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Pyelonephritis kidney in women

  • How and what to treat pyelonephritis?

    How and what to treat pyelonephritis depends on how the disease. If the exacerbation of chronic disease, primary or acute pyelonephritis on the background of high temperature, accompanied by a drop in pressure, severe pain, swelling and disruption of the normal flow of urine, you will need surgery. The patient should be hospitalized in case of impossibility of implementation of therapy with medicines in the home (vomiting after taking the pills for pyelonephritis) as well as in severe intoxication. In other situations, at the discretion of the physician, treatment may be performed on an outpatient basis.

    Pyelonephritis is treated with antibiotic and symptomatic therapy in the complex.

    To eliminate the symptoms of the disease is necessary to observe following conditions:

    • It is important to keep drinking regime during the entire treatment period.
    • The first few days, the patient must comply with bed rest, that is to be warm in a horizontal position.
    • To reduce body temperature and to eliminate the pain, it is necessary to use NSAIDs, including Diclofenac, Metamizole. In children are shown taking Paracetamol.

    More just for inflamed kidneys dangerous damp cold. This applies to both acute disease and chronic pyelonephritis. During remission it is important at least once a day for half an hour to take a horizontal body position and more often to empty the bladder.

    1. Treatment of pyelonephritis antibacterial drugs adult patients. After confirmation of the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed an antibacterial drug most commonly used for the treatment of pyelonephritis. After getting the results of bacterial seeding (usually this happens after 5 days), may be carried out the replacement of antibiotic for another, more effective in this case.

      Therapy disease is carried out using a group of drugs ftorhinolon or Ampicillin in combination with beta-lactamase inhibitors, or Cephalosporins.

      Drugs such as Cefotaxime or Ceftriaxone are convenient because they must be administered no more frequently than two times per day. Ampicillin is used for the treatment of pyelonephritis less. This is due to high resistance of bacteria to it, whatoccurs in 40% of cases. The course of treatment often lasts from one to two weeks, depending on the severity of the disease and the resulting effect.

      Ciprofloxacin is administered in tablet form, as it is well absorbed from the intestine and maintains a high concentration in the kidneys. Nausea and vomiting is an indication for intravenous administration of this antibacterial drug.

      When the effect of the therapy was missing in the first 2-3 days, it is appropriate to perform abdominal CT. This procedure is necessary to exclude hydronephrosis of the kidneys and to exclude an abscess. In addition, the required bacteriological analysis of urine to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms.

      Sometimes after antibiotic course is necessary to re-conduct, but drugs of different groups. If the disease passed into a chronic form, it is necessary to take Antibacterials for a long time. Difficulties in treating the disease lies in the stability of bacterial flora to antibacterial agents.

      The prognosis is favorable when it detects diseases at early stages and timely treatment. If the entire year after treatment the pathogen in the urine is not detected, then people recognize the healthy.

    2. Seven-day course of treatment with Ciprofloxacin. Studies have revealed that weekly treatment pyelonephritis Ciprofloxacin provides the same effect as that of the treatment group ftorhinolon. Two groups of women were treated different drugs: some subjects were treated for a week with Ciprofloxacin and the other two weeks ftorhinolon. In the end, got rid of diseases of women in both groups (97% of the patients). In addition, 5 patients women who received treatment with ftorhinolon, began to suffer from a candidiasis. Ciprofloxacin is such a negative effect did not give.

    3. Antibacterial therapy of pyelonephritis in children. For getting rid of the disease require intravenous antibiotic. It may be Ceftriaxone, Cefepime, Cefixime. When the effect is reached, the body temperature will drop, you can use the cephalosporin drugs in pill form. If the disease is mild, the therapy even in the initial stages can be carried out using tablets.

    4. Therapy pyelonephritis caused by fungi. If the disease is provoked by mycotic pathogens,shown that treatment with Fluconazole, or with Amphotericin. This requires the observation of the dynamics of elimination of fungi from the kidneys, which carry out a CT scan, retrograde pyelography, urography rentgencontrastnoe. Need surgery, in that case, if the urinary tract are clogged and stagnant urine in the kidneys. The patients applied nephrostomy. This method leads to normalization of urine outflow and allows you to enter antifungals directly into the kidney.

    5. Nephrectomy. Removal of the kidney is needed on the background of sepsis, which can not be corrected with medicines. It is especially important to perform nephrectomy in renal failure, have a tendency to rise.

    6. Herbal medicine, and herbal medicine for pyelonephritis

    Topic: Effective treatment of pyelonephritis folk remedies

    You can use the following medicines for the treatment of pyelonephritis and reduce the symptoms of the disease:

    • Bearberry (more: treatment of pyelonephritis the bearberry), and horsetail will help to reduce swelling.

    • Oats and orthosiphon will reduce spasms.
    • Nettle and rose hips help reduce bleeding.
    • As a preventive means, as well as in the complex treatment of the disease possible use: Vitalizing, Manures, Kanefron, Cystone, kidney teas.
    • To get rid of the dyspeptic disorders that are caused by antibacterial drugs, allows plantain, chamomile, strawberry leaves.