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The treatment of Parkinson's disease folk remedies

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Parkinson's disease is a disease of the Central nervous system caused by a deficiency of dopamine, one of the most important hormones and neurotransmitters. Suffering from Parkinson's disease, mostly people of elderly and senile age, and it is a shake of the head and extremities, speech disorders, gait and handwriting, peculiar posture, depression, salivation; in severe cases, amnesia and dementia.

Doctors agree that the disease is hereditary nature, but in the absence of precipitating factors and adherence to healthy lifestyle and might not show up. In addition, Parkinson's disease is not a death sentence, now there are modern drugs that successfully compensate for the deficiency of dopamine. But if to take measures to improve sick at home, you can return it to normal. Today we will tell you about the available national methods of maintaining Wellness in people with Parkinson's disease.

The mode of the day, therapeutic exercises and home treatments

Patients are often worried about insomnia; they may Wake up several times during the night and wander around the house half-asleep, bumping into objects and risking injury. Therefore it is necessary, first, to create the person suffering from Parkinson's disease, the most comfortable atmosphere for sleep, and secondly, to give him a bedroom in a place where you will hear the noise and come to help. The furniture in the room must be devoid of sharp corners, the carpet on the floor don't need to slide. The room should be aired before bedtime and to put the patient at the same time.

Bath in Parkinson's disease

A wonderful warming and relaxing effect have therapeutic baths. These treatments are the most beneficial to health and mood with Parkinson's disease as hot water and dip as well relieve muscle spasms, reduce tremors and just bring pleasure.

In water it is recommended to add decoctions to enhance the positive effect of the procedure. Best suited thyme, chamomile,lavender, lime, sage, St. John's wort. In fact, a bath for patients prepared on the same principle as for restless infants with prickly heat, as in Parkinson's disease has dry skin and a strong nervous excitability.

Therapeutic exercise for people with Parkinson's disease

  1. Sit on a chair, feet together, hands on knees. Alternately raise your lower leg so that the leg was parallel to the floor and remained pressed to the knee of the other leg. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

  2. Sitting on a chair in the same position, tilt the body forward at 45 degrees, Vegemite the back arc, then completely raspylitel, taking his shoulders back, and go back to its original position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

  3. Stand at the back of a chair or bed and firmly grasp her hands. Slowly pripodnimaet on toes up and stoop down. Repeat 10-20 times.

  4. A great exercise for hands: alternately touch the thumb pads of the other four fingers, while trying to gradually increase the tempo. It can be done several times a day in any setting by 10-20 times.

  5. To avoid the typical Parkinson's frozen face, the need to train facial expressions: alternately raise eyebrows and open mouth, representing an extreme degree of wonder, and then frown and squeeze your lips like very angry. Repeat as with the previous exercise, whenever possible 10-20 times.

  6. Being in a position of standing or sitting, place your hands on your shoulders and turn your whole body, then left, then right, straining slightly at the same time. Repeat 10 times.

  7. Stand with your back to the wall and try to press into her whole body, from head to toe, count to five and relax. Repeat 10-20 times.

Doing exercises every day, several times a week is good to visit the pool or the dance Studio, depending on what age and condition of the patient. If it is very old and feeble, he needs on a personal example to demonstrate the exercises, as he can't remember them, and do not want to do. Feasible physical activity is vital in the diagnosis "Parkinson's disease", it directly depends on the quality andthe life expectancy of patients!

Topic: 3 methods how to cope with Parkinson's disease

Folk treatment of Parkinson's disease

To facilitate the course of Parkinson's disease, take the same amount of chopped roots lapchatki goose and Hemlock. Then four tablespoons of this mixed composition pour one liter of water and boil. Allow broth to infuse for one night, then take half a Cup four times a day before meals.

Attention! Hemlock – effective, but a poisonous plant!

It is also useful to do foot bath using a decoction of fern. To do this, take five tablespoons of pre-chopped dried rhizomes pour five litres of water. Boil the decoction for two hours on low heat. From this broth do foot baths.

Infusion of herbs will help with the paralysis and fainting

Take equal quantities of lavender, oregano, the dragonhead and Portulaca garden. Grind them to a fine powder. Then 4 tablespoons of mixed herbs fill one liter of boiling water and allow to steep for three hours. Take third of a Cup before meals three times a day.

By the way, in Parkinson's disease a good helping of fruit and juice pineapple guava. Guava helps to improve the condition in diseases arising after of atherosclerosis.

Other recipes of traditional medicine

To maintain the health of the patient and to reduce the unpleasant symptoms will help simple folk recipes:

  • Celery juice, nettle and plantain – prepare from fresh leaves and stems through the juicer and give the patient half a Cup three times a day 15 minutes before meals;
  • Tincture of peony – ready cure can be purchased in a drugstore and take 30-40 drops before meals, 3 times a day, or you can make yourself. To do this, pour a glass of petals of peony chekushku vodka and let stand in a dark, dry place for 2 weeks;
  • Herbal tincture – take 2 partsMelissa and thyme, and 1 part peppermint, mistletoe, motherwort and oregano. Tablespoon of this mixture pour a glass of boiling water and let stand in a closed flask for 1 hour. Then strain and drink in two doses, morning and evening, half a Cup;

  • Herbal tea is prepared from chamomile, St. John's wort, Linden, thyme or sage. It is better to take separately, and add to a tablespoon of the chosen herb teaspoon motherwort for a soothing effect. Chamomile and Linden are suitable for almost all patients with Parkinson's disease, in addition, the tea of them are very tasty. Pick herbs for health and desire. Make a fragrant tea should be at the rate of 2 tablespoons herb mixture to 0.5 liters of boiling water for half an hour before tea, wrapping the kettle;
  • Soothing infusion – with strong nervous agitation in patients with Parkinson's disease to a mixture of Valerian root and Hogweed dissected in equal proportions. 0.5 of boiling water, take 4 tablespoons of the mixture, separte at night and in the morning strain and drink in three doses before meals during the day;

  • Herbs against hand-shake – helps infusion of nettle (1 tablespoon per Cup of boiling water, to insist 1 hour and take before eating a quarter Cup) and lotions from alfalfa (to steam a bundle of fresh herbs, applied to the hands and wrap a towel);
  • The infusion of thyme and Rue – these herbs can also be added centaury, rosemary, lavender, hawthorn and sushenitsu. All mix in equal proportions and in the evening steamed in a thermos 2 tablespoons of the collection in two cups of boiling water, and next morning strain and take throughout the day a quarter Cup, half an hour before meals;
  • Oat broth – pour a glass of washed oats litre of clean water at room temperature and let stand all night and in the morning boil and boil for half an hour on low heat. Then cover the pan and leave it until the evening. Ready broth drain, add clean water to volume of 1 liter and take half a Cup three times a day for six weeks. Treatment of Parkinson's disease oat broth can be repeated with intervals of 2 weeks throughout the year;
  • Garlic-lemon oil is to boost immunity of a person suffering from Parkinson's disease by using the wonderful folk remedies based on garlic. The whole head chop and pour a glass of olive or refined sunflower oil. Leave for a day, shaking regularly, and then squeeze the juice of one lemon, stir well and put the medicine in the refrigerator. Take half an hour before meals teaspoon for three months, thentake a break 1 month and repeat another 1-2 times.
  • Soothe your feet. In Parkinson's disease often occurs the shaking of the feet at night for no apparent reason. Sometimes this is the first sign that a person has diabetes. And sometimes my legs trembling and without any reasons. When the scourge, you need to take it a rule every night before going to sleep to walk for hours. Then when you get home, soak your feet in cold water for 10 minutes. After cold baths should carefully RUB the toes. Procedure do five minutes.

Topic: cure for Parkinson's disease


With special diet you should try to get rid of the main threat to patients, high cholesterol. The deficit of dopamine in combination with blockage of vessels leaves a man very little chance for a good future: the disease develops faster, is complicated by atherosclerosis, ischemia, hypertension, heart attack and stroke.

In Parkinson's disease recommended either the full vegetarianism, or a moderate consumption of animal protein in the form of lean poultry and rabbit, as well as seafood and valuable varieties of fish. About the ocean and the red fish should be discussed separately: research a famous American doctor and biochemist Barry Sears prove that regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids in humans with Parkinson's disease significantly improves their health and hampers the development of the disease.

Omega-3 fatty acid easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain in full, unlike chemical drugs, which stimulates the synthesis of dopamine. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) at a ratio with arachidonic acid (AA) at the level of 1.5 provides a reliable insurance against internal bleeding and helps the body to produce dopamine. Therefore, in Parkinson's disease patients required therapeutic doses of omega-3 fatty acids.

Find out more: Interesting experiments and research of the amazing benefits of omega 3

Food should be varied and the fraction: let the patient eat 4-5 times a day in small portions and each time the meals will be different. In the morning the perfect porridge in milk with butter, lunch – vegetable soups and steamed meatballs for dinner – fish, cheese, light salads. Very useful freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas. Fresh fruit should be considered as a standalone dessert, notto give after lunch. Mixing of ready meals with the raw fruit can cause fermentation and digestion problems.