Home / Treatment / Diet obesity 1, 2, 3 and 4 degrees

Diet obesity 1, 2, 3 and 4 degrees

  • Cabbage (all types)
  • Cucumbers, tomatoes
  • Lettuce, greens
  • Pepper
  • Zucchini, eggplant
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Green beans
  • Radish, radish, turnips
  • Green peas (young)
  • Spinach, sorrel
  • Mushrooms
  • Tea, coffee without sugar and cream
  • Mineral water
  • Lean meat (white chicken meat, Turkey, veal, beef)
  • Fish

! Vegetables can be consumed raw, boiled, baked, fresh meat.

! The use of fats (butter, mayonnaise, sour cream) in the preparation of vegetable dishes is not allowed

  • Milk and dairy products (low-fat)
  • Cheese less than 30% fat
  • Cheese less than 5% fat
  • Potatoes (no more than 6 tbsp. per serving)
  • Corn
  • Mature grain legumes (peas, beans, lentils) (up to 6 tbsp per serving)
  • Cereals (not more than 6 tbsp. per serving)
  • Pasta (no more than 6 tbsp. per serving)
  • Bread and bakery products (not butter; preferably wholemeal bread, 1 K)
  • Fruit
  • Eggs

! "A moderate amount" means half of Your usual portions.

  • Butter
  • Vegetable oil (1 tbsp/day)
  • Fat
  • Sour cream, cream
  • Cheeses more than 30% fat
  • Cheese is more than 5% fat
  • Mayonnaise
  • Fatty meats (pork, lamb, chicken)
  • Smoked
  • Sausages, frankfurters, wieners
  • The skin of the bird
  • Canned meat, fish and vegetable oil
  • Nuts, seeds
  • Sugar, honey
  • Jam, jams
  • Candy, chocolate
  • Cakes, pies and pastries.
  • Biscuits, products from fancy pastry
  • Ice cream
  • Sugary drinks ("Coca-Cola", "Fanta")
  • Alcoholic beverages

! You should exclude this method of cooking like roasting.

! Try to use utensils to prepare food without adding fat (steamer).

Diet 8 obesity

This diet is used with obesity of different degree for weight loss of man and restoration of the disturbed water-salt and lipid metabolism. It uses only low-calorie foods. For example, in seafood contains a large number of organic iodine and essential amino acids. Protein-rich foods – low-fat cottage cheese, cod and vegetable oil, perfect combination of amino acids, vitamins and a sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids.

: low fat cottage cheese (100g), carrot stew (200g), coffee with milk without sugar (200g).

: an Apple or a salad of fresh cabbage without salt with a spoon of sour cream (170g).

soup with vegetables (200g), cabbage (150 g), boiled meat (90g), compote of dried fruits without sugar (200g).

: low fat cottage cheese (100g), rose hips broth (200 g).

: fish boiled, for example, perch (100g), vegetable stew (125g), green tea (200g).

low-fat yogurt (150g).

The allowable rate of bread for the day is 150g.

Diet for obesity of 2 degrees

This period is characterized by slow but steady set of extra pounds. To reduce body weight difficult, but there is a guarantee that you dropped pounds do not return in the future with an active lifestyle. Treatment of this type of disease requires an integrated approach that combines moderate of exercise and thoughtful nutrition.

Diets 1 and 2 stages of obesity are similar, therefore, here in the daily diet of the patient must be present 60% protein, 25% vegetable fat, 4-8G of salt and up to 1.2 liters of fluid. All the products are consumed raw (vegetables and fruits), boiled, stewed and baked form. The daily intake of food is divided into 6 small portions.

  • butter and puff pastry, cookies,
  • salted and pickled vegetables, beans,
  • fatty meats and sausages
  • oily fish, eggs and canned goods
  • baked milk and sweet milk products, fat cottage cheese,
  • pasta, milk soups with pasta,
  • sweet juices, brew, cocoa, lemonade,
  • spicy and fatty sauces, mayonnaise, hot spices.

Diet obesity 3 degrees

This stage is characterized by stability of body fat and for weight loss, a person need complicated therapy. In some advanced cases not to do without surgical intervention. The health of patients is deteriorating, shortness of breath at the slightest exertion and even at rest, pains in the heart area, headaches, weakness, drowsiness, reduced efficiency.

As complications developing atherosclerosis, heart disease and joints, liver and biliary tract, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pancreatitis, nephrolithiasis. Treatment of patients is best done stationary, under the supervision of doctors and with one fast day a week. In the daily diet should include up to 80g of protein (70% animal), 60g fats (30% of vegetable origin), 100 g of carbohydrates. Overall caloric content of food should not exceed 1300 calories.

: boiled meat (90g), vegetable salad with vegetable oil (150 g), coffee with milk without sugar (200g).

: Apple (about 100g).

vegetarian soup (200g), cabbage (150 g), boiled fish (100 g), stewed apples without sugar (200g).

: low fat milk (180g).

baked meatloaf stuffed with eggs (90g), green tea (200g).

low-fat yogurt (150g).

Diet for obesity 4 degrees

Patients with 100% excess weight usually need constant care. They move with difficulty, are unable to climb stairs, to wash in the bath and ride on public transport. Every step for them is difficult. These patients have a whole bunch of serious diseases associated with excessive body weight:atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, Pickwick syndrome – respiratory failure.

Obesity 4 stage requires a comprehensive approach: a special diet and, quite possibly, surgical intervention. Preferably the treatment in the hospital under the supervision of a physician.

Diet for fatty liver

Fatty liver is also called fatty liver, steatohepatosis or fatty degeneration. All these medical terms mean the same thing, namely, pathological degeneration of the liver cells in fat tissue. Fatty degeneration can not be called a fatal disease and up to a certain stage is a reversible process. But if I run the illness, then the inevitable more disastrous the result is hepatitis or liver cirrhosis.

Diet steatosis of the liver involves limiting the consumption of animal fats and carbohydrates, increasing protein intake and a complete rejection of flour and pasta, sugar and alcohol. In addition, folk medicine suggests a number of remedies from medicinal herbs that help rid the liver of excessive fat. They are represented by decoctions and infusions of immortelle, milk Thistle, rose hips, etc.

Children's diet in obesity

Of particular concern to physicians in recent time, cause excess body fat in children. In Italy it affects 36% of children and adolescents in Greece – 31%, in Spain – 27% USA – 26%, in Russia – about 30%. Not to overfeed the children and to save them from extra pounds just need to follow some recommendations:

  • feed kids and teenagers at the same time, 6 times a day, gradually. Breakfast could be at 8am, and the last light meal no later than 20 hours
  • the intervals between meals in 3 hours help reduce appetite and getting rid of feelings of hunger,
  • meals with high calorie content should encourage preschoolers and schoolchildren in the first half of the day when they are more active. For Breakfast and for lunch it is advisable to cook meat and fish dishes in the evening – vegetable and dairy foods.

Diet for a child with obesity

Growing body of a child you must provide all nutrients, including vitamins, macro and microelements, mineral salts. However, in the menu of the children who are prone tothe recruitment of extra pounds should be limited to carbohydrates, especially easily digestible. Should absolutely be excluded from use lamb, beef, and pork fats, and margarine. As little as possible should be included in the diet of kids and teenagers sweet rolls, candy, jam and cookies. But vegetables in any form, and unsweetened fruits and berries, even welcome.

Useful kids and juices – tomato, beet, cabbage, carrot. To prepare them you only need fresh vegetables. In addition, every child should receive an age norm of cheese, meat, fish, milk and other dairy products. Two and three year old kids enough 80g of meat a day, for preschoolers the norm will be 100g of meat, for students 7-12 years – 150g of meat. The normal cottage cheese like preschoolers and adolescents alike – not less than 50g a day. Milk is recommended for children of preschool age 500-600ml a day, students – 400ml.

Soups cooked mainly vegetarian, no more than twice a week can be prepared in diluted meat or fish broth. From boiled meat and fish prepare steam meat balls, croquettes and meatballs. But potatoes contain a large percentage of starch, the menu should include as little as possible. It is also important to teach your child is slowly, in this case, the feeling of fullness occurs faster and the baby will not overeat.

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