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Paralysis of the muscles

Paralysis is characterized by a severe loss of major motor functions of a muscle or group of muscles in lesions of the nervous system. This disease overtakes the patient when the affected neurons or nerve fibers. Impaired blood flow, brain tumor or hemorrhage in the brain or spinal cord can be one of the manifestations of lesions of the nervous system. Paralysis can also occur as a result of an accident when damage to the nerves of the limbs or the spinal cord.

Flaccid and spastic paralysis

In medicine distinguish between flaccid and spastic paralysis. Flaccid paralysis is characterized by a drop in muscle tone, then there is a necrosis of the affected muscles. Spastic paralysis, on the contrary is famous for increased muscular tone. In this case, patients can barely control the movements of the muscles of his body. Flaccid paralysis are able to affect the peripheral nerve, while spastic departments of the spinal cord and brain.

And yet these clinical types are not separate diseases, because the cause of these syndromes can be a variety of factors. But still there are certain varieties of paralysis, which are independent diseases. For example, Parkinson's disease or Parkinson's disease, infantile paralysis, or polio, cerebral palsy, bulbar palsy, bell palsy, paralysis of Erba.

Paralysis Of Bell

The defeat of the facial nerve results in peripheral facial paralysis. It is also called the paralysis of bell. This kind of paralysis are not uncommon, it can occur due to hypothermia, polyneuropathy, infectious diseases, malignant tumors, vascular or degenerative lesions in the brain stem. The disease can manifest with various background major trauma or recent surgery.

But increasingly, if you experience paralysis bell cannot establish one of the main reasons. When this dangerous disease affects the facial nerve, then there is complete muscle paralysis on one part of the face. Such patients cannot close the eyes, it is difficult to talk and eat. Paralysis of both sides of the face is much rarer.

The dysfunction of the affected muscles usually occurs in a couple of weeks from the onset of the disease. The cause of the disease may depend on the further course of the disease. For example, facial paralysis may go into an irreversible process, if there were a history of ear disease or a different injury. However, often the disease is temporary and in a few weeks the muscles of the facealready restored.

Modern therapy of bell's palsy is the use of corticosteroids and salicylates. Also use local heat and electrotherapy, which can perfectly support the affected muscles in good shape.

Bulbar paralysis

There are two types of bulbar palsy: acute and progressive. One of the varieties of polio is often acute paralysis. The disease robs motor function of the oral organs and the larynx and pharynx. This disease occurs suddenly. The main symptoms may be noted when the patient is ill and dizzy, or when he feels strong chills and fever. The muscle pain is absent.

It should be noted that the patient be irregular respiration and pulse, there is a twang and unintelligible speech. Sick can't control breathing and swallowing. The disease is rapid. In the first days of the disease in severe cases, a person dies from suffocation. In mild course of the disease soon begins recovery with partial paralysis of the affected muscles. Progressive bulbar palsy form can be found rarely.

The origin of this dangerous disease is still, unfortunately, unknown. This disease is seen in some middle-aged men and is major bilateral paralysis of the muscles. The affected area often become tongue, lips, pharynx and larynx. Changes in the voice, a difficulty in speech. Patient hard to chew and swallow food. The treatment of this disease is not, and death occurs several years after the onset of the disease.

Paralysis Erba

ERB's palsy is almost in all cases the result of birth injury to the brachial plexus is damaged when the fifth nerve to the spinal cord. As a result of difficult birth there is paralysis of the shoulder muscles and predplacene the flexors. This disease is diagnosed in two infants out of a thousand.

At diagnosis are guided by the following symptoms: child anxiety, decreased muscle tone of the infant, decreased breath sounds, resegotti inside the affected arm at the elbow and clenching the fingers into a fist. This may be a lack of active movements in the limbs.

Basic treatment of paralysis of the ERB should be carried out by the pediatrician since the birth of the child. It is necessary all ways to prevent the serious development of contractures. On the affected limb usually place the tire. After three weeks, conduct a special therapeutic massage and some physiotherapy. Treatment with medication involves taking specific drugsnormalizing the function of the Central nervous system.