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How to stop diarrhea at home in children and adults

What helps diarrhea?

A list of the best products

In folk medicine, has accumulated a huge experience of dealing with such unpleasant illness as diarrhea. With her appearance it is not necessary to resort to medical drugs, the use of which is fraught with side effects. Sometimes it is much safer to use the recipes of traditional medicine, especially as many of the constituent components is almost always at hand.

Not difficult to prepare a decoction of rice or swallow a few peas black pepper, to brew a strong tea or look in the medicine Cabinet activated charcoal. Effective infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants and fruits of some shrubs and trees. There is in the Treasury of folk healers and is a fairly unusual drug for the treatment of diarrhea, for example, blue, iodine, or powder of the elements chicken gizzards. Read more about them and not only will be described below.

Rice water diarrhea

This is one of the most affordable, easy to prepare and safe means to combat diarrhea. The effectiveness of the congee is associated with its ability to envelop the intestine and prevent irritating influence of gastric juice. Along the way, improves the peristalsis of this organ, the feces begin to form correctly. The astringent properties of the broth are the result of high content of rice starch. Once in the body, it absorbs the excess liquid, contributing to the thickening of the intestinal contents.

A decoction of rice is good with symptoms of bloating, which often accompany diarrhea. The remedy prevents fermentation in the digestive tract.

In addition, the broth of rice provides nutrition for the body, especially during diarrhea, when eating foods that can provoke deterioration.

It should be noted that this remedy for diarrhea is safe, so it can be safely given to children who have medication are able to provoke allergies. In addition, the decoction is prepared out of rice, which is always handy.

Recipe rice-water diarrhea

It remains only to learn how to cook this medicinal drug: In half a liter of boiling in an enamel pot of water down to two teaspoons pre-soaked in cold boiled water of rice. Stirring, keep on medium heat for 50 minutes. Ready broth is allowed to cool to room temperature, strain through cheesecloth or a strainer and get a drug.

The dosage depends on the age of the patient. Adults take 150 ml of rice-water every three hours, children's dose varies from 50 to 100 ml. three or four times a day.

An hour later after the use of funds will improve, the symptoms will become less pronounced. It is recommended not only to drink the broth, but in between eat some rice porridge, this will speed up recovery. In children, the body recovers much faster, so the onset of improvement congee stop giving, replacing it with strong sweet tea with homemade rye croutons.

Cherry from diarrhea

About the healing properties of this plant were known even in ancient times. In that time, people used the fruit cherry food and are noted for their astringent properties. In our day to fight against diarrhea also used the flowers and bark of this shrub. Medicines created on the basis of cherry, the high content of tannins, which have the desired impact. But they are only recommended if the diarrhea is non-infectious in nature.

The cherry cannot be used in large amounts as it contains a special glycoside – amygdalin, when ingested, fissile to glucose and hydrocyanic acid. The latter applies to potent poisons. Therefore, drugs with Prunus should be prepared in strict accordance with the recipe and use only after consultation with your doctor. Pregnant and lactating women use this plant is not recommended.

A decoction of wild cherry diarrhea

A decoction of wild cherry is prepared as follows: bunches of Ripe cherry washed under running water, fill the glass to half and poured into a container in which to prepare the remedy. There also pour 2 cups of boiling water and send it in a water bath, where they hold about half an hour. Then another half hour willing the drug is infused under the hood. Then it is filtered and poured an equal amount of blueberry juice. A mixture of give the child every hour a spoonful, kids under the age of three years is recommended to reduce the dose to a teaspoons every two hours.

A decoction of the bark of wild cherry

Suitable for adults decoction of the bark of wild cherry, prepared in accordance with the following recipe:

  • Tablespoon of bark pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes in a water bath. The broth is cool, strain and take one hundred milliliters three times a day.

To cope with diarrhea, you can use the flowers of bird cherry:

  • Two tablespoons of flowers brewed half a liter of boiling water and infuse for two hours, then filtered the medium and take two tablespoons three times a day.

Peel a pomegranate for diarrhea

They are usually discarded when cleaning the fruit of not knowing how many useful qualities of these wastes. The value represents a dense dry red shell covering the outside of grenades, the second, white layer that should be cleaned because it contains no curative elements.

The amount of tannins in the peel of pomegranate is 30%, which explains the efficacy of this product in the fight against diarrhea and other intestinal disorders. This report also contains special plant pigments called polyphenols, which are strong antioxidants that can inhibit dysentery Bacillus.

To treat cases of diarrhea in children pomegranate peel is also used, but you must consult with your doctor as there are a number of contraindications and consequences of the overuse of this drug are quite serious, until the internal bleeding. With anal fissures, hepatitis, nephritis , to use funds on the basis of this product is impossible. Combined treatment with pomegranate peel with the use of antihistamines was prohibited.

The preparation of a medicinal product begins with the procurement of peels. Pomegranate thoroughly washed, obsushivayut, clean. With the crusts cut off the white flesh, and the healing red layer send to dry in the oven or under the sun, previously covered with gauze and periodically turning. Store the blank in a paper bag or glass jar in a dry place.

Pomegranate broth

Pomegranate decoction is prepared as follows: Dry crusts are ground in a mortar or coffee grinder, a teaspoon of the resulting powder pour a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath quarter of an hour. Ready broth infuse for about 40 minutes and take a teaspoon four times a day as long as the stool is not back to normal. Approximately two days later, the body can fully cope with the disease anddisappear all its consequences.

Children ready broth give after consultation with the pediatrician, and the dose should not exceed half a teaspoon three times a day. It is important to remember that the peel of pomegranate can cause allergies.

Dried blueberries against diarrhea

This plant has unique properties, which largely depend on the method of application and the selected item. So, to resolve diarrhea used dried fruits, fresh blueberries have the opposite effect and effective in dealing with constipation.

Studies show that dried blueberries in abundance contain tannins and pectin. It is these substances that allow to get rid of diarrhea. Many parents are tempted by the safety and effectiveness of these berries in the treatment of childhood diarrhoea.

Dried blueberries are prepared decoctions, infusions, teas, jelly.

Drink recipes made with dried blueberries:

  • For cooking jelly should be aware of the proportions – on a tablespoon of blueberries take 300 ml water, a teaspoon of starch and the taste is to add sugar. Prepare like normal jelly, and accept freely.
  • A good remedy for diarrhea is a decoction of 40 grams of dry blueberry, filled with 200 ml. of water and boiled for 20 minutes on low heat. Means strain and take half a Cup three times a day.

Children can be given chewing dry blueberry fruits in small portions 6 times a day. So they had the desired effect, they should chew as long as possible and then some more time to hold it in your mouth before swallowing. In some cases, prepare a special blueberry tea and give it to the child instead of the usual drinking. Here is how it is cooked:

  • In half a liter of cold water throw 5 teaspoons dried blueberries, bring to a boil and cook about 10 minutes. Drink strain and give the child to drink three times a day a Cup.

Means on the basis of the blueberries safe for health, so they can be safely applied at the first signs of the disorder in both adults and children.

Activated charcoal for diarrhea

This is one of the proven tools from the manifestations of diarrhea, but it will be really effective not in all cases. The reason for this lies in the specificity of action of activated charcoal. Once in the body, this remedy acts as a powerful adsorbent, whichremoves harmful toxins, but captures and nutrients, e.g., vitamins.

And he can deliver only on those hazardous substances that have not yet had time to absorb in the blood and are in the stomach or intestine. Therefore, activated carbon is effective against diarrhea caused by food poisoning, an allergic reaction to some product or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the diarrhea was caused by viruses or microflora imbalance provoked by use of antibiotics, activated charcoal will not bring relief and can even cause harm. He will lead from the body together with hazardous substances are those beneficial bacteria, which aim at the normalization of microflora and prevention of disorders.

Natural origin activated charcoal makes it suitable for use in case of diarrhea in children, but preliminary it is necessary to analyze the causes of the disorder and to consult with specialists. The child is usually given crushed pills, which he needs to drink plenty of fluids, drink continue to offer and then in small doses. Activated charcoal is fairly harmless, only in case of significant overdose can constipation.

How to take activated charcoal?

For the treatment of diarrhea is recommended to take activated charcoal three times a day. The desired dose is calculated according to the following scheme 10 kilograms of weight one pill. The treatment course should not exceed 10 days, otherwise there is a risk of weight loss and exhaustion. After treatment with the use of activated charcoal is recommended to start taking probiotics to restore the amount of beneficial bacteria in the body.

Activated charcoal tablets you should drink plenty of fluids, only in this case the effectiveness of the drug is at the proper level.

Oak bark diarrhea

The use of this drug allows to approach the solution to the problem of diarrhoea holistically. In addition to the high concentration of tannins, oak bark contains components capable of exerting anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In addition, the interaction of proteins with tannins form a special protective layer which protects the digestive tract from irritations. Therefore, the use of drugs with this substance not only helps to eliminate diarrhea, but also to cope with the problems that oftenaccompany this illness.

Funds on the basis of oak bark is equally effective for diarrhea caused by both infection and poisoning or overeating. From it is prepared infusions, decoctions, tinctures, there is the practice of using enemas for younger patients.

As a medicinal raw material can only be the oaks aged 15 to 20 years. With their young shoots, bark is removed in early spring before emergence of leaves. If there is no possibility or desire to harvest the raw materials yourself, you can buy it at any pharmacy.

Recipes from oak bark

Give a few of the most popular recipes from diarrhea with the use of oak bark:

  • The infusion. Chopped dry oak bark in the amount of one teaspoon is poured half a liter of boiled cold water and leave for 8 hours. The resulting tool is divided into several equal doses and drink during the day.
  • Tincture on alcohol. One teaspoon of dried chopped oak bark pour 400 ml of vodka, insist the drug a week in a dark place. Take necessary, the dosage is 20 drops twice a day.
  • Broth. Half a Cup of bark brewed Cup of boiling water and simmering on slow fire for about half an hour. After cooling, the tool take 2 tablespoons three times a day.

Children can take advantage of the healing properties of oak bark exclusively in the form of an enema. Here is how it is prepared:

  • Mix a tablespoon of chamomile and oak bark, pour a mixture of half a liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for half an hour. Thus prepared medium is filtered warm, add ten drops of Valerian, and do an enema.

Black pepper from diarrhea

An amazing remedy for diarrhea, which is found in almost any kitchen. The use of black pepper helps to improve digestion by increasing production of hydrochloric acid which, in turn, promotes the release of enzymes in the intestine. This is due to the effectiveness of taking this spice in case of digestive disorders and diarrhea.

How to make black pepper from diarrhea?

To treat ailments are recommended to take 10 grains, to swallow without chewing and drink a glass of water. The most appropriate time for receiving the funds occurs before bedtime, in this case, the probability that the morning condition significantly improved and the problem with diarrhea will lose its edge.

Children up to 5 years to use black pepper to treat diarrhea should not be, older children are usually given half the adult dose (i.e. 5 grains) but not at once, and breaking into several techniques.


Contraindications are not limited only to the young age, anemia, peptic ulcer, allergic diseases, inflammation of kidneys and bladder – these are cases where the use of black pepper is prohibited. In other controversial cases, it is possible to negotiate medical as a specialist.

Strong tea from diarrhea

Such a familiar drink can provide assistance if you experience signs of indigestion and diarrhea. Tea has acquired a pronounced astringent properties, it should be brewed much stronger than usual.

For the treatment will not work with tea bags, only leaves, no additives and flavorings. The number of welding should exceed the usual norm in several times. A glass of the finished beverage, you can drink in one gulp at a time or to use as a healing agent itself brew – tea grounds, in amounts of a few tablespoons.

Other tea recipes from diarrhea

You can prepare tea, which helps to cope with diarrhea, a little differently: a quarter Cup of fresh-brewed strong drink put 5 spoons of sugar and poured half a glass of acidic juice from grapes. The tool will start working in few hours. Children are encouraged to give less concentrated sweet drink.

There is a recommendation that black tea should be replaced with green. In this case, in finished drink do not add sweeteners and take it at least four times per day.

If diarrhea is caused by ingestion of the virus, it is necessary to Supplement black tea onion. Fresh strong hot drink is put on a 10 minute incised onion. Ready to drink tea without honey or other sweeteners.


Before using this tool note that contained in tea leaves caffeine can harm people with high blood pressure and people with a tendency to irritability nervousness. Too strong drink in large amounts can cause dizziness, vision problems and even anemia with dehydration because it helps to eliminate fluid from the body and prevents the absorption of iron.

Chicken gizzardsdiarrhea

The ability to eliminate diarrhea are not so digestive organs of these birds, many inside their stomach film yellow. It contains digestive enzymes that when ingested, normalizes the digestive tract and handle the manifestations of diarrhea.

How to make a cure for diarrhea from chicken gizzards?

Raw materials to be procured independently and in advance. Purchased in the market or poultry farm chicken gizzards cut, washed and separated by a yellow film that should have saturated and pure color. The resulting material is left to dry at room temperature on a piece of paper. The next day the future of medicine is ready, it is ground into a powder and store in a glass container with a tight lid in a dry, dark place.

How to take?

At the onset of diarrhea powder from chicken gizzards taken orally: adults a tablespoon, children teaspoon twice a day with water or strong tea. An hour later comes a significant improvement and soon the sickness will cease to remind myself.

Iodine water from diarrhea

The use of drugs based on this chemical element is aimed at solving several tasks.

Recipes involving iodine

Since diarrhea is always accompanied with loss of body minerals, to fill them it is recommended to use the following recipe:

  • In a glass of room temperature water and dissolve a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. This liquid is added iodine in an amount of 5 drops. Take the solution in a dosage which can vary from a tablespoon to half a Cup, divided into several doses during the day. The tool not only will help to restore the mineral balance, but also to cope with the root cause – diarrhea.

Blue iodine is a powerful tool

If the diarrhea is caused by an infection, you can use more effective and interesting way, which in folk medicine is called blue iodine. The composition of this drug is not only iodine, but also starch. The combination of these two products gives remedy for diarrhea unique properties, it acquires the ability to have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects to cope even with very severe cases of diarrhea. To prepare the blue iodine is quite simple:

  • Teaspoon with slide starch diluted in 50 ml of boiled warm water, add to the mixture a teaspoon of heaped sugar and a few crystals of citric acid. Thus preparedtool pour 150 ml of boiling water. After the potion cooled, poured into it a teaspoon of five-percent iodine solution.

The resulting blue iodine may be stored in a well closed glass container at room temperature for several days without loss of medicinal properties. It is important to remember that it will be valuable until still retains an intense dark blue color. Adults are from half a liter to 0.7 l per day on a tablespoon, by dividing the norm by several techniques, the duration of use is a couple of days. Children's dose is measured in teaspoons while keeping the majority of volume.

Vodka with salt from diarrhea

It is an extreme way of dealing with diarrhea, but no less effective. The drug is based on vodka with salt can be prepared in advance and stored for cases of diarrhea or make fresh immediately before use. In the latter case, just mix 80 ml of vodka with a third teaspoon of salt, mix it thoroughly and drink it one gulp at a time. The amount of salt can be increased.

Recipe of concentrated funds

But the method of preparation of the more concentrated funds:

  • For cooking this means you must pour in a shot of vodka and add a teaspoon of salt. Stir well and drink in one gulp the resulting tool. To adopt the means necessary 1-2 times a day. Undissolved salt can not drink.


Of course, vodka with salt can not be used to treat diarrhea in children, it is also not suitable for those adults who suffer from gastritis and peptic ulcer disease because the alcoholic mixture can cause the inflammation on the surface of the walls of the intestine and stomach.

Herbs for diarrhea

Plants with antimicrobial and antibacterial effect, containing a high percentage of tannins, will be effective in counteracting diarrhea. Need medicinal herbs you can prepare yourself or buy in the pharmacy network. Before applying you should carefully examine all the features of the reception of specific herbs and contraindications. It is especially important to do it in that case have to treat the child because not all plants are equally good for children. If possible, you should consult with your doctor about the advisability of using one or another phytocomponent.

To resolve diarrhea oftenjust use the following herbs: sage, mugwort, Burnet, St. John's wort, peppermint, black elderberry, cuff and many others.

The root of Burnet from diarrhea

Here is an example recipe that will be suitable for the treatment of diarrhea in children and adults:

  • a tablespoon of minced raw steamed Cup of boiling water and cook on low heat for 40 minutes. Ready broth filter and take a tablespoon, diluted in a quarter Cup of water 5 times a day. Children drink a decoction of a teaspoon 2 hours after a meal or half an hour before her. Even after the cessation of diarrhea is recommended to continue to use the facility seven days, reducing the frequency of administration to three times per day.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist