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Treatment of pollinosis

The treatment of hay fever folk remedies

Treatment of pollinosis collection of herbs

Fees medicinal herbs will help people to cope with hay fever.

Collection 1. The licorice root (6 tablespoons) and flowers of viburnum ordinary (3 tablespoons) combine with elecampane root (2 tablespoons), sage (2 tablespoons), mint pepper (2 tablespoons) and add the horsetail (5 tablespoons). All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and two teaspoons of the mixture brew in boiled water for 8 hours. Then the drug tsedyat and drink in three doses a quarter Cup. Regular use of this tool will help to get rid of the annoying runny nose and swelling of the sinuses.

Collection 2. For its preparation you need to connect the rhizome of calamus (1 teaspoon) with rhizome erect cinquefoil (1 teaspoon), the roots of comfrey (1 teaspoon) and the herb St. John's wort (4 teaspoons). The plants are mixed, gaining two tablespoons of the mixture and fill with water (250 ml). Composition boil for about seven minutes on a slow fire, then tsedyat. This drug in hay fever, it is customary to gargle and rinse your nose.

Collection 3. You will need to connect the herb St. John's wort (2 tablespoons) with the flowers of tansy (1 tbsp) comfrey roots (3 tablespoons) and grass ochanki Germ (2 tablespoons). Fee in the amount of one tablespoon boil for about 10 minutes in 250 ml of water, then tsedyat through cheesecloth and rinse the throat. The tool can also be used for nasal lavage.

Treatment of pollinosis with salt and sugar

Good folk remedy that can help with hay fever, is common salt, available in every home. Filter and boil a Cup of water and dissolve in it a teaspoonful of salt, and then put this simple cure nose (a couple drops in each nostril). A day procedure should be performed about five times, and then you'll notice how much freer will your breath. Salt solution suitable for nasal lavage.

Helps with hay fever and sugar. A piece of refined sugar need to drip a few drops of oil of fennel, Laurel and dill and eat for half an hour before meals. In the day to do three steps a tool.

The treatment of hay fever alcoholic liquors

We present several folk recipes for the treatment of hay fever with alcohol and medicinal plants.

Infuse in 1 Cup of half alcohol can celandine (a couple tablespoons). In a week the cure will be ready: drain it and squeeze raw materials. Thereafter, five drops of tincture diluted in a tablespoon of cool boiled water and drink. A day you need to do about four tricks.

In a glass of vodka during the week, insist the fresh inflorescences of Echinacea. Then the drug tsedyat and drink diluted in boiled water (100 ml) for twenty or twenty-five drops of tincture.

You also need to remember that in hay fever it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of his body, taking a shower every time when I return from the street. Be sure to gargle to wash the eyes and nose.

The treatment of hay fever juices

Use in the treatment of hay fever juices of various plants, fruits and vegetables.

You need to take a fresh celery root and squeeze its juice then drink it in three doses a couple of teaspoons.

You can also prepare a mixture of carrot juice (3-5 pieces), apples (2 pieces), cauliflower (2 medium florets) and parsley (1 bunch). This healthy and delicious mix drink in three doses half an hour before a meal.

Healing properties and the juice of onions. Four onions need to be peeled, cut in half and put in a liter of cold water overnight. The next day healing drink drink in a few receptions.