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Paralysis treatment

Paralysis treatment folk remedies

The consequence of various pathologies of the nervous system is paralysis in which muscles lose their ability of movement. And for a simple weakening of the motor functions and decrease of force of muscles paresis occurs.

Paralyses are divided into functional and organic. Functional types are the result of the influence of psychogenic of special circumstances, which leads to disturbance in the brain. They traced most often due to diseases of the nervous fibers (for example, hysteria).

Organic paralysis are the result of structural abnormalities of the pyramidal system, which arise as a result of injuries, inflammations and tumors of the nervous system. Based on the degree of pathology of the nervous system, paralysis distinguished by the type: Central and peripheral. Medical indicators depend on the strength of pathology. When seriously affected area of the Central gyrus of the brain, cease to function fully, as a rule, the limbs of the side opposite the affected area.

The Central paralysis is observed in patients increased muscle tone, tendon reflexes, the appearance of painful reflexes. Hypertension of the muscles are unevenly distributed, formed as a result of increased reflex tonus. The muscles tense, while weak movements are very weakened her resistance.

A consequence of the pathology of peripheral motor neuron is the formation of peripheral paralysis. In patients with peripheral paralysis of the weak or not observed tendon reflexes, reduced muscle tone, atrophied muscle, there is degeneration of nerve fibers. Atrophy of the muscle occurs as a consequence of the death of motor nerve fibers and muscle tear with anterior horn cells that transmit neuro-trophic impulses.

Violation of motor functions, like paralysis, may be due to certain metabolic changes in muscle. The type of paralysis is determined by the grouping of specific neurological signs. There are a very large number of methods in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of various forms of paralysis. Here are some of them.

Paralysis treatment herbs

Dropsy. One Cup of boiling water pour 2 tsp. of herb Shiksha. Then, wrapped, insist the tool is approximately two hours. Thentake third of a Cup before each meal.

Letter. As a diuretic medicinal use a decoction of the herb betony. As a rule, you should take 1 tablespoon of herbs and pour one Cup of boiling normal water. The tool then insist in a fairly warm place for at least 2 hours. then take this infusion third Cup 3-4 $ /day.

Oregano. Bath of herbs oregano: 6-7 handfuls of dry grass thrown into 10 liters of water, boil for five minutes. The resulting tool is poured into the bath just prior to use.

The dragonhead. Use this infusion paresis of the facial area, paralysis of the trigeminal nerve, depression. 1 tablespoon per Cup boiling water, insist 2 hours (you can add honey for sweetness). Take 3 tablespoons before meals three times a day.

Laurel. Use the ointment of its leaves, rubbing it in limbs affected by paralysis. Ointment make using 30-40 grams of powder of these leaves, one Cup of sunflower oil. This mass was infused for 2 days in a hot oven.

Marin root. This delightful infusion prepare using 2 tsp. dry grass, filled a glass of boiling water. To infuse the infusion takes about 2 hours. Used before meals 1/3 Cup three times a day. A flowering herb peony, in other words, Marin root, commonly used in various diseases of nerve fibres, epilepsy, and also in different types of paralysis.

Garden purslane. Fresh grass, purslane is used when the paralysis is caused due to any infection. 1 tbsp herbs pour a glass of boiling water, stand for 2 hours. To make such a tool need 2 or 3 tablespoons before meals up to four times per day.

Common tobacco. Treatment of tobacco leaves takes place strictly according to the dosage paralysis, epilepsy, convulsions during the contraction. Preparation of infusion: 5 grams of leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes, take no less than 3 times in one dining room or dessert spoon before meals (sometimes add honey for sweetness).

The treatment of paralysis of the roots of the peony

In a boiling water (total volume 3 cups) pour 1 teaspoon roots. After an hour, the broth will be infused, strain. 1 tbsp. l. infusion drink 3 times a day before meals for 15 minutes. If these are the unique roots to insist on alcohol, then take 3 times a day before meal on a teaspoon. Using this method of treatment in gout, paralysis, rheumatism.

Treatment poison ivy

Use 1 teaspoon of fresh leaves, pour 1 Cup boiling water, insist you need at least an hour, drain. Apply 3-4 times per day for 1 tbsp it is Recommended such treatment in the first place when gout, paralysis, rheumatism.

It is also recommended to drink juice squeezed from fresh nettle, plantain, celery, pineapple guava.

The treatment of paralysis of the roots and rose hips

Infusion of the roots make a special bath in the "weakness of the feet" and paralysis. 3 tbsp. l. roots warm over low heat in a liter of water for half an hour, you can use a water bath. Dried rose hips soaked in hot water and then added to the bath for rheumatism.

Treatment of shaking palsy.

Recipe No. 1. 100 grams of sage filled with 200 ml of water, decoction infused (it should definitely wrap) for 8 hours. Drink it one hour after meal 1 tsp is Recommended to drink some juice or milk.

Recipe №2. For the treatment used miracle shalfeeva bath. 300 grams of sage brewed into 8-10 liters of water. Give it to infuse for half an hour, tightly closed lid. In the bath pour cold water, then hot, and then pour the finished broth, pre-strained.

Paralysis treatment in a decoction of different herbs

Recipe No. 1. Take the same amount of Valerian root, marjoram, white mistletoe, yarrow, prepare infusion. Take early in the disease half a Cup 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe №2. Take the two parts of the herb lemon balm, thyme, 1 part mint, marjoram, motherwort, mistletoe. 1 tablespoon mixture poured a glass of hot water, steamed in a thermos for about one hour. You need to drink is a wonderful tool half a Cup twice a day an hour after a meal.

Treatment with kerosene

Medicinal properties of kerosene use in the treatment of paralysis. Adults are recommended to drink kerosene 3 times a day before meals for 1 tsp. for at least two weeks. And then you need to take a break, and two weeks later, the course repeats itself. If the body does not tolerate this dose, it was reduced to digestible, gradually increasing it until the appointed.

Cure paralysis green walnuts

Have a good performance for the treatment of paralysis young walnuts, nastoenie clearedkerosene. For this necessary infusion of green walnuts the size of a Nickel in two pennies. These nuts come in somewhere before the end of June in southern regions – in late may – early June.

10 green walnuts overwind through a meat grinder. Mass, which was spread in a container, pour three cups of purified kerosene, insist for about six weeks, or in a dark place for about 14 days, and then bring to the light. The resulting infusion is necessarily filtered through cheesecloth.

Treatment with chickpea flour

As you know, pea flour has a large amount of glutamic acid, which can improve the nutrition of cells in the brain, to normalize metabolism. It is used for the treatment of atherosclerosis, without a doubt, useful for the treatment of paralysis. Use the powder of peas, taking 0.5-1 teaspoon before meals, 3-4 times, to drink not boiled water.

Treatment dates and elderberries

Use fresh dates, pitted, twisted with the help of grinder. It turns out date puree, which is eaten 3 times a day 3 teaspoons If such a body does not perceive, it is possible to breed date puree with milk. The duration of this treatment is approximately one month.

Using elderberries possible effective treatment of paralysis of the facial nerves. The berries are steamed, prepare from them mashed potatoes and make a poultice. This procedure is carried out in the morning and evening.

Paralysis treatment massage

Used to be quite popular way to cure facial nerve is Shiatsu massage. With it removed the fatigue, the heat in the facial nerves. For this massage we use a piece of ice, which cleaned eight points, available on our face and neck to remove heat from the main nerve branches.

Massage points occur in the following order: above the eyebrows, above the eyes, under the cheekbones, the area of the wing of the nose, under the lower lip, sideburns, front of the ear and then the neck from the occipital region.