondrosis.

Vertebral syndrome

This syndrome means that the pathological processes associated with the body of the bone and cartilage.

In the case of clinical manifestations, the syndrome consists of three symptoms related to bone or cartilage tissue of the vertebrae, namely:

  • Violation of the mobility of the neck;
  • Pain when trying to rotate the neck;
  • Morphological changes in the vertebral body or the intervertebral space (symptom is determined onthe radiograph).

These symptoms necessarily match each other. In the absence of one of them is missing and vertebral syndrome is a medical axiom. If there is pain while turning the head it is always possible to assume the morphological changes in the tissues of the bones and cartilage of the cervical skeleton, and by indirect signs (the change of place sensitivity) you can define a specific vertebra or group of joints involved in the pathology.

The complexity of the diagnosis of vertebral syndrome lies in the fact that a similar clinical picture (restriction of mobility) can be found in lesions of the neck muscles (myositis), and the main symptom of the syndrome – pain when active the position of your neck is often the result of other pathological processes in the human body.

Vertebral artery syndrome

This syndrome means that the pathological processes associated with vertebrate arteries supplying the brain. The manifestation of symptoms should be considered in direct violation of brain blood supply and tissues of the cervical.

The syndrome consists of several symptoms. The main ones are related to:

  • Insufficient blood flow in one of the trunks due to the compression of the artery (tinnitus, stunned, dizziness, pressure fluctuations, nausea, and vomiting);

  • Irritation of nerve endings of the arteries (strong pain and migraine , or Vice versa, numbness, reduced sensitivity, temporary unilateral blindness, and "floaters" in the eyes);

  • Oxygen starvation (drowsiness, fainting, mild nagging headache, decreased performance and concentration, depression).

This syndrome can develop not only in osteochondrosis, but also in other pathologies (deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the inner wall of the vessel, by displacement of vessel by tumors, inflammatory infiltration, and so on).

Cardiac syndrome

The symptoms of this syndrome resemble heart disorders, angina, and even state prior to the heart attack. The syndrome includes the following symptoms:

  • Pain and burning sensation in the sternum;
  • Shortness of breath, weakness and fatigue;
  • Heart palpitations.

The main methods of differential diagnosis of pathologies of the cardiovascular system and degenerative disc disease – a method of ECG and functional tests. ECG note shortened ST segment, angiography – absence of atherosclerosis. To exclude cardiac syndrome in osteochondrosisit is difficult and requires long study.

Radicular syndrome

Clinical manifestation of this syndrome is associated with one of eight pairs of spinal nerves, innervating the cervical portion of the vertebral column. Characterized by unilateral lesion of the body.

The syndrome is associated with impaired nerve conduction: with pain, or, on the contrary, polyproline (paresis), paralysis and loss of sensitivity.

The conduction disturbance is characterized by the following features:

  • The first and second roots – numbness or, on the contrary, pain in the occipital region;
  • The third pair of roots – numbness of the tongue and area behind the ears, difficulty chewing food, and bloating of the language;
  • The fourth pair – pain in the collarbone, hiccups, difficulty swallowing as in the case with angina;
  • The fifth pair of disturbances are felt in the shoulder region in the form of difficult movement of arms;
  • The sixth pair is discomfort in the shoulder blades and forearm;
  • The seventh pair – numbness in the arms and in particular, the index and middle fingers;
  • The eighth pair – leads to difficulties of possession of the ring fingers and little fingers on his hands.

In practice, very rarely affected individual vertebrae, most often in the pathogenesis involves several pairs of nerve roots, so the syndromes are mixed and confusing clinical picture. The patient is preferably independently listen to their own body.

Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine

Depending on the stage of disease (remission or exacerbation), the form of the disease (acute or chronic), clinical manifestations (presence or absence of pain syndrome) are chosen different methods of therapy.

It can be:

  • Conservative treatment (drug and non-drug);
  • Surgery;
  • The combination of conservative and surgical methods.

Let us consider the classic methods of therapy. Knowledge and competent use of simple techniques, including physical therapy, massage and self-massage, greatly facilitates the health of the person experiencing neck pain in osteochondrosis. In the case of a long flowing degenerative processes it is better to be screened under conditionshospital or on an outpatient basis, and only after this to apply treatments.

If there is no possibility to pass the examination, it is recommended to apply gentle methods, for example, to perform exercises aimed at hydration, the saturation of the interarticular space fluids by improving circulation in the neck and nape.

Physical therapy (physiotherapy) in cervical osteochondrosis

Physiotherapy, when done correctly, exercise works wonders. Proposed a lot of methods, but they are all based on nourishing diet cartilage and bone tissues. The principle of physical therapy is to restore blood supply to the damaged area of the body.

Is prohibited during physical therapy is strongly rotate and bend the head, only allowed the simulation of such movements. This method has shown its effectiveness, in spite of obvious simplicity.

The correct application of therapeutic exercises is the use of physical exercises:

  • Prolonged stress on the neck joints (one set of exercises is performed not more than 2 minutes);

  • Turns, tilts and rotations of the neck (these exercises exacerbate pathological processes in the joints and intervertebral discs).

Shown small (shallow) tilt head that do not result in movement of the joints, but increase blood flow to them. Such tilting motion reminiscent of a barely perceptible nodding of the head meaning "Yes". After a while, after about 30 minutes, repeated movements resembling a "no"answer.

You can also perform exercises that simulate movement of the head forward (limiting hand frontal part of the head) and back (limiting the movement of the head with the hands in the neck).

Massage with cervical osteochondrosis

Massage must be done gently, without power loads. Incompetent, unprofessional massage can end in tears. The movement should spread to the cervical, collar zone and back.

The massage is performed in the prone position, at least, in the sitting position.

