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The treatment of pancreatitis folk remedies

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Pancreatitis treatment miracle-plant for the pancreas

Crimea is a special, quite rare species of moss growing on the trunks of some trees: firs, pines, birches, poplars, and beech.

In folk medicine, the use of two kinds of crivei:

  • Crepey Amur, native to the regions of the Far East: the Khabarovsk territory and the Amur region. This species is listed in the Red book.
  • Crepey Mixed is representative of subtropical flora. It grows in the Caucasus, the Balkan Peninsula, in the Krasnodar region and Turkey.

It is very difficult to run in the woods crepey, it is listed in the Russian Red book as rare and endangered plants.

It is difficult to find crepey and on the shelves of pharmacies. But in Antalya there are specific neighborhoods where small shops of the local healers and herbalists you can find this rare plant. For the treatment of pancreatitis it is used in dry powdered form or in the form of infusions and decoctions.

Pharmacological action crivei

Crimea is the most effective treatment for pancreatitis, ulcerative lesions and other diseases of the digestive system. This is due to part of the plants unique healing substance s-methylmethane. Properties lies in the ability to normalize the acid balance of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the regeneration processes.

The application of the tincture of kefei a positive effect on the secretory function of the pancreas: insulin production, digestive enzymes - lipase, amylase, protease which improve digestion.

Its regular use helps to relieve nausea and pain. In addition, the plant helps relieve the symptoms of asthma, allergies. Crimea no side effects in the form of decreased concentration or sleepiness.

Crimea recommended fortherapy in following cases:

  • Pancreatitis, both chronic and acute;
  • Hay fever;
  • Secretory insufficiency of the pancreas;
  • Gastritis of the stomach;
  • Ulcerative and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder;
  • Of diabetes;
  • Allergies;
  • Asthma.

Method of use alcohol tincture: 20 drops three times a day about half an hour before a meal. The course of treatment is three months, then there is a thirty day break. Therapy, if needed, repeat three or four times a year.

Efficiency crivei in chronic pancreatitis

The therapeutic effects of kefei is visible after two weeks of regular use of the drug. There has been a General health, the retreat of pain. But noticeable improve the condition enough to achieve, yet it is important to hold it. This means maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which is in compliance with a special diet - the refusal of the fat, smoked, spicy and no alcohol and carbonated drinks. And, of course, it is important to take the full course of treatment lasting at least three months, since chronic diseases cannot be cured in a few weeks. It will require perseverance and patience. Only at observance of these rules, you can achieve positive results in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis.

Where to buy?

Is knifea cheap – 250 milliliters of tincture of 6,000 rubles. But this volume is calculated for three months, that is, one course of treatment. To know where to buy crepey.

Dr. Handelman about the treatment of pancreatitis in Israel

I often have to answer questions from patients about the treatment in Israel of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. One such disease – pancreatitis. Along with examination, collection of medical histories and laboratory analyses of Israeli gastroenterologists use to diagnose pancreatitis modern methods of medical imaging, primarily ultrasound and endoscopic retrograde stresses (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography). If the indications are magnetic resonance and computed tomography. The experience and expertise of Israeli doctors allow to make a differential diagnosis of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.

For the treatment of pancreatitis is primarily used quality medications Israeli production:

  • Antifermental
  • Antibacterial agents
  • Anesthetics.

If necessary an existing drainage of pancreatic cysts. This minimally invasive operation is performed under control of ultrasound.

If you want to learn about the treatment of pancreatitis in Israel read more, I am ready to answer all of your questions on my personal website: https://gandelman.ru/sovety

Black cumin is useful in pancreatitis and cancer

According to scientists from the cancer center Kimmel away (USA), black cumin (Nigella sativa) destroys the cells of malignant tumors of the pancreas. This selective effect due to anti-inflammatory properties of the plant.

Of black cumin seeds grown in the Middle East, prepare the extract. Its main component, Chemokine contributes to the decrease in the concentration of mediators that trigger the inflammatory process in the tumor. To such conclusions H. Arafat associate Professor Department of surgery University of a name of T. Jefferson.

In the experimental group of animals suffering from pancreatic tumors, in the treatment of timelinea showed a decrease in the size of the tumor (67%), reducing the concentration of cytokines causing inflammation in the tissues affected by cancer.

Inflammation can be a symptom of several types of oncological lesions of the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer could be a consequence of chronic pancreatitis hereditary and sporadic etiology.

Scientist and physician, H. Arafat, claims that innovative studies offer hope of a successful recovery not only to patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis, but everyone who fears the transition of the disease pathology in cancer or cancer recurrence. This category of postoperative patients and people with genetic predisposition. "The pronounced effect of the application of black cumin allows the use of a plant extract for the prevention and treatment of oncological processes in the pancreas,"- says the scientist."The first thing is complete safety of black cumin obtained from it oil, tested for thousands of years, the use without side effects".

Find out more: Useful properties and application of black seed oil

Triple the infusion for stimulation of insulin production

To improve the work of the pancreas and the insulin can be a tool, consisting of three infusions:

  • Grind to a mushy state 100 grams of onion. Pour 600 ml of vodka. Put it for five days in a dark place. Before use, the infusion need to strain.
  • 100 grams of crushed leaves of walnut, pour 600 ml of vodka. Leave in a dark place for seven days, then strain.
  • Chopped herbs of lady's mantle in the amount of 60 grams pour 600 ml of vodka, insist week, strain.

Next you need to prepare the medicine on the basis of these three liqueurs: 150 milliliters of tincture of onion, 60 milliliters of tincture of walnut leaves, 40 milliliters of tincture of lady's mantle. Ready drug take a tablespoon before bed and 20 minutes before Breakfast.

On topic: the Treatment of pancreatitis oatmeal

Video treatment of pancreatitis from Elena Malysheva

Recipe from pancreatitis from HLS

Corn silk, calendula, chamomile field, peppermint, plantain (at low pH) must be mixed in equal proportions, take 4 teaspoons collection and make around 800 ml of boiling water, put for 15 minutes in a water bath, then allow to steep for 45 minutes, drain.

Infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for five days. You need to take 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals for 1/4 Cup, diluting it with 3/4 Cup of warm water.

The kvass Bolotov on celandine

The brew created by prescription scientist B. V. Bolotov is a drug made from whey, celandine and sugar. It has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. Part of the celandine contains a lot of nutrients: essential oils, flavonoids, vitamins, organic acids, saponins, bitter, about 20 alkaloids – poisonous compounds, which under the influence of enzymes of serum are subjected to a fermentation process and is re-formed into useful products.

The brew has a bactericidal action, it destroys the pathogenic environment and promotes tissue regeneration of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibits inflammation, removes pain syndrome. It is with great success used to treat lingering chronic pancreatitis. In addition to the beneficial effects on the digestive system, its positive influence is invaluable for nervous disorders, heartdiseases, dysbacteriosis, skin diseases, tuberculosis, myopia. The ability to renew cells and to suppress the development of pathogenic organisms allows the use of kvass Bolotov for the treatment of cancers, boosting immunity, healing wounds and ulcers.

The recipe of preparation of kvass

Properly prepared drink has a pleasant taste and a bitter-sour smell, reminiscent of grapefruit and Apple.

The ingredients for the brew:

  • Whey or purified water – three liters.
  • Natural sour cream 15% fat – one teaspoon.
  • Sugar – one Cup.
  • Dry grass celandine – 25 grams (half Cup)or a glass of fresh herbs.

The serum (water) pour in three-liter jar, add sugar, sour cream. Grass celandine to put in folded in three or four layers of gauze bag (gauze must be sterile), where lies the cargo, such as stone, glass or stainless steel, can fit any Cutlery. A bag with cargo and grass, tightly tied and lowered to the bottom of the jar. The neck of the banks need to cover the gauze to secure and remove in a dark warm place. The brew is prepared 14 days, during which its surface should be daily to get the mold and mix.

On the fifth day, when at the bottom of the dish appears precipitate (throw it away), the top layer of the brew is poured into another glass jar, shift in there sack to the brim with grass and add water. After the tenth day, the drink begins to foam, it's a normal reaction of a properly prepared brew. On the fifteenth day of banks pee a liter of infusion is ready, it is removed in a cool place for use, and the remaining kvas add water or whey to bring to the same level.

