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Parasites in the human intestine

Parasites in the human intestine is various harmful organisms, optimal habitat for them is thin or large intestine. In this important organ of the digestive system of humans can parasitic worms and protozoa.

Worms called worms, which can live in humans and other animals. They cause the disease called helminthiasis. The simplest are more than 15,000 organisms that can provoke diseases such as protozoology.

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Some parasites live in the intestines?

Helminths that can live in the human intestine, the following:

  • Intestinal ancylostomidae and necator. These parasites provoke a disease called hookworm. Ancylostomidae and necator treat roundworms, which are parasitic in the human intestine. In addition to diarrhea and abdominal pain, parasites cause allergic reactions, poor appetite, cough, and shortness of breath.
  • Roundworm. Roundworms are nematodes that belong to the class of roundworms. They parasitize in the small intestine of man and cause of common disorders of the digestive system. In the early phase of the parasites contribute to the appearance of symptoms of intoxication with fever, cough and lymphadenitis. The disease is widely distributed worldwide, according to who, ascariasis infected about a billion people.

  • A tapeworm. This parasite belongs to the worms-lincecum, which causes the disease called difillobotrioz. In addition to broad tapeworm there are 12 varieties of worms-tapeworms that can parasitize in the human body. However, this type is most common. The worm infests the small intestine, attaching it to the lining. There, he turns into a sexually Mature adult and starts to produce external eggs.
  • Ugrica intestinal. Intestinal price belongs to the class of round parasitic worms and leads to a disease called strongyloidiasis. Affects the digestive and hepatobiliary system, in addition, the body of an infected person the parasite responds to a variety of allergic reactions.
  • The bovine tapeworm. This parasite is the tape worm is quite large, in length it can reach 12 m. Worms parasitic in the human intestine, causing a disease called beef tapeworm infection. The main symptoms of invasion is abdominal pain, disorders of stool, increased appetite on the background of loss of body weight.

  • Pork tapeworm. Is the tapeworm, which causes the disease called taeniasis. He is a parasite in the human small bowel, and provokes digestive disorders, poor appetite, neurological disorders. The danger of the pork tapeworm is that its larvae ways to hit the brain, the eyes, the skin.
  • Trichinella. This parasitic worm causes a serious disease called trichinosis. Mature individuals are parasitic in the human intestine, causing fever, muscle pain, swelling and allergic reactions. In severe course of the disease can be fatal.
  • The whipworm. It worms belonging to the group of roundworms that are parasitic in the human intestine, causing the disease called trihozefalez. The disease has worldwide distribution, found on the territory of Russia, particularly in the North Caucasus and the Central Chernozem region.
  • Shistosoma. Shistosoma are flukes. Irregularities in functioning of the intestine provoke intestinal Schistosoma. Invasion is accompanied by colitis, which leads to hardening of the walls of the intestines, or appendicitis.

The main protozoa or protozoal organisms that can live in the human intestine:

  • Entamoeba histolytica or the ameba histological. This organism provokes disease called amoebiasis. Infection produces ulcers on the inner lining of the colon. The leading symptom of the disease is severe diarrhea.

  • Giardia. Giardia are protozoa to intestinal parasites that cause a variety of digestive disorders. To the fore during the invasion Giardia overlook such symptoms as: nausea, abdominal pain, disorders of the chair. It is a widespread disease, which most often is diagnosed in childhood.

  • Blastocyst homne. It is conditionally pathogenic microorganism, whichcan live in the intestines of even perfectly healthy people. However, most scholars tend to classify the blastocyst to the simplest parasites. The blastocyst harm the human organism only under the condition of weakened immunity, causing vomiting, diarrhea and other disorders of the digestive tract.

There are other parasites that can dwell in the human gut. However, they are not widespread and often parasitic in the digestive system of animals.

Symptoms of parasites in the gut

Symptoms of parasites in the gut will vary depending on what kind of organism has penetrated into the human body.

However, there are General signs indicating helminth or protozoan intestinal infestations:

  • Disruption of the normal functioning of the intestine. The patient complains of flatulence, flatulence and bloating.

  • The chair becomes unstable, constipation alternate with diarrhea. Such violations of the chair can be observed for many years with periodic remissions and exacerbations.
  • Joint pain, muscle pain. Such pain may be associated with the migration of parasites through the body, as well as with long-term tension of the immune system.
  • Allergic syndrome. He is also a leading symptom that points to parasites in the intestines. Reactions can be mild and manifest itself in the form of minor rashes on the skin. However, some parasites can cause serious allergic manifestations, e.g., angioedema or bronchial asthma.

  • Change of appetite. It may increase or decrease depending on what kind of parasite lives in the intestine.
  • Worsens the condition of the skin. The dermis becomes dry, prone to acne and acne. It is not excluded the appearance of papillomas, exacerbation of existing skin diseases (eczema, urticaria, dermatitis). In addition, the affected hair and nails, cracks on heels.

  • Loss of body weight. This symptom is caused by a lack of nutrients. In addition, that part of the food goes to food, parasites, they contribute to the deterioration of the bowel. Thus the human body loses vitamins and minerals and fats, proteins and carbohydrates are not able to be absorbed completely.
  • Violations of the nervous system. If parasitic infestations become more irritable, prone to depression. Patients arise unmotivated anxiety, they get tired quicker.

  • Teeth grinding in sleep. Bruxism is a frequent companion of parasitic infestation, although the mechanisms of its occurrence are still not installed.

  • Itching in the anus, which increases at night.

  • The weakening of the protective forces of the body. The presence of parasites in the body triggers a constant voltage immunity. This leads to frequent illnesses, aggravation of chronic pathologies. People more susceptible to viral infections. A constant companion of intestinal parasites is dysbiosis.

  • Some parasites can cause problems with the respiratory system such as cough and shortness of breath. Most often this is due to the migration of worms through the body.

If we turn to the blood, most often for the presence of parasites in the body indicates the increase of eosinophils and leukocytes in the blood. In the majority of patients have iron deficiency anemia.

Treatment of parasites in the gut

Treatment of parasites in the gut is at the discretion of the doctor-parasitologist. Modern medicine has at its disposal more than 10 drugs with anthelmintic activity. Assign them should not be alone, as all of them have a specific activity against different species of parasites.

To determine what species of worms inhabit the intestines of the patient impossible. Can't make a doctor based on the patient's complaints. Therefore, for further diagnosis will be required to conduct laboratory research. Only on the basis of obtained data we can create a really effective scheme of treatment.

Depending on the type of parasites, the patient may be given drugs with one of the following active substances:

  • Mebendazole (Vermoxum, Vermin, etc.).
  • Levamisole (Dekaris).
  • Piperazine adipate.
  • Beenie hydroxynaphthoate.
  • Albendazole (Nemoza, Worm).
  • Praziquantel.
  • Pamoat Pyrantel (Pyrantel, Nemocid, Helmintox).

It should be understood that the preparations from worms have certain contraindications and can give a variety of side effects. Therefore, the dosage and duration of treatment should be determined only by the doctor. This largely depends on the patient's age, weight, presence of comorbidities.

As some medicines are not capable of destructive influence on the parasite eggs, may require a repeated course of antihelminthic treatment.

During the treatment the patient should follow a diet plan. In some cases, the production of cleansing enemas in order to release parasites from the body.

In the recovery period, which occurs after the removal of worms from the body, patients adjust the intestinal flora, possible supplementation to strengthen the immune system. For these purposes, chelators, adjuvants, enzyme and bacterial preparations, herbal adaptogens.

With regard to protozoal parasites that live in the human body, for their removal requires the administration of specific anti-protozoan drugs. It can be a Tinidazole, Metronidazole, Ornidazole, Nimorazole, Furazolidone, etc. the Therapy is also determined individually and depends on the type of parasite. In some cases, required hospitalization of patients.

The effectiveness of therapy with well-written treatment of parasites in the gut reaches 95-100%. However, repeated reinfection not excluded.