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Folk remedies for the treatment of papillomas

Dry papilloma wool and egg

If you have papilloma to help such a popular method of treating warts. Put on papilloma dry cotton wool and cover the patch. So you need to go two or three weeks, changing the cotton after bathing. Gradually it dries up and falls off.

Another interesting this method of treatment of papillomas, which is effective in the initial stage. For this you will need egg protein. Split an egg, empty contents and residual protein from the walls of the shell, spread the papilloma.

Treatment of papilloma celandine

In the treatment of warts best remedy is greater celandine. Fresh celandine, you need to chop, squeeze the juice, and evaporate to a thick extract and this structure daily to lubricate papilloma to cure. You can rekomendovat the following method of treating warts with celandine: it is better to lubricate the affected area of the skin 3-4 times at intervals of 2-3 hours. Just do this procedure 2-3 times a day. This intensive therapy will give the maximum result.

Also of celandine can do an enema. To prepare the infusion add 50 grams of chopped celandine half a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to insist means 2-4 hours until it has cooled. This infusion need to do microclysters, holding it for half an hour in the gut. Preferably before it to clean the intestines classic cleansing enema. All you should spend 10-20 procedures. Heal the gut, you will heal not only papillomas.

Petroleum ointment walnuts

If you want to treat HPV or genital warts, use this popular method of treatment. Take green walnuts milk ripeness cut into slices (enough each nut cut into 4 parts), and mince. Milled nuts fill 2/3 liter glass jars. Then fill to the top with purified kerosene, tightly cover with a plastic cap and leave to infuse in a dark place for 21 days.

After three weeks, strain the infusion through 4 layers of gauze, the rest wring well. Drain the liquid into a container made of dark glass and store in a darkcool place. Lubricate the growths on the skin that extract 1-2 times a day.

Potato juice to help

In the fight against such infection as papilloma can help potato juice. This folk remedy for treating warts as potato juice inhibits the activity of various infections and treat them. It is used in cancers, gastric, adenoma, liver disease and even diabetes.

It is better to make juice of red potatoes: thoroughly wash potatoes with a brush and cut out the eyes, then grate it on a fine grater and after a few layers of cheesecloth to wring out the resulting slurry. Take 2 times a day half a Cup (or a Cup) of potato juice half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 2 months.

Contraindications: decreased gastric acidity and a severe form of diabetes.

Honey and celandine from cracks and papillomas

Smear honey on sore spots, and the next morning rinse these places. Fresh leaves of celandine, you can squeeze the juice and RUB it in papillomas, they are. But first dilute the juice with saliva. Then on top of papillomas, smeared with saliva celandine, attach the patch. The course of treatment – two days.