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Peripheral paralysis of the

The result of the defeat, the disruption of peripheral motor neurons (cells of the spinal cord, the motor fibers of the spinal and cerebral nerves) is a dangerous flaccid paralysis. This paralysis is a significant loss of normal reflexes, hypotension, degenerative muscle atrophy, which accompanies the reaction of transformation.

Loss of reflexes (or dullness in their partial defeat) becomes clear if we recall that the function of the peripheral motor neuron is a certain transfer of information in the reflex arc. If a failure occurs in this transmission, the reflected reflex is not feasible or when a short break is weakened.

Lethargy or hypotonia of the muscles is also evidence of no effect intervals reflex arc. When the muscles lose their characteristic unfailing vitality, maintain normal of the same mirrored arc. In addition, it can significantly be enhanced by beginning atrophy of the muscle mass.

Atony of the muscle

Relaxed muscles on palpation flabby, apathetic, inert move unnecessary, "loose" joints. Because of this condition of the muscles flaccid paralysis in addition received the name of the flaccid or atonic.

Muscle depletion occurs due to the imbalance with the cell of the anterior horn, because that's where the motor nerve fibers pass to the muscles require nerve impulses that clearly stimulate the natural metabolism of the muscles. When reborn and die motor nerve fibers, is the "denervation"of the muscle, thus begins the loss of muscle.

As a result, in the nerves from the site of the violation lost motor fibers in the muscle mass is formed, the specific process of degeneration. It is due to the transformation of the muscles, their disappearance, generation of connective, adipose tissue. Appear peculiar, normal in peripheral palsy of the transformation of the electric interactions of the affected nerves, the muscles, the so-called reaction of degeneration, or degeneration.

When degeneration of the nerves lose their function of the conductor current in a muscle in connection with the death of the centrifugal motor fibers. Muscle inevitably loses certain skills reduce the irritation of a faradic current, responds only to the galvanic. However, such compression is done slowly. This reaction of transformation that happens through 12-15 days after a disruption or cell death of the anterior horn.

Absolute reaction transformation is not a bad prognostic sign. If the nerve fiber is subject to recovery, it is possible to replace phase partial response ordinary elektrovozoremontnij. But with denervation of the muscle more than 12-14 months there is a complete loss of fibers, replaced by fat tissue. Begins a dangerous muscle cirrhosis, lost reaction to the galvanic current, that is an irreversible process in the muscles.

All other processes of exhaustion of muscles (inactivity, disease of the muscles) is not accompanied by a reaction of degeneration. Clinical studies give the opportunity to make a distinctive diagnosis of the exhaustion of the muscles in different ways. In addition, the study of elektrovozoremontnij provides a unique opportunity to diagnose abnormalities of nerve conduction, the ability of muscles to contract. According to the results of modern study, you can see noticeable changes.

The study of elektrovozoremontnij of nerve fibers revealed that the usual reduction easier and better comes from specific areas of the muscles and nerve – points of irritation.

Reflex changes characteristic of peripheral paralysis, is ranked to the group of qualitative transformations of elektrovozoremontnij. This group includes also the myotonia and myasthenia. The myotonia – the sensuality of a typical nerve, muscle obtained after reduction is attenuated slowly. Myasthenia gravis is characterized by quite a strong muscle fatigue, which is also seen in the active depletion of the ability to decline upon repeated stimulation current.


Chronaximetry is a newer and significantly more receptive way of studying elektrovozoremontnij nerve fibers and muscles. This method has revealed new and interesting patterns on the pathology and physiology of the nervous terminations and the system as a whole. Chronaximetry is considered a very sensitive way of studying, especially in the case of disorders of the peripheral nervous system.

While specific clinical trials in addition to the electrical excitability of nerve and muscle, more studied and mechanical, which under certain diseases can be overestimated or underestimated. Muscle contraction is always checked by means of hitting it with a hammer. The mechanical sensibility of the nerve endings being studied or by using the same hammer, or palpation,"rolling" a nerve trunk in the place where it can be easy to feel and squeeze it to the bone.

The mechanical excitability of nerve fibers is determined, due to certain reductions innervated bymuscles.