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Treatment of pressure ulcers in the home

Camphor oil from bedsores

It is of vegetable origin. Get the oil from a tropical tree. This tool has the following useful properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • analgesic.

As sea-buckthorn, camphor oil helps to improve blood circulation. In addition, it restores tissue and increases metabolism. It is used in medicine and cosmetology. For example, to improve the environmental condition of the hair.

For the prevention of pressure ulcers will require a solution of camphor oil. Sometimes the tool may be provided in the form of ointments. In this case, it is better to take it , as due to the thick consistency it is easier to apply to the skin. Treating camphor oil should be areas in which only starts to have an ulcer. To prevent this tool is recommended even apply all over the body of the patient. This should be done on clean skin, i.e. after it is wiped with a wet sponge. You cannot use camphor oil to open sores. When bedsores have already covered not only all layers of the skin but also bone tissue, this remedy may cause burns.

Chatterbox from bedsores

This method leaves the skin a pleasant feeling of cleanliness and freshness. To prepare mash from medical, camphor, alcohol and shampoo. The amount of each component is 100 g. Shampoo, as in the case of mixing with vodka, it is necessary to take children. Its composition has on the skin is softer, does not cause irritation and allergies.

Styrofoam balls from bedsores

Today in stores you can find toys filled with Styrofoam balls. They are very nice to knead in the hands. For the treatment of pressure sores will need a few of these toys. You should get balloons and fill them to the pillowcase from the pillow. If possible, you should purchase more toys to have enough for a mattress. Its action is similar to the effect of special mattresses from bed sores. The balls will move in and shift the pressure from one place to another. Therefore, the circulation is gradually restored. Old sores will be held, and new ones will be formed. When ulcers on the body a little, you can do with a pillow. It simply needs to be put under sore spots.
id="part5" Water

Sometimes to avoid the formation of ulcers on the body using normal water. It should be filled to volumetric capacity and put under the bed on which the patient lies. However, this remedy will be ineffective against already formed bedsores.

Ointment of wax and oil

For the treatment of ulcers you can use the following ointment. For its production will need beeswax, oil and a few tablespoons of sugar. From these components it turns out the mixture. It must be heated on the stove in an enamel pot, and then can be used for the treatment of bedsores. This tool is well stored in a cool place. Ready the ointment we need to shift in a dark container and refrigerate. For flavor and enhancing properties can be added to the tool dry flowers of calendula or celandine.

Dairy products

Dairy products have many useful properties. They positively affect the skin and hair. Long cream and yogurt make all kinds of masks. Effective these products are and bedsores. Sore spots need once a day to treat oily cream. Better to cook them yourself homemade milk. However, if this is not possible, suitable and those that can be purchased ready-made at the store. Importantly, they did not have the various additives.


Soda – simple and affordable means to combat bedsores. You will need to dissolve a tablespoon of powder in boiling water and then moisten in her linen towel. The fabric applied to the affected area. When the towel has cooled, it should be removed. It appear purulent discharge. Then take a clean piece of linen cloth and repeat the procedure done. To continue treatment should be until a while after the towel compress will not remain clean.


Helps from bed sores and onions, fried in oil. For making money only a couple of bulbs. They must chop and pour vegetable oil. You need to fry until the onions will become Golden. After that the oil should be drain and add beeswax, or one Church candle (in molten form). Now for the treatment of bedsores is ready. This ointment is applied on ulcers a couple of times a day. Store it in the refrigerator long enough. Before each treatment of pressure ulcers, the composition should be melted.


Bedsores are often sprinkled with starch. This tool help to get rid of ulcers. You can also melt invegetable oil, a little beeswax. When the mixture has cooled, it should be regularly applied to the affected area. In such a treatment the sores are quite quickly. The effectiveness of this tool due to the antibacterial properties of beeswax.

Goat fat

If you have the farm goat fat, can be used for treatment formed on the body of the patient of ulcers and it. Except it will need the usual salt and onions, which you need to chop with a knife or grate. Components to combine and spread the mixture bedsores. It is worth noting that the treatment by this means is very painful. The patient may experience discomfort. However, as the ulcer will heal, the pain will be less noticeable.

Ointment from spruce resin

Another medicinal ointment prepared from spruce resin, vegetable oil and butter, and beeswax. Take ingredients should be in the ratio 1:2:2:1. A means to warm in a water bath, and then cook. It will be ready after 2.5-3 hours. This helps not only from pressure sores but also from the long nonhealing wounds, scratches. You can use it for a long time, since the ointment is kept in the fridge.

Recipes from herbs

  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs are applied for lotions from bed sores. For this fit the oak bark. Spoon the foundations for the broth, pour boiling water and infuse for several hours. Then with a sponge dipped in the solution by treating the sore spots.

  • Another recipe involves the preparation of tincture on alcohol. It requires to take a fresh marigold flowers. Collect them should be in the summer. Pour chopped raw vodka and insist 14 days. You can then use for the treatment of bedsores and ulcers, pre-strain it.
  • Anti-inflammatory action is elderberry. Therefore, to fight the bedsores her fresh leaves. Doused with fresh milk or boiling water. You can then attach the leaves to the sores on the body.

Treatment folk methods bedsores usually quite effectively, and after a few months manage to get rid of this disease. However, it is better to prevent the formation of ulcers through regular maintenance.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"