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Causes, signs and symptoms of heat rash in adults

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Diaper rash is called a rash, which appears as a result of sweating and irritation from the sweat of the skin. It is known that through sweat, our skin excretes a lot of toxins and harmful substances, but sometimes the sweat glands from being clogged that the problems begin.

Signs and symptoms of heat rash in adults

In adulthood, the sweating sickness manifests itself in different ways and cause trouble in varying degrees, depending on its type.

  1. Miliaria crystalline is the most harmless kind of sweat. Is a small mother of pearl the rash in the form of bubbles with a diameter of one to two millimeters. She appears in active physical activities. It is characterized by a slight itching or the lack of it at all. Sometimes it starts to peel and no more.

  2. Prickly heat red is a more intense form. It looks like many of the point of education, which merge into large areas. It is seen most often in the underarm area, groin, and the fairer sex still in the chest under the Breasts. People feel a noticeable itching. This kind of cured in a few weeks.

  3. The deep heat rash (papular). The third stage, which is manifested on the background of the first two. She is exposed to people who moved to the region with a hot climate and are not adapted immediately to intensive waterlogging.

Profuse sweating can cause swelling of the epidermis of skin and plugging of the outer ducts of sweat glands. While the output channels can substantially be stretched or even torn. Emerging nodules dry up with the formation of unpleasant brown. In severe forms, the skin becomes dry. As a result, may develop an infection which turns into eczema. This form of heat rash requires a long treatment that lasts for several months, and even years, depending on the length of exposure to adverse factors which cause it.

The sweat is often confused with other defects of the skin, in connection with which an accurate diagnosis can putonly a doctor dermatologist.

Causes of heat rash

The main symptoms symptoms of heat rash are redness and eruptions on different parts of the skin where moisture lingers for a long time. In addition to the previously listed, these portions include the locations of the bends of the limbs, neck and back. In young children often develop symptoms petnicki on the ass. Often, these rashes appear as small blisters with clear liquid inside, which then burst, causing peeling of the skin and excessive dryness.

Usually, the sweat accompany unfavourable external factors that trigger sweating and it occurs mainly in closed areas of the body where the skin has long remained moist. Such factors can be:

  • a prolonged stay in the hot conditions of the environment;
  • intense physical activity (this usually applies primarily to adolescents).
  • emotional experiences, leading to stress;

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • various abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • excessive use of cosmetics, preventing the natural air exchange on the surface of the skin;
  • wearing hats, which in hot weather do not allow the skin to dry quickly;
  • disease causing fever and, as a consequence, excessive sweating;
  • failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • excessive fullness.

It should be noted that children's potnichka, as a rule, is not accompanied by any odor. But in adults its appearance often causes unpleasant smells, creating a person more discomfort. For these reasons, timely treatment of this disorder of the skin contributes not only gain good physical shape, but also helps a person psychologically.

Treatment of heat rash in adults

In order to get rid of heat rash adults need first to focus on General physical condition and try to get rid from excessive sweating. To reduce sweating AIDS the application of external agents, such as formalin, all kinds of powder,hygienic gels.

If the appearance of the sweat caused by allergic reactionsaccompanied by swelling, should guide efforts to reduce the impact of allergens, take antihistamines.

In hospitals, patients are offered various options of acupunctureand physiotherapy. Special attention should be paid to the psychological condition of the patient. When strong emotions and stress people much more intense sweating, thus causing the appearance of the sweat. In such situations, doctors usually prescribe effective sedatives.

Now fashion has been the use of Botox. However, his injections though and help to improve the appearance, but it can paralyze the nerve cells responsible for the correct functioning of the sweat glands. In this case, if the profuse sweating gives too much trouble, you can resort to surgery. During the operation, is traversed by the nerve that is associated with sweat glands, which leads to the disappearance of sweating.

It is important to remember when treating heat rash is that it can not burn, using, for example, tinctures with high alcohol content. Such procedures lead to the formation of numerous small wounds, which bleed. Healing this condition much more difficult.

Prevention of heat rash in adults

Having a tendency to the formation of the sweat people, to a large extent can prevent its recurrences, if they adhere to certain rules:

  • to get rid of excessive pounds of weight;
  • in hot weather wear light clothing in natural, breathable fabrics;
  • the clothing should not positioned close to the body;
  • to avoid unnecessary physical exertion, especially in extremely hot weather;
  • often change clothes to clean and dry;
  • at least twice a day to take water treatments after which carefully wiped;
  • limit sunbathing, narrowing disputes and increase the likelihood of heat rash;
  • to ensure regular ventilation, avoiding moisture and heat.

Taking care of normal skin, you also contribute to a more comfortable physical climate. After all, fresh clean clothes, the airflow in the heat, no excessive weight – all positive components of a comfortable life.

Although prickly heat usually creates onlyminor trouble, appearing rather superficially, however, it is desirable to avoid its manifestation at all, rather than spend time and effort to follow-up care and deal with possible relapses.