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Herbs to treat liver

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Milk Thistle for the liver

For the treatment of liver diseases has long been used in various medicinal herbs. One of the best to restore this important cells in the human body is milk Thistle. It applies not only in the form of medicinal raw materials. Its flavonoids and flavonolignan serve as effective components of such preparations, as "Karsil", "Silibor", "Hepabene", "Bondige", "Legalon".

Description of the plant

Milk Thistle can be purchased in any pharmacy, but many people harvest and dry themselves, and some are grown it is very decorative plant in their home gardens and suburban areas.

The composition and properties of milk Thistle

Due to its chemical composition it is able to strengthen cell membranes of the liver, normalize bile production and separation of bile, improves detoxification, inhibits inflammatory processes. It also prevents fatty degeneration of the liver, accelerates the regeneration of her cells, has antioxidant properties, improves metabolic processes, increases resistance to infections. Milk Thistle protects the human body from the harmful effects of alcohol, toxins and heavy metals. Its fruits have a pronounced hepaprotective action. It is used for the treatment of liver diseases like hepatitis, cirrhosis, toxic lesions. It is also used in the treatment of gallbladder diseases.

The use of milk Thistle

This drug is used not only to cure but also for prevention of many diseases of the liver. Before starting therapy you should consult with your doctor.

Milk Thistle can be consumed in the following way:

  • Ground seeds take a month for 10 minutes before eating 1 teaspoon three times a day. The therapy can be repeated after 30 days.
  • In hepatitis, cirrhosis, strengthen liver and the revitalization of its work, make a decoction of crushed in a coffee grinder seeds. To one tablespoon of raw materials add 0.5 liters of hot water and boil it until there is about 200 ml. Strained broth take every hour 1 tablespoon for 12 hours. is repeated after 3-4 days.
  • Liver cleanse crushed 30 g of seed powder divided into 5 parts and use 5times a day 20 minutes before meals, diluting it with water. Take this remedy for 1 month. After a two week break, repeat the treatment.
  • Effective milk Thistle and sprouted seeds. Every day they eat 1 tbsp. l.
  • In various diseases of the liver and toxic (food, chemical, alcohol, drugs) lesions using "milk Thistle Extract". It comes in the form of tablets or capsules of 0.25 g Take it 1 tablet a day during meal. Therapy 1-3 months.

Artichoke for the liver

A perennial plant artichoke serves a valuable storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Its properties for decades in the treatment and therapy of various diseases. Especially significant was the artichoke for the liver.

Referring to a group of hepatoprotectors of natural origin, artichoke render adequate influence on the liver:

  • regulates protein function sinteticheskoy
  • helps to eliminate toxins, cholesterol, salts and excess fluid

  • it has a choleretic effect
  • effective in the initial stages of liver cirrhosis

  • prevents the development of cholecystitis

  • protects the liver from destruction by toxins
  • accelerates the digestion of fatty food
  • stimulates the activity of the liver, subsequently supporting its work

The main component of the artichoke is tsinarin. Its effect in the composition of the artichoke is much more pronounced than in its pure form, due to a number of other components:

  • inulin and carotene;

  • phosphates;
  • salts of magnesium, potassium and calcium;
  • the vitamins C, d, b group;
  • other caffeylquinic and organic acids.

Where to get and how to prepare?

Artichoke in medicine available in the form of capsules, tablets, teas.

You can prepare a tincture. 0.5 kg of dried leaves to 1 liter of 40% vodka. After 15 days of steeping in a cool dark place should be consumed 3 times a day. Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. tincture in a little liquid.

For the infusion of 2 tablespoons of leaves pour 1 liter of boiling water. He needs to stand for about 10 minutes. Apply 1 tbsp a day for half an hour before meals.

Some foreign manufacturers produce cannedartichokes. In the countries where they grow, seasonal artichokes cooked in various marinades. True gourmets prefer them raw. A specific flavor that occurs when cooking, making not everyone.

On topic: the Best traditional recipes and foods that restore the liver cells

Other herbs used to treat liver

In addition to milk Thistle for therapy of liver diseases using such herbs and plants:

  • Helichrysum, the flowers of which enhance the secretion of bile and normalizes liver function.

  • Yarrow, enhances the immune system and has choleretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

  • Corn stigmas which can make the bile less viscous. Thanks to the use of this tool is it reduces the content of bilirubin. Corn silk has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • St. John's wort, facilitating the bile, improve circulation and has anti-inflammatory properties. It removes yellowness and normalizes metabolism regulation.

  • Barberry, a normalizing process of delchevalerie.

  • Dandelionflowers which stimulate the liver cells.

  • Oregano, which improve bile flow and reduce the tone of the biliary tract.

  • Chamomileflowers have anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Peppermintimproves the function of liver to eliminate the jaundice.

  • Knotweed, helps to eliminate inflammation of the liver.
  • Stevia is conducive to the normalization of the liver, has choleretic and curative properties.
  • Nettle, a herb which addresses inflammation of the liver, has a choleretic effect, stimulates metabolism.

  • Calendula officinalis, has choleretic properties.

  • Wormwood, having anti-inflammatory effect.

All of the above herbshave a strong therapeutic action at the cellular level. They are used not only in folk and traditional medicine, both separately and in the form of various fees.


Below are the most effective recipes use herbs to treat liver:

  • Infusion of corn silk is prepared from 2 tablespoons of raw, steamed 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • The infusion of the collection of immortelle, a yarrow, seeds of fennel, peppermint, mugwort eliminates stagnation of bile and strengthens the protective properties of the liver cells. To make it, take 3 parts Helichrysum and 2 of the other herbs. Two tablespoons of this tired of collecting 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infusion take 100 ml three times a day.

  • The infusion of the collection of chamomile flowers, yarrow, knotweed, immortelle, dandelion root, St. John's wort is effective in various diseases of the liver, and cholecystitis. All the herbs are mixed in equal proportions. One tablespoon collection pour 0.2 l of boiling water and insist 1 hour. Take this means 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

  • A decoction of Helichrysum is used to treat chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Take 1 tbsp. l. grass, add to it 200 ml of water and bring it to a boil. The cooled broth is filtered and the residue is grass press. To it add the boiled water, bringing total volume to 300 ml Drink this tool a little bit of warm 100 ml before meals 3 times a day.
  • In hepatitis, take the infusion of roots of knotweed. 1 tbsp. spoonful of finely chopped raw materials add 200 ml of warm water. Insist knotweed 0.5 hours in a water bath. Infusion drink 0.5 cups three times a day.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist