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How to remove swelling at home?

The best products from edema:

Swelling in the soft tissues of the body, excessive accumulation of fluid. At first glance, it may seem not dangerous, but the regular occurrence of swelling may indicate conditions associated with the work of the heart and kidney, cirrhosis of the liver. Also swelling often occur in pregnant women. If with this problem you face is not very often, for example, after a long stay in one position (sitting or standing), then most likely it is not associated with the development of any disease. When we are talking about the treatment at home, it is important to determine what exactly caused the appearance of ascites. It is better to consult a specialist, because if swelling are a consequence of dangerous diseases, then you need to treat them, and the reason that triggered their appearance.

What helps with the swelling?

Swollen feet will help alternate douche feet with cold and warm water baths with sea salts, massage. Get in the habit during the holidays to put something under the legs so they were located a little higher.

There are many folk recipes based on herbs. During pregnancy it is recommended to restrict fluid intake, avoid tight shoes and clothing and take diuretics. It is also recommended to avoid excessive activity and more rest.

Cranberries and cranberry.

Cranberry juice and cranberry – known and long-proven remedy for edema. Due to the huge number of nutrients contained in these berries they are considered almost miraculous means, they can be used even during pregnancy.

  • For example, you can buy ready-made cranberry or cranberry juice. It tastes very sour, so much nicer to dilute it with water, some add a little sugar on efficiency is not affected. The juice should be drunk half an hour before meals for 2 tablespoons.

  • You can prepare a healthy drink on their own. To cook the juice need to be added to a Cup of berries a liter of water over medium heat and bring to a boil. If you want you can put in the juice the sugar and infuse with the lid closed for 2 hours. This recipe is for frozen berries, but they need a little more – half Cup.
  • Also cranberries or cranberries can be ground in a blender, pour boiling water and leave overnight in a thermos. In the morning you can treat yourself to a delicious compote with miracle berries.
  • Useful properties of berries and leaves cranberries. To prepare the broth from cowberry leaves (you can buy it at drugstore) 1 teaspoon of herbs steeped in a Cup of boiling water.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of cranberry and lingonberry. Cranberries are not recommended for people suffering from low blood pressure and kidney stones disease and disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract. The use of cranberry should be avoided those who are faced with diseases of the liver, gastritis, ulcer of the stomach. It is also noted the tonic effect of the drink from these berries that can be dangerous when uterine tone during pregnancy.

Parsley and dill.

Use the swelling can and the plants that grow in your area. Parsley and dill – the most effective means of those who are always under the hands of the gardeners.

  • Infusion of parsley. For infusion of parsley you must take the root and the greens of the plants, grind them in a meat grinder and pour boiling water. The recommended proportion is 1:2. Then leave the drink warm for 8-10 hours to steep. Then it is filtered and add the juice of one lemon. Received the infusion, taken three times a day before meals for the third part of the glass. Length of use is 3-5 days. On an empty stomach to drink the infusion with lemon juice is not necessary, as this can adversely affect the gastric mucosa. Use the infusion can do not only inside but also in the form of lotions.

  • A decoction of parsley. To prepare the broth take 800 grams of leaves that must first be rinsed and then pour over boiling water. After the water has drained, the leaves are finely cut and placed in a pot with milk. Milk should completely cover the herbs. Then put the pan in not very hot oven so the milk has melted but has not boiled away. The finished product shouldstrain and take within the hour 1-2 tablespoons. This recipe is recommended even in cases when did not help medications.
  • Parsley juice can be mixed with milk and a little hold in a hot oven. This drink is consumed several times a day on a teaspoon.

Pregnant women parsley is contraindicated, as it causes strong uterine contractions. Contraindications include breast-feeding and the age of two. Also, do not apply parsley to the people who found jade.

Dill is another spice, a diuretic effect which will help to solve the problem of accumulation of excess fluid in the body. Pregnant women it usually is not contraindicated. However, we must remember that it stimulates the muscular activity and, therefore, can lead to increased uterine tone. Therefore, those women, to whom the doctor says about the probable threat of miscarriage, you should avoid taking spices, all the rest – not overly zealous.

The main contraindication to receiving treatment beverages, which include dill, is low blood pressure. People suffering from hypotension may experience weakness, fatigue.

  • To prepare diuretic infusions need to pour fennel seeds (take 1 tablespoon dry or 2 tablespoons fresh seeds) 1/2 litre of boiling water. To insist it should be within the hour, and take three times a day for the third part of the Cup for 25-30 minutes before eating.

  • You can also make dill in a thermos. 1 tablespoon of seeds pour 300 ml of boiling water and insist. This infusion is recommended to take 150 ml for 3 weeks morning and evening. You then take a short break (3 days) and repeat the course.
  • Swelling of the eyelids will help lotions. To prepare the broth for them except the dill you need to take mint. A teaspoon of fennel seeds mixed with a tablespoon of finely chopped mint leaves, add a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it should drain and attach it soaked cotton pads to the eyes, leaving on for 5-10 minutes.

Rosehips swelling

Briar– one more plant, anciently known for its beneficial properties. He helps and swelling. However, there is a fairly wide range of contraindications, which you should read before you can prepare a decoction from it. To theminclude: stomach ulcers and gastritis, increased acidity, loss of tooth enamel, heart disease and deviations from normal blood pressure, pathology of the gallbladder and liver, the tendency to constipation and the formation of blood clots.

In order to prepare a really healthy drink, it is impossible to boil the fruit. Optimal method of preparation - pour the berries into the already boiling water and remove the dishes from heat, closing the lid. To infuse the beverage for about 3 hours.

For infusion use: 1 tablespoon of herb pour 250 ml of boiling water, it is desirable to insist 6-8 hours in a thermos. Take the infusion of rose hips before eating three times a day half a Cup. If the taste seems too sour, you can add some sugar or honey into the drink.

Is also possible to mix rose hips and other medicinal plants. For example, you can take in the same quantity of rose hips, viburnum and hawthorn, the flowers of calendula and Linden, leaves of bilberry, birch and plantain. All the components you need to chop and mix, then take 2 tablespoons of the resulting collection and pour boiling water (1/2 litre), leaving to infuse overnight. the visit is carried out 3-4 times a day a quarter Cup for 2-3 months.

Flax seed from edema

In order to prepare a decoction of Flaxseed, you will need 4 tea spoons of seeds per quart of water. Boil the broth should be within 15 minutes and then infuse for about an hour in a warm place. Take it half a Cup every 2 hours for 2 weeks. Thanks to this broth to remove puffiness can not only feet, but also on the face. The taste of the drink is neutral, but consistency can be confusing. The resulting tool like slime, if his appointment is causing you negative feelings, it can be mixed with juice.

Flax seeds have a laxative effect, so it is impossible to accept them in the development of inflammatory processes in the intestine. Women especially should be treated carefully to receive them. Flaxseed is contraindicated in women with endometritis polycystic, and uterine fibroids. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from taking this means in the period of pregnancy and feeding baby breast. As for men – you can't take flax seed themen who are predisposed to cancer of the prostate, as the seeds contain alpha-linolenic acid.

Edema caused by heart disease, it is possible to prepare the next infusion. 10 pieces of rose hips mixed with an equal number of spikelets of oats, flax seed (5 parts) and chicory root (5 parts). All the components should be ground in a coffee grinder. 1 tablespoon of this mixture pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist in a warm place (better to use a thermos) for 6 hours. After this time infusion should strain and drink a third of the Cup three times a day for half an hour before meals.

In any case, the daily intake of Flaxseed should not exceed 2 tablespoons.

Cabbage leaf from edema

Another tool that is always at hands of avid gardeners is the cabbage. And swelling it is recommended to drink even in the form of sauerkraut.

If very swollen feet, before going to sleep you can make a special tub with warm water in which add the broth of seaweed. To prepare the broth 2 tablespoons of cabbage pour a glass of hot water and leave to infuse for 2 hours.

Also for getting rid of swelling using compresses with cabbage leaves. A sheet of ordinary white cabbage for a few minutes should be dipped in boiling water to become soft. Then you can iron it with a hot iron. Instead, you can soak the sheet in olive oil for 1 hour. Just before applying cabbage leaf to the leg, it is recommended to squeeze a little lemon juice or a little sprinkle of baking soda. It will help even without preliminary preparation it can be applied to the desired portion simply by making a few cuts. Even better will help cabbage leaf smeared with honey.

This compress can be done before bed and leave until morning, marking the sheet with a bandage or gauze. In the same way you can use a whole sheet but only the thick veins, pre-roll them with a rolling pin. Cabbage leaf can be used to eliminate edema, not only on feet but also on the face. In this case it may be easier to grind the leaf to a pulp and apply it like this.

For removing fluid from the body can be applied and cabbage juice.

Lemon swelling

Lemoncontains ascorbic acid, which helps fight swelling.

Swelling on the face skin can be wiped with lemon. If swelling is very strong, the recommended lemon cut into slices and cover their face, leaving on 10-15 minutes. This should be done only on clean skin, removing all remnants of the cream or decorative cosmetics.

Of course, the lemon can be taken internally. With caution this should be done when the ulcer and gastritis, diseases of the pancreas and high blood pressure. Pregnant women can also use it, but in moderation. Good help is not very sweet tea with lemon.

To prepare the means to eliminate edema, you must take the zest of one lemon, dried and milled into powder. Necessary to take it at half a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals three times a day with water with honey.

Lemon juice can be mixed with juices of other vegetables. Mix half a Cup of carrot juice with the same quantity of cucumber juice and add juice of 1 lemon. The prepared drink should drink per day in three divided doses, diluting with warm water in proportion 1:1.

There is another recipe: 1 Cup of juice viburnum and ash must be mixed with the juice of one lemon (half a Cup), add 100 g of honey and 3 tablespoons of vitalizing (this is an extract of several plants, which can be purchased in the pharmacy). The beverage is take a tablespoon after meals three times a day. It is necessary to note that the prepared medium should be stored only in the refrigerator, and storage period should not exceed 2 days.

You can just have a lemon, but be sure to peel.

An ancient Chinese recipe that will help remove the swelling. According to him, it is necessary to mix three lemons (with the peel) skip through a meat grinder horseradish (125 grams). The resulting tool is used for 2-3 weeks twice a day – morning and evening, 15 minutes before meal on a teaspoon.

Lemon broth can also help. You need to chop half the lemon and 2 tablespoons of the root of nettle, add 2 tablespoons oats (not cereals, and beans), pour 1.2 liters of water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Drink the resulting broth should be during the day instead of water.

Pumpkin juice

Pumpkin– another wayto get rid of puffiness. It should be noted that pumpkin porridge or any other used method of thermal processing of vegetable will reduce its effectiveness. You need to use it raw the flesh or pumpkin juice.

Pumpkin has a very high diuretic effect, but at the same time, does not irritate the renal parenchyma. In addition, it promotes the excretion of salt from the body.

A day should be consumed a half-glass of pumpkin juice. I subscribed to it 1 tablespoon during the day.

You can cook porridge with raw pumpkin. This will require you to scroll in a meat grinder 1 kg vegetable together with 3 sour apples and add one Cup of raisins. The resulting mixture should be stir and store in the refrigerator. Use it before each meal for a few tablespoons. People who suffer from edema caused by heart disorders, you should pay special attention to the pumpkin, as it contains iron, potassium, magnesium, which are essential for normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin E improves circulation, positively affecting the condition of people with heart failure.

The use of pumpkin juice has virtually no contraindications. Only people who have an Allergy to carotene, have to abandon its use. It should not be used in acute disorders of the stomach.

To prepare pumpkin juice alone is very easy – just clean the vegetables, removing the peel and seeds. Cooking juice in a food processor takes a few seconds, and if not, then the pumpkin can be grated and squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth. To make the drink tastier, add sugar, honey or lemon.

Cucumbers from edema

Cucumbers have a strong diuretic effect, so their regular use will reduce the risk of swelling and help in the fight against the already existing ones. By potassium cucumbers are beneficial to the thyroid gland, heart and vascular condition. Their diuretic properties cucumbers are indebted to the high content of potassium. Cucumber juice helps to cleanse the body and prevents the deposition of salts.

To prepare the broth of cucumber finely chopped 100 grams of vegetables, add 200 ml of boiling water. The drink is prepared on slow heat for 5 minutes. Take it should be half a Cup half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

Swelling on the face, you can use the old-fashioned way is to put slices of either cucumber, vegetable rubbed on a small grater, to cook from it a pulp.Also getting rid of puffiness under the eyes will help mask with cucumber, aloe, almond oil and starch. First, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 2 teaspoons of cucumber juice and half a teaspoon of almond oil. To this mixture is gradually injected starch until the mixture thickens to a cream. On the skin this mask is necessary to keep 10-15 minutes, then rinse face with cool water.

For pregnant women suffering from edema, cucumber juice is a real panacea. With regard to the used amount of juice of this vegetable, it can make up to 1 liter a day but at one time should not take more than 100 ml.

As with any product, even the seemingly innocuous cucumber has certain contraindications. Should abandon this vegetable for those who suffer from nephritis, kidney failure, kidney diseases. Caution should be taken to the product those who have observed gastritis, enterocolitis, exacerbation of ulcers.

Another drink, which includes cucumber is water Sassi. Along with a diuretic effect, it reduces bloating of the stomach, accelerates the metabolic processes. To prepare this drink you need: the juice of one lemon (or whole lemon), a cucumber, 10 mint leaves, a teaspoon of grated ginger and two liters of water. With cucumber it is recommended to cut the skin as it will accumulate harmful substances. And lemon, on the contrary, it is better to use along with a peel containing essential oils that are beneficial for the body. Cucumber and lemon cut into slices, add grated ginger and chopped mint. To brew a beverage in a glass container in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours. All the prepared water you should drink during the day, it should not be stored longer.

Cottage cheese with apples.

Significantly reduce the risk of swelling of dairy products: yogurt, milk, yogurt and cottage cheese. Cottage cheese and Apple fasting day, the first recommendation of a specialist in case of edema in pregnant women, however suitable this method is for everyone. Per day should consume 300-400 grams of cottage cheese, alternating it with the apples (600-800 grams). In case of strong swelling of the diet you must stick for 5 days. If you stay on a diet is difficult, it is possible to make the same amount of cottage cheese casserole.

Apples swelling help not only raw, but baked. The use of these fruits is obvious: they are good for those who suffer from gastritis,kidney stone disease, problems with blood vessels, these fruits normalize the level of cholesterol (recommended Antonovka), have a laxative effect.

Eat apples on an empty stomach should be, regardless of whether you eat them raw or baked.

Diet swelling

For people prone to edema, food plays a special role. The body in the required quantity should do proteins, it is necessary to include in the diet eggs, sour cream, milk, fish, cheese. Also on the table should be foods that contain potassium, as a deficiency often provokes the appearance of edema. These include: apricots, juice of orange and tangerine, Fig, parsley. Melon, watermelon (and cucumbers) contain a lot of fluids and potassium, so are the recommended products for getting rid of edema. Juices generally have a diuretic effect, most would benefit from fresh juice of beetroot, celery, pumpkin, Apple and carrot. Drink juices in small SIPS, without haste, holding in the mouth for a few seconds. It is also useful to drink herbal teas. From pythonpython proven green tea, tea with lemongrass, broth cumin, hawthorn. You can drink ordinary black tea, diluting it with milk or water with lemon juice.

Many people know that salt retains water in the body, but not everyone is ready to completely eliminate it from the diet. It will be enough to reduce its consumption to 1-1. 5 g per day. This should take into account that salt is found in many foods, even in bread its content sufficiently high. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon a variety of sausages, meat and fish in canned form. All fatty, salty, spicy should disappear from the fridge. If you go without salt quite difficult, spice things up with a little lemon juice. Along with this you will have to give up fatty desserts, cream and mayonnaise, alcoholic beverages. Sugar, honey and syrups should also be minimized. In addition, you should refrain from nuts, eggs, fatty sauces and cheeses, and any foods with added preservatives.

For self-treatment and the use of diuretics, it must be remembered that there is the possibility of dehydration and failure of electrolyte balance.

  • Edema in diabetes, heart disease, overweight is recommended oatmeal diet.Cereals cooked without added butter and salt. Per day the person should eat about 500 grams of this cereal. To drink during the day herbal teas and decoctions.

  • Best options protivootechnoy diet are cottage cheese and rice days.
  • Often experts recommend kefir diet. The day allowed to drink 1.5 liters of fermented milk beverage. Yogurt should be a minimum percentage of fat. Some fun yogurt a day helps one fruit or vegetable.
  • Also it is recommended to arrange fasting day fish. Of course, you should choose lean varieties of fish. 5 meals for 500 gr of boiled fish. For a garnish you can cook steamed vegetables or eat them raw.
  • When kidney failure and heart you can apply the rice diet. It involves 100 grams of boiled rice a day, which you need to distribute for a few meals. To wash down the rice with compote of dried fruits (apples, plum, pear) up to 6 cups per day.

  • Many people can't imagine life without meat. So the meat diet is perfect for them. In the day one can eat 400 grams of boiled beef. Time of cooking is not to add salt or seasonings. With this meat will go perfectly boiled beets or carrots.
  • There is a suitable diet for those who love to eat. In the day to eat 500 grams of various dried fruits: apricots, raisins, dried apricots, prunes. Divide the entire volume should be 5 meals. You can drink the juice from the same fruit, weak tea or warm water.
  • The best products for those who are looking for a way to get rid of edema are the Swiss chard, green tea, parsley. Mangold (leaf beet) contains a huge amount of potassium which counteracts the sodium, check the fluid. Green tea contains caffeine which has a diuretic effect. Parsley also contains substances that keep potassium in the body.

Of course, for a long time on the same diet to survive is not easy, but it is not necessary. You can alternate these options, thereby not falling into depression from having to be limited to the same product.

In fact, it is not difficult to note that all of these tips coincide with the basics of good nutrition. Therefore, we can conclude that the people leading an active lifestyle and adhering to the right diet, much less face edema. Another logical conclusion – if you coped with the excessive accumulation of fluid in the body through diet,should continue to eat by following these simple truths. Therefore, these tips won't hurt. However, once again I want to note that fundamentally change the diet in case of serious diseases or pregnancy without consulting a doctor, at least – unwise.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist