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Knee fracture

Knee fracture is a complex injury because the formation of the joint takes four dice. Because of the vulnerability of this region of the knee joint breaks down in 10% of cases of the total number of fractures. Moreover, this injury is equally susceptible men and women. Age category also varies: from 20 and more years.

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The symptoms of fracture of knee joint

Signs of a General nature for all injuries of the knee joint should be considered:

  • identification of acute pain, worse in the process of feeling the joint and when you try any, even the most minor movement in the knee region;
  • the systematic formation of swelling in the knee joint;
  • given the primary role of trauma in the appearance of the fracture and its location are beginning to show bruises;

  • it is a violation of the functioning of the joint, in this regard, the victim could not make any motion in the affected limb, but also cannot step on the injured leg.

Causes of fracture of knee joint

The main factors of occurrence of fracture of the knee joint are the force on it, or significant pressure. Most often a fracture of the patella (kneecap) is in the process of falling on a knee that was in a bent position.

More rare are the cases of fracture by direct impact on the region of the patella, and in some cases a fracture can occur without force. Sometimes the trauma is too strong pull of the tendon that destroys the knee bones and surrounding muscles. In this embodiment, in 90% of cases there is a complete separation of the lower region of the patella, in the other 10% – partial.

Types of fractures of the knee joint

Fractures in the knee joint are divided into the following categories:

  • trauma to the femur;
  • trauma to the tibia;
  • injury fibula bones;
  • injury of the patella;
  • injury to the meniscus.

In accordance with the separationspecies, to distinguish a fracture of the knee as extra - and intra-articular. In the latter case there is a rupture of the shoulder Bursa, which covers the outer part of the joint, and the first option marked damage only bone, without injuring the articular part.


Accurate diagnosis of the fracture of any bones or joints can be carried out only with the use of x-rays. With the help of x-ray is obtained to correctly determine the line of fracture, as well as the likely offset of the knee joint relative to each other.

Fracture in the cartilage of the knee joint is characterized by a less clear clinical picture. For this injury is peculiar to that pain begin to grow in the exercise movements. At rest, the pain syndrome is not observed. X-ray, the vast majority of cases, does not reveal even the most minor deviations.

Significant role in the diagnosis of knee injuries is assigned arthroscopy. This procedure involves visualization of the joint using endoscopic equipment. This method gives the opportunity to consider a crack in the cartilage, which is the primary cause of the violation optimal muscle performance of the knee joint. Similar to the described clinical manifestation of symptoms characteristic of also meniscus fracture, which is determined when carrying out arthroscopy.

Treatment of fracture of knee joint

The healing process must begin immediately after the diagnosis was made. At the same time, at any stage of therapy, the volume and characteristics of the process may be different, depending on the required action.

For example, first aid involves providing the fixed condition of the joint by any means. To maintain stillness is the need to prevent further injury to the joint. In addition, at this stage preferably administered analgesics to prevent pain shock. After immobilization and anesthesia all actions the first stage of treatment can be considered completed.

The next step in the treatment is carried out with the support of the doctor-traumatologist. This step implies mapping of the bone fragments in anatomically correct order, as well as their fixation in the optimal position. This will help to createthe most favorable conditions for healing process.

The described mapping can be used:

  • a closed method, that is, without surgery by using manual methods;
  • open – in this case, the operational effect of further fixing the bone tissues using special devices.

Usually after a fracture of the knee requires the imposition of elastic bandages, which ensures the immobility of the joint. If was damaged articular cartilage in the second stage of treatment it is necessary to use a chondro – medications that contribute to the restoration of the structure of cartilage.

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In some situations, it is essential to use anti-inflammatory actions. For example, a fracture in the condyle of a knee joint, a treatment which is often accompanied by the ingestion of such drugs, in 70% of cases is complicated by the processes of autoimmune nature. To suppress them and apply anti-inflammatory drugs.

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In the process of treatment of a fracture of the knee joint the final stage is rehabilitation, which allows you to make the motility of the knee whole again. Remediation includes frequent massage, therapeutic exercise, and physiotherapy.

All of these measures have to be assigned directly to a specialist. Only in this case, you can count on 100% and maximally rapid recovery after such a severe injury like fracture of the knee joint.