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Edema in heart failure

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Types of edema

The accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the body as a result of disruption of the main systems or organs leads to the formation of edema.

They are of the following types:

  • hypoproteinemia is accompanied by a decrease in the content of proteins in blood plasma, including albumin. Swelling of this type, primarily formed there, where much of the loose connective tissue, such as on the face. Swelling appears in this case after sleeping around the eyes;
  • membranophone – formed with increasing permeability of the vessel walls. As a result, plasma protein gets into intercellular space, leading to increased pressure and the exit of fluid from blood vessels into connective structure;

  • hydrostatic – arise when increase in the pressure in the capillaries. Such swelling is the most common symptom of heart failure.

It develops as a result of the lack of treatment of certain diseases. If the heart is unable to pump required amounts of blood, tissues and organs of the body are deprived of adequate nutrients and oxygen. In the venous line, in this case there might be a stagnation of blood. This is what leads to the formation of edema. Usually they become the main symptom of heart failure along with shortness of breath caused by lack of oxygen.

Swelling is the main symptom of heart failure

The location of edema can be judged on the nature of heart disease. In the field of light they arise, if significant deviations in the work of the left ventricle. Symmetrically swollen feet if you have problems with the right ventricle. The degree and distribution of swelling is greater, the neglected disease. In the initial stages swollen ankles and feet and then thighs. The first time the swelling becomes noticeable by the end of the day. After a good rest, it goes and comes back only in the evening. If the disease is actively progressing, soon swelling become permanent. To cope with them, just rested, did not succeed.

It is importanttime to pay attention to the fact that the swelling formed regularly. This is evidence of heart failure, so it is necessary to identify the underlying disease and to start its treatment. Another symptom is shortness of breath, but she appears in the later stages of the disease.

Features of edema in heart failure

The accumulation of fluid in the body can occur for many different reasons. But when the formation of edema caused by heart failure, they have the following features:

  • swollen both feet symmetrically;
  • edema can last a long time, sometimes they develop over several weeks or even months;
  • if you press on the swelling, resulting in heart failure, you will see a small hole that soon will disappear;
  • at first, the swelling only occur in the feet, gradually spreading over the body;
  • the swelling is firm to the touch;
  • swelling of the abdomen (ascites) caused by heart failure, can increase the liver.

Accurately diagnoses and determines cause of fluid accumulation in the body, manifested in the form of swelling, the doctor. But on your own in the area above the Shin bone gently press on the skin. If there is a dent that will disappear after a few seconds, then the probability of edema. And caused by it can be as heart failure and some other problems in the body. To get rid of puffiness, it is necessary to identify the cause.

The most common diseases that lead to heart failure:

  • Hypertension. This disease is a persistent increase in blood pressure for a long time. They suffer from a significant portion of the population. Hypertension is formed under the influence of multiple factors, the main of which is considered to be a genetic predisposition. It leads to violations of basic functions of the heart and development of heart failure.
  • Coronary artery disease. It is caused by insufficient amount of oxygen supplied to the heart muscle.Coronary artery disease can long time not to appear or be accompanied by a not too pronounced symptoms are: shortness of breath, pain behind the breastbone. In most cases, accompanied by heart failure.
  • Heart disease. They manifest themselves in the form of changes in the structure of the heart, leading to disturbances in the circulatory system. Patients suffering defects, characterized by a pale skin color, shortness of breath in such cases is very common. If changes in the structure of the heart in child are innate, they occur to start not earlier than 3 year of life. Heart failure is one of the manifestations of vices.


Treatment of the underlying diseases, a symptom of which is swelling of steel, will cope with them. You can also use the funds to reduce swelling. It is necessary to reduce salt intake and reduce the amount of fluid intake.

In the early stages of disease development help bath. Used for their preparation, sea salt, birch leaves, herbal teas: chamomile, mint, sage. Hot broth it is necessary to insist, then keep it in the legs about half an hour.

In some cases the use of diuretics. It can be as pharmaceutical preparations, and folk remedies. The mechanism of their action is aimed at reducing the amount of fluid in the body that helps to reduce puffiness. Before you apply such funds should consult with your doctor. Many drugs have contraindications. It is also important not to exceed the maximum dose. As diuretics can be used based drinks , cranberries, cranberry, herbal tea.

afaeva Yuliya Valerievna, doctor-nephrologist