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Prevention of heat rash in a child

Every parent must know the basic rules of prevention that will help to protect the child and preserve his health. The first thing you need to know – try to maintain the thermal regime. It is not necessary to wrap the baby tight in swaddling cloth. Many moms think that they create a comfortable environment for the baby, but is absolutely the wrong idea, which, incidentally, can lead to serious consequences.

In order to prevent the development of heat rash, should follow a few simple rules.

  • Remember that heat rash on the baby's skin appears most often in the summer, because in hot days the perspiration increases.

  • To reduce sweating of the child will help clothing from natural fabrics. For example, cotton fabric breathes well and thereby creates a natural ventilation.

  • Linen, too, is to choose natural materials. The skin on these sheets be able to breathe.

  • Follow the temperature regime in the nursery. The optimal ratios vary from +20 to +22 degrees.

  • Dress your child for the weather. Instead of one warm jackets for the walk is better to wear two thinner just in case it gets hot and one wants to remove.

  • Do not swaddle a baby too tight. Leave a little space for movements.

  • Choose a cream in accordance with the season. In summer it is better to give preference to creams based on water (they are faster absorbed and allow the skin to breathe). Winter will be thick and greasy creams.

  • To soften skin, use baby oil.

  • In the first six months of life, bathe the baby every day, and with six months – a day. Summer bathing can be increased as needed up to two or three times a day.

  • Not to wash off the natural protective layer of skin, baby detergent is best not more than once a day, preferably in the evening.

  • After cleaning and bathing, treat the skin with baby powder, baby oil or cream, and the best to apply a thin even layer. The skin need to pre-wet the towel.

  • Ventilate the room, but avoid drafts and direct sunlight.

  • For the baby's skin's useful fresh air, especially in warm, dry and windless weather.

Try for newborns and for older kids to buy things casual and genuine matter, so,as soon as she can to create a comfortable environment. After all, as many know, the air of natural fabrics penetrates freely through the pores. In the summer, try every evening to bathe the baby, or douse it boiled water with decoctions of herbs, or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, as it is this time of year the sweating sickness appears very often. Herbs, as mentioned above, disinfect the skin after washed off the discharge from the sweat glands.

Prevention of heat rash in adults

Prickly heat in adults occurs due to sweating of the body. Accordingly, the prevention of this disease is to get rid of excessive sweating.

  • Don't dress too warm. In summer, avoid synthetics and tight clothing, give preference to cotton fabrics.

  • Regularly use antiperspirants for long periods.

  • Reduce physical activity in hot, humid and unventilated areas, as well as when wearing warm clothing.

  • To avoid heat rash in hot, humid climates or during febrile state, wipe the skin with soothing and disinfecting agents.

  • Often change underwear.

  • Wipe the skin with alcohol lotions or 2% solution of salicylic alcohol.