In this way the beverage can be diluted four times. Next, prepare a fresh brew in the same pattern, after washing container, where it will rastavitsa fresh product.

The method of treatment

The treatment of pancreatitis start with a minimum dosage is a tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals. If for seven days adverse effects such as bradycardia, nausea, allergic reactions are not observed, you can increase the dosage to one hundred milliliters three times a day and continue to drink the drink for another three weeks. To strengthen the result of treatment is recommended to extend the use of the kvass for another month, taking half a Cup once a day. This method of treatment helps to get rid of sharp pain and nausea.

Juice Brussels sprouts recipe N.In. Walker with pancreatitis and diabetes

N. In. Walker, an American doctor, a supporter of the diet based on the consumption of fresh vegetable juice. He adhered to this diet and a healthy lifestyle and lived almost a hundred years. It is the Walker in the process of the study revealed the optimal combination of vegetable juices which have a healing effect on the pancreas.

Such vegetables include:

  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Carrots;
  • Lettuce;
  • Green beans.

The combination of juices of these vegetables is used for the recovery of exocrine and endocrine functions of the pancreas, for the treatment of diabetes, pancreatitis.

The recipe and method of application:

Taken in equal amounts of the components (Brussels sprouts, lettuce, carrots and green beans) must pass through the juicer. Juice drink half a Cup in the morning before eating. The treatment process is based on compliance with a low-carb diet, elimination of food starch, sugar, and regular bowel cleansing with an enema. The course of treatment is 30 days, followed by a break for two weeks. If necessary, after a two-week break, the treatment continues.

The treatment of pancreatitis flax seed

Flax seeds carry a lot of healing power. They are used for the treatment of many diseases, but their main influence is directed on normalization of functions of digestive organs, particularly the pancreas. This is due to the soft enveloping effect as well as the ability to normalize the acidity and remove toxins. Use the seeds as jellies and broths, regular use of which contributes to eliminating the associated symptoms of pancreatitis - pain, intoxication, inflammatory processes. But the main feature of Flaxseed is its ability to block the development of tumor cells.

In addition, the seed has a strong cleansing effect. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension. It helps to reduce cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, lower your blood pressure. To use Flaxseed you need with great caution, its use is dangerous for people with urolithiasis. You should not treat flax seed without consultation with a specialist and conduct a proper examination.

Recipes flax herbal teas and jellies

For making jelly you will need a tablespoon of seeds and a glass of water. Components are mixed and put ona slow fire. Provari 10 minutes, infuse for one hour. Before applying the jelly filter. Drink it in the morning before eating. There is also a faster version of cooking. For this it is necessary to grind the seeds in a coffee grinder, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. Then cool and strain.

Of the two described variants, the first is considered the most effective:

  1. A more simple method of preparation jelly is the following: in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water, add three tablespoons of seeds, cover and leave to infuse. The tool you need to cook in the evening then in the morning there will be only shaken, strain it and consume 30 minutes before eating half a Cup three times a day.

  2. The cooking broth. Mix in an enamelled saucepan with 80 grams of flax seeds and a liter of water, bring to a boil, simmer two hours, tightly covered.

The duration of treatment of pancreatitis flax seed two months. Only after regular use of remedies you can expect a positive sustainable results.

Read more: the Benefits and harms of flax seeds, contraindications and how to take them?

The treatment of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer mushroom-hericium

Hericium comb called different mushroom hericium is a real boon in the treatment of cancers. A huge fungus, reaching a diameter of forty inches, grows on rotten stumps and trunks of trees. In appearance, the mushroom resembles a yellow furry hedgehog with soft and long needles, hence the name LG.

Eastern medicine has long enjoyed the healing properties of hericium for the treatment of impotence, nervous disorders, sleeplessness, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gynecological diseases. Today it is used for the treatment of blood cancer, oral cavity, brain, skin, liver, pancreas and other digestive organs in combination with chemotherapy or as an independent method of treatment.

Its healing properties are due to the existing of rare polysaccharides such as beta-glucans, and fatty acids, YA-2 and phenols, which are able to significantly potentiate the effects of chemotherapy.

In Japan, in the laboratory, mice were implanted cancer cells and then treated the resulting tumor hericium. In the end, cancer education stoppedgrowth and development, and in some cases decreased in size.

Methods of preparation and use

Buy hericium can be in the form of powder only on special Internet sites as it is quite a rare plant listed in the Red book.

Methods of application of powder hericium for the treatment of pathologies of the pancreas and cancers:

  • Dissolve one gram of powder in a glass of warm water and leave overnight. Take means 1/3 Cup 30 minutes before a meal.
  • Prepare the medication as described above and drink it completely for an hour before a morning reception food.
  • 10 grams of powder sugar 150 milliliters of vodka. Soak in a cool dark place for 14 days. For the prevention of cancer formations drink a teaspoon, for the treatment is a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Olive or sunflower oil (150 ml) heated in a water bath to 37 degrees. Add 10 grams of powder, stir and leave in a warm place for three hours, then five days to clean in a cool place. For the prevention of cancer formations drink a teaspoon, for the treatment is a tablespoon three times a day.

Pancreatitis treatment Royal jelly

Royal jelly is a bee product. It stands out and the upper jaw and of the pharyngeal glands of bees-breadwinners in the process of feeding larvae and accumulates in the liquor.

The product has an unusual aroma, sour pungent taste, white color, sometimes with a creamy tinge, the consistency of sour cream and a large stock of medicinal substances. It is a powerful bio-stimulator that contains almost all the important elements that are necessary for the health of the human body.

The composition and use of Royal jelly

The composition of Royal jelly:

  • Proteins, carbohydrates (fructose, glucose), fats.
  • Vitamins a,C, D, E, H, PP, group B.
  • Minerals – bismuth, calcium, potassium, manganese, copper, chromium, sodium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, Nickel, phosphorus.
  • 22 kinds of amino acids necessary for the body.
  • Hormones such as testosterone, estradiol, progesterone.
  • Enzymes vital for the body – cholinesterase, amylase, invertase, glucosidase, etc.

Thanks to its rich composition of Royal jelly has a beneficial effect on all systems and organs, so it is used for treatment and prevention of multiple diseases. The invaluable benefits it has on the pancreas because it contains substance that helps to normalize the work of this body.

Scopethis product is quite wide, from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics. Recently there has been tendency to increase use bee jelly as food. For example, in Japan the level of consumption exceeded the production in the country.

Topic: Useful and healing properties of Royal jelly

The use of bee jelly in pancreatitis

The use of Royal bee jelly sublingual method of absorption is most effective. So useful elements contained in it are absorbed faster into the blood and are carried throughout the body. In addition, if ingestion of most substances is destroyed and loses its favor under the influence of digestive enzymes.

Daily rate Royal jelly for an adult is not more than 100 milligrams. For the treatment of pancreatitis are advised to take a tablespoon three times a day, dissolving as long as possible.

You can also use honeycomb one piece at one time or mix milk with honey. The course of therapy is two to three months, it is further recommended to make a thirty day break.

Where can you buy Royal jelly?

To buy Royal jelly on the market. But there was a risk to buy a defective product. The fact that milk is a very delicate product requiring special storage conditions, the violation of which leads to the loss of its healing properties. To increase the shelf life of bee jelly, firms engaged in beekeeping, using several methods:

  • Freeze. At a temperature of minus eighteen degrees, the shelf life can reach up to one and a half years.
  • Preserving with lactose and glucose. The shelf life at six degrees is about ten months.
  • Preserving with honey. A shelf life of approximately two years, subject to cool temperatures.

Buy Royal jelly Royal jelly is possible in several ways:

  • Frozen it is the most valuable because it retains all the useful elements.
  • In dry form it is a dense weight in which many nutrients have already been destroyed. Such milk carries a greater good.
  • Mixed with honey. In this case, the milk does not lose its beneficial properties, while the honey acts as a natural preservative. Buythis product can be distributors of the company "Tentorium", which is the number one for the production of bee products.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist