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Acquired heart disease

A healthy heart is quite powerful, continuously working on, its size compared to the size of a human fist. First, the heart provides a stable, normal blood flow, and secondly, adjusts and operates according to the needs of the body. In active mode, the heart pumps more blood at rest – less. The heart can be compared with a two-way pump, it circulates blood throughout the body.

The body is divided into four chambers. Partition, i.e. a muscular wall divides the heart into left and right halves. Each of them has two chambers, the lower (ventricle) and the upper (atrium). Each chamber has a valve opening in one direction. Valves are the tricuspid valve, pulmonary trunk, aortic and mitral. Valves help blood flow forward and not give to go back in the opposite direction.

Heart valves can be damaged due to age or heart attacks. Acquired heart disease called violation of the functions of the heart, caused by changes in one or more heart valves. Heart defects are classified based on what reasons have created the conditions for their occurrence.

According to the etiology they are atherosclerotic, rheumatic, syphilitic, and can also develop in the setting of endocarditis. Acquired heart disease may not be affecting the geodynamics of the body can have mild or sharp severity. Heart defects are divided into forms: compensated and decompensated subcompencirovanna.

Usually lose are:

  • Manalapan defects – mitral, aortic, tricuspid vices;
  • combined defects – mitrale-aortic, aortic-mitral, micralyne-tricuspid, aortic-tricuspid. In these cases, affected two or more valves;
  • three-valve defects – aortic-mitrale-mitrale and tricuspid-aortic-tricuspid.

In case of simple defects detected by the insufficiency and stenosis. Combined malformations are diagnosed, if there is insufficiency and stenosis of multiple valves. The combined defect is the presence of insufficiency and stenosis in one valve. The stenosis is formed as a result of cicatricial fusion of the valve leaflets. Valve insufficiency is a consequence of damage or deformation because of the appearance of scars. Affected valves represent an obstacle tomovement of blood.

Stenosis anatomical obstacle, in case of insufficiency of the blood passes through the hole, and then comes back. This, ultimately, is complicated by the increasing blood volume. Disruption of normal hemodynamic overloading, and then rise to hypertrophy and eventually to the extension chambers of the heart.

The heart is hampered by degeneration of hypertrophied myocardium, decreases contractility of the heart muscle and developing heart failure.

Heart defects ball concerned about heart palpitations, shortness of breath, swelling. Diagnosis and treatment of heart disease is carried out by a cardiologist based on symptoms, listening to the rhythm and heart sounds.

Also assigned electrocardiography, echocardiography and chest x-ray. If there are prerequisites for surgical treatment, in the process of research into the sensing of the heart cavities and angiography. Treatment includes preventive measures to prevent recurrence and complications of the underlying disease. Definitely as soon as possible need of correction of heart rhythm disturbances and elimination of heart failure.

Half of acquired heart disease affect mitral valve, and a small percentage affects the aortic valve. Often surgical treatment of defects is not recommended due to the severity of patient condition or late diagnosis of the disease. There is medication and other therapy to prepare the patient for surgery. In the postoperative period, the patient with artificial valve should always be seen by a doctor.

Today there are many different types of artificial valves, the durability of which from 20 to 100 years. One of the important areas of prevention of patients with acquired heart diseases is a special complex of physical exercises. Their efficiency allows to improve the functional state of the organ. Everyone should know from an early age how to strengthen the heart. Physical activities, healthy food, relaxation and fresh air are the basic rules you need to follow so that it remained healthy.