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Treatment of prostatitis folk remedies at home

Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate gland that occurs because of disturbance of microcirculation of blood in the muscles of the pelvis and pelvic floor and / or infectious process in tissues. He is accompanied by dysuria, pain during urination and ejaculation, significant deterioration of the quality of life of men.

Not timely or incorrectly chosen treatment leads to frequent recurrences, the transition of the disease into a chronic form. In addition to conservative therapy, there are many folk remedies tested patients with prostatitis and had received excellent reviews.

Recipe-honey celandine

This folk remedy is used after the complex treatment (antibiotics, candles, warm up, therapeutic exercises). After removal of acute inflammation you need to prepare a decoction of dried greater celandine. One hundred grams of dry grass pour 700 ml of boiling water, boil for not more than a quarter of an hour. When the broth has cooled slightly, it is filtered through cheesecloth. In the broth we have to dissolve 500 g of natural honey.

This solution is stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar. Drink it before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day. During this course of treatment alcohol and any drugs are banned. At the same time need to drink a decoction of oats. It take a glass (150-200 ml) 3 times a day. Oats drink for 1.5-2 months with breaks of 2 days every 5 days of taking the decoction. While such treatment is not desirable, the load on the muscles of the perineum, the gym should be limited. Allowed sports – running, walking, swimming in the pool.

The first signs of relief can be felt after a week, and lasting results are achieved for all who have passed the full course of treatment with honey and celandine. Treatment give even cases of chronic prostatitis at the stage when it does not help anything except surgery.

Treatment of prostatitis pumpkin seeds

The seeds of the pumpkin even has long been used by healers in the treatment of prostatitis. They are good and very simple folk remedy for the treatment of this disease. Since these seeds contain lots of zinc, which is essential to any man at any age, they quickly cure the prostatitis. Only need to eat 30 seeds per day before meals. This is just the daily proportion of zinc for the body.

Method 2. Clean a pound of pumpkin seeds and loop on the grinder. Seeds should not be fried, otherwise the therapeutic effect will not be! And add 200 grams of honey. Stir the solution and make it a balls about the size of a hazelnut or slightlymore. They need to be stored in the refrigerator, but pieces 10 can be laid out in advance, so reached room temperature.

To eat should be one ball for half an hour before meal 1-2 times a day. The ball is not allowed to swallow, chew and suck it in for two to three minutes. This folk treatment of prostatitis has a very strong therapeutic effect, so one course a year would be sufficient.

The infusion of witch hazel is an effective remedy for prostatitis

The main ingredient is witch hazel. For treatment of prostatitis you need to take either the bark or the leaves of the hazel. Can make alternately both ingredients, alternating them. Just know that the bark should be brewed twice as long as it is more rigid.

So, take one tablespoon of leaves (or bark) witch hazel and boil it in a Cup of boiling water. Cover tightly with a lid and wait for half an hour. After the strain and take 1/4 Cup 4 times a day.

It is better to use each time fresh twigs, but you can apply and have already been used several times. Usually enough weeks such procedures and prostatitis is.

Tincture of aspen bark

In prostatitis except in the bark of the witch hazel also helps the aspen bark. To prepare the tincture you need aspen bark, collected at the beginning of the SAP flow, before Bud and leaf of the tree. This period occurs approximately in the second half of April. The desired thickness of the cortex at 3-5 mm.

After collection, the bark needs to be dried in the oven or in the shade. When the bark dries, take it in the amount of 100 grams, mash a little and put in half-liter jar. On top, pour 200 grams of vodka, it should completely fill the crust. Put the lid on and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this period, strain the infusion.

Infusion drink 3 times a day by diluting 20 drops in a quarter Cup of liquid. Take it before meals. With daily use of this amount of infusion aspen bark will last for 2-2,5 months. (See also:the Use of useful properties of pine)

Treatment of prostatitis wormwood

Wormwood therapy helps virtually all inflammatory diseases of the genital tract, including for prostate, killing pyogenic infection. For the full course of treatment is 100 grams of dry sage. Rubbed her hands, simultaneously crushing as thin as possible, and then sift through a colander. That herbwent through his hole will be dry inside, and the one that were not sifted – it can be useful to prepare a decoction for douching urethra.

The dry bitterness of wormwood, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, acts on the body cleansing, ridding it of germs.

Treatment sequence:

  • In the first 3 days every 2-2,5 hours to swallow a pinch of dry sage, soaking it with saliva and drinking water. Food frequency of taking wormwood is not affected. During this period you cannot take a break between doses of dry grass even at night.
  • In the next 4 days wormwood in the night do not accept, and in the afternoon drink it 5-6 times a day.
  • In the evening of each day to do microclysters sagebrush. To prepare, take 1 heaping teaspoon of dry sage. Pour a liter of boiling water, the infusion is cooled to 40°C, filtered, cast 100 ml. Half of this amount is injected in the night into the anus. Urge to defecate have no fear, they will not.

Second half (50 ml) is injected into the urethra. This is not very simple – you need to press the edges of the urethra to the tip of a miniature syringe and its contents sharply inject. When properly executed this procedure, the decoction of wormwood will pass to the bladder. After 3-4 days in chronic or latent prostatitis will exit the old pus. The decoction should not be too hot or cold, the best temperature is body temperature.

Douching with microclimate repeat for 7 days.

Throughout the course of treatment is required adherence to a strict diet, without which the treatment of wormwood will not have the required force:

  • Excluded animal food, protein, fish, eggs, sweets, dairy products;
  • Limit the amount of bread (up to 200gr), it is permitted only in dried form;
  • It is impossible to take alcohol, to smoke;
  • Permitted foods: cereals, vegetables and fruits, nuts, sunflower oil.

During this course of treatment may be exacerbation of latent diseases, feeling of weakness, the emergence of joint pain. Douching can continue for more than 7 days, until complete relief of the symptoms of prostatitis. Prophylactic can be polynoterapiya in spring and autumn.

Find out more: Useful properties of wormwood and application of tinctures, herbs

Treatment of prostatitis parsley

Parsley has a wide range of useful andhealing properties, especially it relieves inflammation and restores sexual function. Despite the fact that we always use parsley in cooking, appreciate it for spicy flavor, parsley is a medicinal herb, as it contains huge amount of minerals and vitamins.

So, for example, 100 grams of parsley there are two daily norm of vitamin A, which is useful for the eyes. And vitamin C is almost 4 times more than lemon! In addition, there is a parsley inulin is a natural analogue of insulin, it also regulates the level of glucose in the blood and, in addition, is the best power source for our intestinal flora.

Parsley juice need to take a tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

It is also useful to use the seeds of parsley. Grind 4 teaspoons of the seeds into a powder, m pour one Cup of boiling water, put to boil for 15 minutes, then let cool. Reception perform 4-6 times a day for 1 tablespoon.