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What to do if swollen feet?


Often the evening adults find unpleasant symptom. This is swollen legs. When there is swelling, there is a feeling of heaviness of the legs. Even a small foot transformed into the likeness of cabinets. It happens that this disease gives no symptoms of pain – at least at the initial stage. But in most cases people understand what is required to take immediate action. You need to recognize that edema occur even without wearing uncomfortable shoes – at least for certain diseases.

This does not mean that the shoes is not relevant to the formation of edema. Sometimes enough to stop wearing uncomfortable shoes and feet become normal. In most cases, want at hand have the means for immediate getting rid of unpleasant education. But usually to get rid of the swelling, the right treatment, which takes some time. If You are in doubt, and sincerely care about your health, it is better to go to the doctor to determine the cause of the disease and, consequently, will give you a good recipe. Let's try to consider in more detail those and other means.

Swollen feet – what to do?

Often, the root problems are failures of the cardiovascular and metabolic nature, or kidney disease. In this case, the treatment adopted to cure all symptoms of the main disease. In this case, we recommend you remember a few tips, which purpose - a significant weakening of the severity of the clinical signs of the disease.

That is, in this case, you must:

  • Stop wearing uncomfortable shoes, tight leg, with a completely flat or too high heels.
  • Reduce salt, liquid products in the diet.
  • To minimize the presence of standing or sitting.
  • To adhere to an active lifestyle, with the highest mobility.
  • Do not abuse the medication, the task of which is to provoke the swelling of the feet, replacing them with harmless alternatives.
  • Behave as gently as possible, avoiding injuries.

All of this is a simple action, givinga noticeable result. In addition we recommend a daily perform some simple exercises:

  • Taking a starting position sitting or standing try to push to the floor the heel and the toe a few times to raise up, then lean against a floor surface and lift the heel a few times.
  • Try to lift bare foot ball of small diameter or pencil laid on the floor.
  • Observing sequence, spread his and pressed tighter to each other and the toes.
  • Walk, if possible, on the tips of the legs.
  • To produce feet a rotational motion, moving them smoothly.
  • Bend the toes as quickly as possible unbending them.
  • Stand up on socks, having done some light jumping.

Patients often ask modern outdoor use. Sometimes it's just necessary. Then prescribe decongestant medications. According to the rules, drug therapy swelling of legs built on the basis of special ointments and drugs, which are called diuretics.

Now the list of these funds is very high. You can use gels, whose main task - the elimination of inflammation and relief of symptomatic nature, the means focused on the treatment of venous stasis, as well as compounds, improves circulation. You cannot select such means at random. But, nevertheless, we must mention the group most popular products, which differ in the minimum of contraindications. That is, they boldly recommended for almost all users.

Ointment leg swelling

Ointment leg swelling – a large section that includes very famous names. Among them:

  • Troxevasin ointment, have a strengthening effect on the walls of the veins and capillaries that used to produce cooling, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and angioprotective action. The basis of the composition is troxerutin.

  • Heparin ointment - a drug, which is designed to improve blood circulation, provide anti-inflammatory effect and dissolved microthrombuses. The composition includes heparin, benzocaine and benzyl ester of nicotinic acid.

  • Assawan Gel strengthens veins and capillaries, at the same time eliminating microscopic blood clots and stimulating blood circulation. Create it, basing the composition on the escin, heparin and sodium salts.

  • Venitanis vegetable venotonic drug based on extracts of horse chestnut, has the property to strengthen the venous and capillary structure. The ointment is used due to its pronounced cure, decongestant and anti-inflammatory action.

  • Lioton 1000 gel, anti-inflammatory, protivoekssoudative, decongestant and antithrombotic effect. The basis of the drug is heparin sodium.

Diuretics for the swelling of the legs

Often recommended to undergo a course of diuretics for the swelling feet.

There are a number of dioretikov, which are considered the most effective. Among them:

  • Decoctions and infusions of the diuretic character on the basis of some medicinal leaves, herbs and fruits (for their cooking use a horsetail, bearberry, cowberry, birch leaves, black currantseeds flax, the fruit of juniper, berries of wild strawberry, rosehip).

  • Amiloride.
  • The composition of the juice of mountain ash and viburnum (per serving - a glass), juice of lemon, honey (both in 100 g), as well as 50 g. phytolysin (solution take 20 g. after edible).

  • Veroshpiron.
  • The kanefron.
  • This is a list of funds that have individual contraindications. They may have a number of side effects. We repeat, that the trust administration of medicines with their dosages and consult the doctor can who was engaged in examination of the patient during the face-to-face appointment.

Except for sedentary work and the wrong shoes, you often have to deal with other causes of edema – excess weight, heavy physical loads, or sedentary work. Much more dangerous than the other mentioned diseases - renal insufficiency or varicose veins. Patients understand that the best way to save health is to eliminate the root cause.

At the place of occurrence of tumours is possible to draw a conclusion about the cause. So, heart problems lead to swelling of the ankles feet. Most often this symptom occurs in the elderly. Ifthe illness happened in the young person – most often it occurs due to vascular disorders.

If the swelling occur often, with regularity – you need to go to the doctor. Better to come on consultation to the therapist, and then follow his recommendations on time taking tests and coming in to see a cardiologist, urologist or phlebologist. In particular, the specialization of the latter - diagnosis and treatment of venous disorders.

Swelling due to weak muscles

Treatment of the phenomenon of swelling due to weak muscles is due to the deterioration of their basic functions. So, impaired lymph drainage, which leads to certain consequences.

You can help the muscles, strengthening them. For this you need to master a few exercises:

  • Scissors: lying on floor doing leg swings sideways with crossbreeding.
  • Birch, or polymerase. It is a complex stand on the blades. If you have trouble beginners lean into the wall, and if you have a helper he can to hold his feet.
  • Small complex on press.
  • A few exercises with dumbbells for the chest muscles.

This is a small complex, which will help to train the basic muscles. They take part in lymphatic drainage, and after some time the legs become much healthier.

Baths and massage from fatigue of the legs

Often the legs start to suffer from swelling after a hard day. In particular - if all day You are forced to sit in the same position. To reduce fatigue of the lower extremities, one can resort to the help of special baths with sea salt. It is necessary to relax the swollen places, and this will help massage light tweaks. This is a special movement of the fingers, resembling the action of the corresponding fixture with a similar name.

  • So, it is well established contrast baths for feet. Hold the feet in hot (5-7 minutes) and cold (but no longer than 10-15 seconds!) the types of water. But this measure is not valid, if the veins are dilated.
  • We have already mentioned about pharmacy ointments and gels for treating this symptom. In addition to them, with swelling fighting all ointments, among which rutin and heparin, or horse chestnut. These substances help to strengthen the capillary system. If the drug recommended by the doctor – you need to start immediately.

  • A good tonic is a foot bath. Their duration should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Them good Supplement to drinking soda, sodium chloride or sea salt. Good results are obtained suchprocedure: 3 years water throw a handful of salt and 1 tbsp of baking soda.
  • Often edema occur as a consequence of fatigue. Then they have to be hardened. Resort to the so-called contrast baths. The legs should be lowered and raised, alternately dipping them in hot enough water. Its temperature should be 40-50 degrees. Then they immediately dipped in cold water. Need to do 8-10 repetitions. Need good enough to warm them in the hot liquid they must be at least 3 times longer. Finish the procedure with cold water only. In hot dilute part of the infusion of chamomile, lime blossom, raw materials of nettle.

  • These actions are unacceptable, if diagnosed with varicose veins or thrombosis. After aquatic therapy, regardless of its view of those who suffer from varicose veins and thrombosis, you have to massage into feet and ankles to RUB the cream.

  • Definitely need to do a foot massage. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Begin with feet, gradually rising up to the knee joint. The same path you need to be 3-4 times. Next you need to massage each finger, following direction from the tip to the base. Stretch your whole foot massage complete the stroking, repeating the circle 3-4 times.
  • How much movement is needed to defeat this disease? Even if you walk around the workspace, it is possible to help the sore legs. Many people ask – will it help with this disease yoga? It is often used as an additional tool in helping to relax all the muscles. Periodic rest is shown in the position when the legs are slightly raised. It helps to reduce swelling. And to sit with my leg on the foot, is prohibited: this is formed lymph.
  • We suggest to take the right amount of time to sleep. Lack of sleep is a weapon against the thyroid gland and her health. It is as important as the selection of loose, comfortable shoes. In the case of varicose veins on the stockings is better to forget. If, however, you probably have a poorly matched shoes is the foot feels the pressure, and this complicates the process of outflow of liquids, which is already difficult.
  • Often, doctors suggest to reduce the amount of salt consumed. This is good advice. Due to this, the danger of such tumors drops significantly. This concerns not only the legs but the whole body. People should be limited on the day 1 g. sodium, which is 1/4 teaspoon of salt. This portion gives us the food to which the seasoning is absolutely not added. If you want to improve the taste of food is better to choose the rightspices. The salt in salads is replaced with vinegar or lemon juice. And substitutes for salt fish and potatoes are green onions with parsley. Bird flavored with tarragon, meat and rosemary. And before bed – about 19-00 – it is better to stop drinking liquids.

Traditional medicine from edema of the feet

Their choice, again, depends on the causes of the disease. Traditional medicine offers lots of recipes that will help those suffering from this disease:

  • The broth, which includes products such as the leaves and buds of birch, Linden flowers and horsetail.
  • Helps with the swelling of the feet, the Astragalus. Based on it make the broth. It fights puffiness, while improving the cardiovascular system.
  • You can resort to some other simple ways. For example, you can create a simple solution. Its basis is 10 liters heated water, in which dissolve a Cup of salt, spoon of baking soda and the same of tincture of iodine. Half an hour of the workpiece to be steep, and then her lower legs. The course lasts a week and a half, and the treatments every day.
  • Well help the roots of parsley. They are washed and finely chopped, then pour boiling water. Calculation - one tablespoon of ingredients on popular water. For infusion, use a thermos. Time infusions – eight hours. Drink a tablespoon.

  • Flowers of hawthorn is prepared in several ways. For starters, you need to mix equal amount of flowers and fruits of hawthorn. Then two tablespoons of composition pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave for half an hour to infuse, then strained in a take, distributing the glass into three doses per day.

  • Use grated potatoes. This is a recipe for "urgent" assistance. Slurry are distributed on the ankle, you will need to chop a few potatoes. On top we have to use plastic wrap. For insulation, wrap feet with cotton bandage. Compress hold for two hours, and then make a new one.
  • Keep the house fresh birch leaves. They sleep in canvas bags or pillowcases. Feet should be placed so that the volume of leaves reached his knees. In the legs, respectively, this level should reach two centimeters. In this procedureit will take about 3 hours. When the procedure is over, the leaves can be replaced, refreshing them.
  • Use bearberry and cowberry. They need to take in equal parts. The mixture is to take the number pair of table spoons to brew a glass of boiling water and put half an hour in the conditions of the water bath. Don't forget to cover it with a lid. The tool then it is necessary to cool, strain. Applying cold water, the infusion was adjusted to the original volume. A day infusion is necessary to drink, dividing it into three stages.
  • Parsley – or rather, its root is an excellent tool that is included in multiple recipes. It along with the root are ground, pour half a liter of boiling water. The steeping time is 9 hours. The infusion is diluted with juice of one lemon. reception – third Cup three times a day.
  • We have already mentioned the baths with salt and soda. There is another option procedure. Half a Cup of salt (sea or table) dissolve in 2 l. cold water. There have dipped a thick cloth, fit towel. It is the future compress it to put on lumbar region. This versatile decongestant treatment is repeated a week and a half before bedtime.
  • Helps field clover. Those handfuls of washed, cut into smaller. It poured a liter of water, put in the container on the fire and boil three minutes. Then tightly cover with a lid. Extraction time hours. Broth strain and take three times a day, dividing this number one Cup of liquid.
  • A good example is products such as Linden flowers, leaves and buds of birch, horsetail extract. We again recall that of them make decoctions and infusions. Those recipes, which we have quoted above, let's add another. It is based on 2-3 table spoons of horsetail, the knotweed and birch buds. Their mixed. The resulting mixture is 1 teaspoon of boiled water and infuse for about 30 minutes. Then they need to be pumped. The course is 3 days, given 1 day for a break. Drink a tablespoon after meals 3 times a day. The full course should last for three weeks.

  • Besides the above-mentioned baths, apply rubbing ice cubes. The bath should be cold enough. Procedure time - about 5-10 minutes. Swipe massage the tingling – it technique described above. In the water add pine extract in amounts of a few tablespoons, and in this water foot hold for 15-20 minutes. It helps to relieve fatigue of the feet, and also to overcome swelling.
  • Often use garlic. Head of garlic crushed, and then boiled water. When the squash has cooled it is rubbed into placeswelling, leaving for half an hour. Then wash away. Treat this recipe with caution if You have varicose veins. In this case, it is generally contraindicated hot bath and shower. Because their blood is in a state of stagnation, and the vessels dilate.

Healing juices

Of course, not purchase juices from the supermarket, and made alone of fruits and vegetables available to us in our latitudes.

Most popular urinary plant watermelon. Its juice has the unique ability not only to withdraw fluid from the body, but also to saturate it with useful sugars. In a special method of preparing this juice is not needed. Just eat watermelon as much as you want.

Grape juice will help the blood vessels to strengthen and bring the excess fluid from the body. Take it 1 hour before eating, since the portions are in 0.5 Cup and increasing the dose to 2 glasses. The treatment lasts up to 1.5 months.

Work to get rid of edema in legs can begin at any time. Take care of your feet today, and tomorrow you will be able easy gait to conquer the world.

How to solve problems with health?

We give simple recommendations that will help everyone. Add to what has already been written above, the new:

  • Shoes better to change at least once during the day. This is a special recommendation for those who loves wearing high heels. Let the work be replacement shoes, but better to give preference to soft models without heels.
  • You should not walk in the same pair more than two days in a row.
  • If You have a tendency to edema, it makes sense to buy special medical stockings, the task of which is to prevent the development of edema.
  • Discard the salt. Salt has an injury, delaying fluid in the body.
  • Liquid is better to use less than before, especially after 7 PM.
  • In sedentary work, find ways to frequently change the position of the lower extremities. Try as often as possible to take the standing position.
  • During sleep, place your feet on the pillow. This allows to improve the flow of blood and lymph, fight relieve fatigue of the feet.
  • If swelling has arisen not due to orthopedic reasons, it is important to choose the right shoes. It should not shake or hang out. Fingers must be in natural position. On the heel we have already mentioned above.
  • We should not limit people's recipe. On salespecial departments, you can find special orthopedic kind of compression Golf tights. They are made specifically so that vessels could remain in shape, preventing the stagnation of blood. These are the products of a therapeutic nature. Their task is to bring most powerful compression on the bottom of the lower limbs. The weakest influence is on the top. This distribution of load allows the blood flow to function normally. We suggest it is the socks or stockings, as the stockings are not the best choice with this diagnosis as varicose veins. Because of them the vessels of the thighs peretyagivaet, creates an additional burden on the circulatory system.

How to avoid swelling of the legs?

How to eliminate swelling of the legs? This is very important question for many patients. But it could have been avoided if people knew about the necessary precautionary measures.

Simple exercises will help to avoid stagnation in the liquid.

  • Place the right foot on the left, the left toe, raise the height. Repeat for the right leg. Rise a little on tiptoes, hold out for a few seconds. Do the tiptoe 10 low, light jumps.
  • Sit on a chair and raise your legs, making a circular motion feet. At the same time, the toes bend down, then abruptly straightening them.

  • Put your foot foot on the floor and move the load from one point to another.

As we can see, prevention is similar to that advised for treating edema of the legs. This is an effective simple method universal. You can add exercise, but in this case you will need the supervision of an instructor. So, in addition to yoga, it gives good results the aerobics.