The methodology is based on the following techniques:

  • Stroking. The impact on the superficial layers of the skin. Palms of the hands or fingertips from the head and below to the upper third center back. Stroking from the base of the neck can also be a zigzag;
  • Squeezing. Impact on the deeper layers of the skin in the upper third of the back. Fingers (thumb and forefinger) across the neck performed motion capture of the skin resembling squeezing. This is done be careful not to engage tissue close to the vertebrae;
  • Rubbing. Goalprocedure – warm up the skin and enhance the blood flow in the neck area. Performed with extreme caution. Not allowed impact on the spinous processes of the vertebrae. Rubbing can be replaced with movements reminiscent of sawing, or circular strokes;
  • Kneading. Has limited value as it acts on a very deep-lying tissue, which could aggravate the pathology.

Self-massage with cervical osteochondrosis is performed sitting in a comfortable position. Use the techniques of stroking, rubbing in a circular neck, or shoulders. Appropriate method of self-massage combined with rubbing various ointments that increase the blood flow and relieving pain in warm-up area.

Applicator Kuznetsov

It is a simple device made of plastic with spikes that affect the skin. Person falls on spikes, or apply them to the body, thereby causing irritation of skin receptors, responsible for physiological processes in the body.

In some cases, the applicator helps and permanently reduces the pain caused by cervical osteochondrosis. Furthermore, the device occasionally increases the capacity of man, beneficially affects the skin, normalizes sleep and blood circulation, restores mobility of the joints.

Contraindications to the use of the applicator Kuznetsova – infectious, neoplastic, skin, and vascular disease. Before using the device the patient should consult with your doctor or self-test this simple device myself with the help of short-term applying applicator, and monitoring health.

Topic: Treatment of an osteochondrosis in house conditions

Orthopedic pillow with cervical osteochondrosis

Orthopedic pillows for sleeping are an effective means of prevention. In many cases, low back pain is exacerbated by additional squeezing of the neck artery and nerve roots during sleep on an uncomfortable pillow. Orthopedic product provides a uniform horizontal position of the person during sleep and thus ensures the physiologically optimal blood flow to the brain.

When selecting pillows, you should take into account the individual anatomical characteristics of a person and match them with volume andcharacteristics of the filler. Choosing the right pillow brings tangible benefits to patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Drugs and medicines in cervical osteochondrosis

Arsenal of medicines and drugs for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is very broad:

  • Analgesics (non-steroidal drug that relieves pain). They are usually prescribed in the form of tablets or capsules. It should be remembered that most of these drugs cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Among the modern drugs used for the relief of pain in osteochondrosis – diclofenac, piroxicam;
  • Anti-inflammatory ( steroid). This hormonal drugs, which reduce inflammation and thereby eliminate pain. Most often, osteochondrosis of the cervical pills and apply ointments on the basis of hydrocortisone, prednisone or dexamethasone;
  • Chondroprotectors are drugs containing substances, residual components of cartilage – chondroitin, hyaluronic acid. To achieve lasting positive effect, these drugs need to take a very long time;
  • Muscle relaxants are drugs that relaxing muscle tone. They are used in surgery and orthopedics, as subsidiary means for the relief of pain. These drugs are administered parenterally, so it is always under the supervision of a physician. For the treatment of osteoarthritis using drugs from two pharmacological groups: glycerol and benzimidazole. There is an extensive list of contraindications;
  • Vitamins. Osteochondrosis of the cervical are appointed vitamins, have a positive influence on the peripheral nervous system and improves conductivity. Water-soluble vitamins: 1, 6, 12, fat-soluble vitamins: A, C, D, E. In recent years were more likely to prescribe combination medications that include painkillers and vitamin components. One of these drugs Milgamma compositum. Effective preparation consists of b vitamins on the basis of pyridoxine and thiamine, and as a pain reliever contains lidocaine;

  • Creams and gels for external use. This is the available for use at home group of medicines. They are divided into anti-inflammatory, warming and pain. Such fundsoften advertised, most popular: voltaren emulgel, gel, Fastum gel. With cervical osteochondrosis, not all ointments are effective, in addition, because of the availability they are sometimes used unnecessarily and without taking into account peculiarities of the pathogenesis. Before applying any medications needed to be examined by a doctor.

Topic: Modern BAD recovery of the joints

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

Disease better to prevent or minimize the factors contributing to the development of pathology. It is known that the basis of health is the right way of life. It includes moderate physical activity, controlling body weight, regular workouts during sedentary work, especially if it is performed in a static posture. All of the above self-controlled person, and often depends on the habits laid down in childhood.

But for the life of man is exposed to risks that cannot be eliminated. These include congenital and acquired small injuries of the spine, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

If a person has a tendency to clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis, it is advisable not to choose the work associated with increased physical activity, and avoid sudden movements at home. Excess weight over 10 kg are considered critical for individuals experiencing back problems.

If it is impossible to completely refuse from intense physical activity should:

  • To carry weight alternately on one side of the body, then on the other;
  • To use a corset to protect the spine;
  • After doing the work to unload the spine, namely, to lie down for a while, or to hang on the bar.

On topic: What you can and cannot do in osteochondrosis?

Avoid sudden changes of weather and climate. Risks increase with increasing humidity and reducing temperature.

To protect yourself from the aggravation of cervical degenerative disc disease help:

  • Sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow in the right position, not impeding the circulation of the spine;
  • Regular swimming;
  • Healthy eating.

Osteochondrosis contraindicated sports, which increases the load on the spine and contributing to his trauma: running, jumping, weightlifting. In the period of exacerbation, should refrain from visiting the steam room in the bath.

Performing simple rules of prevention, remedial gymnastics and massage (in some cases) allows for comfortable living withosteochondrosis of the cervical spine even in old age.