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Causes, signs and symptoms of prostatitis

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, called prostate. The prostate gland is a secondary part of the male reproductive organs. It is located under the bladder, around his neck. The fact that the urethra passes through the prostate, so the prostate is positioned around the urinary tube. Just as a result, when compressed by the enlarged prostate the urinary tract that prevents the passage of urine.

In men older than 35 years, the prostate often increases. This is a typical phenomenon. A large part of the diseases in men older than 50 years is merely the consequence of disruption of the genitourinary system that is a result of inflammation of the prostate gland. We must remember that the more the prostate gland is, the more urine will be blocked, thereby the body stronger will poison this urine.

The disease is quite common and is diagnosed in more than 80% of adult males, of which about 30% is detected in the age group of 20 to 40 years. If you rely on statistical studies, we can say that prostatitis is diagnosed in every 10 patients.

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The causes of prostatitis

The causes of prostatitis distinguish the following:

  • The main cause of prostatitis is circulation, which leads to enlargement of the prostate. Cause of blood circulation disorders is the sedentary lifestyle and also a lot of weight.
  • Another cause of prostatitis is any infection. Often, the infection can reach the result of gonorrhoea , or urethritis, rarely in the resultcomplications of angina, influenza, tuberculosis.

  • Inflammation of the prostate bacterial nature begins when contact with infectious agents in the prostate gland through the blood, lymph, during unprotected intercourse, in other words, using biological fluids of the organism. Various microorganisms are constantly present on the skin of a person, or even in the abdominal cavity, e.g. the intestine, under certain conditions, can trigger the development of the disease.

  • Injury of organs and soft tissues of the pelvis, a violation of their circulation are often the cause of prostatitis. As a rule, most of this applies to drivers whose work is connected with professional hazards, the constant vibration, shaking, increased load on the muscles of the perineum.
  • The development of the disease contribute to hypothermia, and frequent low physical activity, presence of chronic diseases of urogenital or failure of hormonal balance, urinary retention and not regular sexual life.

When violent sexual activity in men comes quickly from nervous and physical exhaustion, disrupted hormonal system, the secretion of the sex glands, leading to a gradual decrease of potency. Not the best way affect the health of the men and the interrupted sexual acts.

  • Sedentary lifestyle affects the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Marked deterioration of blood supply of pelvic organs with stagnant, oxygen starvation of tissues of the prostate – all this contributes to the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which in turn can cause development of prostatitis. All of these factors are not the root cause of the formation of the inflammatory process, but serve as a gateway for infection in the prostate gland.
  • The presence of inflammation in the rectum or urethra often cause secondary infection of the prostate gland on the ascending type, if the microbes rise up from the outer urethral channel, or downward, when the microbes get into the prostate from the infected urine.
  • A predisposing factor for the development of prostatitis are and constipationwith chronic. Repeated violations of the chair can lead to the occurrence of inflammation in the prostate.

  • Not the last role in the development of this disease playsthe immune system. Because of bad habits, emotional stress, malnutrition, physical exhaustion, the immune system is weakened and the human body becomes vulnerable to infectious agents of various kinds, including causing inflammation of the prostate gland.

  • Among the causes prostatitis isolated urological infection and some transferred venereal diseases such as gonorrhoea or urethritis. Even such chronic diseases in the body as bronchitis, tonsillitis, untreated carious teeth can be the cause of this disease.

Symptoms of prostatitis

Symptoms of acute prostatitis are the increase in the temperature of the body and frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain and weak pressure. In addition, the symptoms of prostatitis are burning of the perineum and pain in the rectum during defecation. In the stage of purulent inflammation probably spontaneous opening of the abscess and leaking pus from the urethra or rectum.

A symptom of chronic prostatitis becomes a burning sensation in the urethra and perineum, the pus at the end of act of defecation or urination, fatigue and irritability of the body.

Very dangerous for prostatitis difficulty urinating, which in the absence of timely treatment can lead to acute urinary retention.

Men should not ignore such indirect signs of prostatitis as a full or partial decrease in libido, fast ejaculation, sometimes painful, prolonged erection at night. All these symptoms characteristic of inflammation of the prostate gland, and even in uncomplicated stage and amenable to adequate treatment.

If we talk about visible even specialist forms, in most cases, patients notice transparent or sometimes purulent discharge from the urethra, especially noticeable in the morning, and the presence in the urine of white flakes and threads.

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The symptoms of prostatitis

The acute form. Like many diseases, prostatitisdivided into acute and chronic. General symptoms characteristic manifestations of the acute form of the disease.

  • The patient develops weakness, malaise explicit

  • Often accompanied by fever, headaches

  • As a rule, pain in the perineum has a distinct character, covers the groin area and increases during voiding or defecating.

  • Feeling frequent urge to the toilet, bringing relief because of not full emptying of the bladder leads to increased irritability and nervous excitability of the patient. In severe cases develop acute urinary retention.

A chronic form. Unlike the acute form, chronic form of prostatitis is asymptomatic and occurs latently (i.e. without marked characteristic signs). The clinical picture is often obliterated, with mild symptoms, patients do not pay to the obvious discomfort proper attention and not feel the need to seek medical help, confusing the symptoms of prostatitis and prostate adenoma, which is extremely dangerous. Principles of treatment of these diseases are quite different, and possible complications with undesirable consequences.

Often a deterioration of General health, problems with potency and breakdown men blamed on fatigue and lack of rest, that is, people just don't want to admit that he is sick and needs treatment. An important role in the early detection of this disease have an annual maintenance inspection, allowing to establish the diagnosis in the earliest stages.

The chronic form of inflammation of the prostate expressed in bystroprokhodaschee, mild pain in the perineum, in the pubic area and groin. As a rule, changes the duration of sexual intercourse, and in the direction of elongation, and Vice versa, and brightness of sexual sensations. From the urethra there is discharge, especially in the morning, or in the urine visible to the naked eye white flakes.

As the inflammatory process leads to the fact that narrows the lumen of the urethra, is voiding, what men should pay attention in the first place: urine stream becomes weak, can be urination a drop or difficulty in beginning or in the end. Many patients noted a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder or uncontrolled leakage of urine.

The inflammatory process irritating the nerve endings, leading to uchenomu urinate, especially innight, usually in small portions. All these symptoms are clearly talking about the development of the pathological process and require immediate treatment to the doctor. To establish a correct diagnosis and to appoint correct treatment can only specialist. Unfortunately, these symptoms may be hiding such a terrible disease, like prostate cancer.

Inflammation of the prostate, with time begun treatment, does not lead to serious disturbances in the sexual sphere. However, if untreated, often causes inhibition of sexual desire and infertility in men of reproductive age. Among the rather frequent complications of untreated prostate secrete a variety of secondary urinary tract infection, may develop chronic renal failure. No less dangerous bladder stones, and acute urinary retention.

The disease progresses, it covers the bladder – due to the deterioration of blood circulation is a violation of the outflow of urine and the hardening of the walls, these pathological changes are irreversible.

Treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis

Although such diseases as prostatitis, is well known and is widespread among men of all ages, treating it can be quite difficult.

In the therapy of acute prostatitis complications usually do not occur, chronic prostatitis is not always amenable to correction. Moreover, how to treat chronic inflammation of the prostate gland scientists there are many points of view.

However, the following paragraphs from specialists there is no disagreement:

  • The effectiveness of therapy is directly dependent on its timely start.
  • Therapy should be carried out in the complex, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of the health status of the particular patient. It is essential to calculate the cause that led to the development of pathology.
  • Common drugs and treatment strategies does not exist. What helped one person, the second may cause harm.
  • Self-diagnosis and self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis

Treatment of acute bacterialprostatitis depends on how pronounced the symptoms. Sometimes the patient's condition is very heavy, which often occurs during intoxication.

Onset of disease acute, sharply rising body temperature, there chills, pain in the pelvic area, lower back, crotch. The accession of nausea and vomiting, impaired emptying of the bladder by sharp pains, a burning sensation, and so the condition is dangerous for its complications. The accession of a bacterial infection, development of an abscess of the prostate, septicemia and septicopyemia. Most of the complications arise on the background of already existing chronic illnesses such as having diabetes.

If the disease is acute, the man shall be admitted to the hospital, to the Department of urological profile. If this is not possible, then the patient is determined in a General surgical Department.

There is a common treatment strategy for patients with acute prostatitis:

  • Compliance with bed rest.
  • The appointment of antibacterial drugs.
  • The ban on conducting a prostate massage even for the purpose of obtaining prostate secretion. The ban is due to the high risk of sepsis.
  • The appointment of agents aimed at normalization of blood microcirculation, for improving its fluidity and viscosity. To do this, intravenously introduced such as: Detralex, Pentoxifylline, Cavinton, Trental. Thanks to provide the effect of these drugs manage to reach the outflow of lymph and venous blood from the inflamed gland to reduce toxic symptoms and excrete the decomposition products.
  • Oral NSAIDs: Ketoprofen, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam. They are prescribed to reduce the pain.
  • It is possible to use other analgesics, for example, Nimesil, Nise, Tempalgin, Ketanov. Apart from reducing pain, these drugs are to some extent eliminate the inflammation. In my practice, urologists and andrologists are widely used rectal suppositories for the provision of anesthetic, to reduce inflammation. They include the same components as those in tablet preparations, but local introduction, the effect is amplified. You can use candles from prostatitis with propolis.
  • If the patient is suffering from severe intoxication, shows the introduction of rheological solutions, for example, Gemodez or Neocompensan, as well as a means of detoxification and electrolytes, including the solutions Disol, Trisol, Lactosa, ringer solution, solutionpotassium chloride with the addition of glucose.

Surgery was necessary in that case, if there is no self-emptying of the bladder, or an abscess formed in the prostate.

The use of antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial prostatitis is required. If the disease begins acutely, there are symptoms of intoxication, antibacterial drugs are prescribed as soon as possible, waiting for the results of the analyses of the bacterial flora in this case is inappropriate and dangerous.

The drug is selected from the group of fluoroquinolones. This might be Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin (Ciprobay, Cipramil). These empirical therapy due to the fact that fluoroquinolones have activity against bacteria most frequently causing the prostatitis is a pathogenic gram-negative flora and enterococci. In addition, fluoroquinolones have a devastating effect on gram-positive and anaerobic bacteria, and atypical infectious agents, for example, for chlamydia. Taking root in the metabolic processes protein metabolism of bacteria antibiotic destroys their core, leading to death of microorganism.

However, a number of scholars caution against regarding the appointment of fluoroquinolones until the moment has not yet obtained test results. They suggest that if bacterial prostatitis is caused by tubercle Bacillus, it will lead to its stability, mutations and formation of new, more pathogenic flora to get rid of that very difficult. It is therefore important to ensure that the TB bacteria in the body do not exist.

Fluoroquinolones can help to fight the tubercle Bacillus, but only on the condition that they are assigned in the complex therapy with the use of other anti-TB drugs. Include fluoroquinolones in the treatment of all forms of tuberculosis recommended by who.

Also, these drugs are very effective in treatment of prostatitis, as they have the ability to quickly penetrate the tissues of the prostate and seminal vesicles accumulate there in high concentrations. Enhances the therapeutic impact that prostate is inflamed as it has a very high permeability.

Depending on the clinical picture of the disease, fluoroquinolones can be prescribed as intravenous and intramuscular. When violation of the liver and kidney the risk of side effects is 3-17%. However, patients often complain of violation of processes of digestion and are suffering from certain disorders of the Central nervous system. The drop in the level of glucose in the blood, the development of photosensitivity (increased sensitivity of the skin exposed toUV), cardiac arrhythmias – all these infrequent complications from the appointment of fluoroquinolones and they occur in no more than 1% of cases.

When laboratory results are received, the therapeutic scheme may be revised if the identified causative agent of the inflammation has no sensitivity to the fluoroquinolones. Replacing this group of drugs is also the case if after 24-48 hours from the start of their admission, the patient's condition has not improved, or if it is bad transfers. The drugs of choice in this case are becoming macrolides (Azithromycin, Sumamed), Trimethoprim, Doxycycline, antibiotics of the cephalosporin (Cefepime, Cefotaxime, Kefzol, Cefazolin, Cefpirome).

If recovery after 14 days of starting medication is not effective, the regimen needs to be adjusted again.

Leading Russian and foreign urologists have a single point of view on the timing of therapy. They argue that it can't last at least 14-30 days. After receiving antibiotics must be re-conducted, in-depth diagnosis with ultrasound of the prostate and taking prostatic secretions for bacterial culture. If the identified microflora is amenable to control through medication, and the patient feels good then the treatment is extended for another 14-30 days. In the end, the total duration of antibiotics will be from one to three months. When completely remove the inflammation fails, the therapeutic tactics it is advisable to change it.

Be hospitalized in intensive care patients in whom the disease runs hard.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

Therapy of chronic prostatitis depends on at what stage the disease is. If the disease is acute, the treatment is similar to acute bacterial prostatitis.

When the disease is in remission, the man will experience the following symptoms:

  • Minor soreness occurs rarely, but regularly;
  • A feeling of heaviness in the area of the prostate, the lumbar-sacral zone, in the genital area;
  • In some cases, join dysuric disorders: frequent urination, cramps during emptying of the bladder, etc.;
  • Possible deterioration of mental and emotional well-being, depressive mood in the backgroundthere are sexual failures.

In the matter of treatment of chronic inflammation there are a number of contradictions. Scientists still have not come to a consensus on whether to prescribe antibiotics or do no need. Those professionals who insist on taking antibiotics, I believe that bacterial flora in the secret taken for analysis, could not get.

Another, and most of the scientists indicates that the antibiotic should be taken only in the case that the bacterial flora was isolated. Abacterial prostatitis with no symptoms anti-infective agents is not treated.

They propose the following management strategies for patients:

  • A course of NSAIDs.
  • The purpose of the funds aimed at the normalization of lymph flow and improve blood circulation in the body.
  • Drugs-immunomodulators. It can be tools such as: Timolin, Vitaprost, T-activin, Thymosin. To remove the swelling with the tissues of the prostate, to eliminate leukocyte leap, to reduce the risk of formation of blood clots, normalize blood circulation and helps Prostatilen Vitaprost. These effects are achieved in parallel with immunomodulatory effects, therefore these two funds are designated for practicing urologists more often. In addition, there is evidence of research conducted by Professor Tkachuk V. N. He notes that when taking Vitaprost and Prostatilen pain in the vast majority of patients (97% of patients) become less pronounced in 3.2 times. Urination disorders reduced in 3,1 times. In addition, a very convenient form of release of drugs in the form of rectal suppositories. This allows you to assign them even to those patients that were not hospitalized. Therapy should be between 21 to 30 days.
  • To troubleshoot problems with an erection are shown taking anti-depressants and sedatives.
  • To strengthen pelvic muscles, normalize blood circulation help regular exercise. It is best if it is specifically composed of a set of physical therapy. A good effect of physiotherapy – rectal electrophoresis, transrectal microwave hyperthermia, UHF, magnetic laser therapy, etc. is Very effective of these treatments help to get rid of pelvic pain syndrome.

A specific example of treatment of chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis treatment is a long process and requires a comprehensive approach. Next will be the method of getting rid of this disease. To implement it in practice on their own, without medical advice, should not be. The fact is,what is the treatment will be effective only in the case when the patient is diagnosed with congestive prostatitis, there is a possibility of infection. To ensure this is possible only after conducting qualitative diagnostic study of prostate secretion, scrapings of the epithelium of the urethra (infectious prostatitis is diagnosed in 10-15% of cases).

It is important to remember that congestive prostatitis does not require antibiotic therapy. When inflammation of the prostate gland is of an infectious nature, prescribe antibiotics for prostatitis.

Chronic congestive prostatitis is most often treated by doctors method of rectal massage. The meaning of its holding is to improve blood circulation, normalize the metabolism, elimination of stagnation. However, this technique often causes the patients to not only physical but also psychological discomfort. So men deliberately delay going to the doctor and aggravate the disease.

The following technique allows to get rid of stagnant prostatitis without rectal digital massage of the prostate.

The scheme of treatment of chronic prostatitis

In order to begin treatment, you need to prepare in advance, it will need to purchase:

  • Drug Prostatilen for intramuscular injection and water for injection. For the full course would require two packages of the drug.
  • The acoustic apparatus Vitafon therapy.
  • The drug Vitaprost in the form of rectal suppositories. It would only take one package.
  • Wobenzym tablets 90 capsules For the full course treatment you will need 2 whole packing and a quarter third.
  • Five packs of encapsulated vitamin e – the "Viardo".
  • Speman tablets packaging.

Should mention in advance about the apparatus Vitafon. This device will replace the finger of the doctor, which he uses during the implementation of the massage of the prostate by inserting it into the anus. Camera anywhere, you need not therapeutic effect is achieved due to the impact of acoustic waves on the prostate gland. It is applied topically.

As for the price, in average it is 1500 rubles. However, spend a time, you will use the device for many years. It helps to remove the inflammation at exacerbation of chronic prostatitis.

To the apparatus is accompanied by instructions for use. It should be guided during use of the device.

Attention! There is one important warning, though it is purely individual. The statement pointed out that during the first seven days of useapparatus, the stomach should be smeared with iodine to enhance the effect. In practice it turns out that this amount of iodine for the body is excessive and leads to its poisoning with vomiting and pains in the kidneys. Therefore, if symptoms occur from iodine is better to refuse.

How to take the drugs?

The treatment begins with the day when all the components will be purchased:

  • Prostatilen injected in the buttock 1 time a day. To breed it you need: 2 vials of the medicine is taken 1-2 ml of water for injection. If the injections seem very painful, can be made on the Novocaine. The course of injections 10 days.
  • Speman need to take 2 tablets 2 times a day. The full course of treatment is 25 days, when you consider that in a pack of 100 tablets, it will go away completely.
  • Take Wobenzym 3 tablets 3 times a day. This should be done 40 minutes before a meal. The full course of treatment is 10 days. Regarding the number of tablets that you will need: one package of 40 pieces, that is, you need 2 full packs and 10 pieces. You can ask the pharmacist to sell them separately, many of them are going to meet. If refused, you can do 2 packages, as the drug is quite expensive. If you drink it at 10 and 9 days, then nothing bad will happen.
  • Viardot taken 5 capsules during a meal over 20 days.
  • At night you need to insert 1 suppository Vitaprost. Well, if the intestines will be pre-cleared. The course is 10 days.
  • The apparatus Vitafon should be used according to the instructions for use. It is advisable to spend 2 to 3 sessions acoustic therapy. It is not necessary to stop treatment in the middle of the session when there will be a feeling of acute exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. This is normal and as it should be. The course will end with recovery.

If you do not deviate from the proposed scheme will be for a long time to get rid of the disease. However, it is necessary to refuse alcohol. While sex life be resumed in full.

During treatment it is impossible to prevent hypothermia of the prostate, so the pants should be warm, and the coat long. You should not swim in cold water during the summer months.

To improve blood circulation, get rid of stagnant processes need to move more. To do this, to abandon a sedentary lifestyle, start to run and walk.

Treatment regimens stagnant of prostatitis are many and for every practicing urologist uses histechnique. As a rule, they are all effective, most importantly, to confirm the absence of infection in the prostate gland. In this case, success is guaranteed.

Source: https://hron-prostatit.ru/

Answers to some questions about the methods of treatment of prostatitis

  • What will happen if you do not treat prostatitis? Any acute prostatitis without special treatment and becomes chronic. But in any case, without treatment of both acute and chronic prostatitis can cause an abscess of the prostate gland, cystitis, pyelonephritis, vesicles and even BPH. A little later, will appear impotence and infertility, who are cured will be very difficult, long and expensive.

  • Is it possible to treat prostatitis herbs? Possible. This includes such plants as St. John's wort, licorice root, Echinacea, goldenrod. The composition of these herbs contains components that help with non-bacterial prostatitis asymptomatic course. Perhaps the acquisition of rectal suppositories which are composed of the extracts of these herbs.

  • In chronic prostatitis do I have to conduct a rectal prostate massage? The vast majority of urologic clinics abroad from this procedure was abandoned in favor of physical therapy treatment that is more effective. In addition, rectal massage causes physiological and psychological discomfort, it allows to study exclusively the lower part of the prostate. However, in Russia the vast majority of urologists practicing this technique.

  • Does hirudotherapy, acupuncture? If to take into account the impact of the theory on the energy fields and points, we can say that this method works. However, studies which could refer to efficiency to justify, no. The only thing that can be argued is a slight decrease in pain and decrease in urination disorders. Leech therapy helps relieve swelling with the tissues of the prostate, normalization of microcirculation in the body that reduce inflammation. This is possible thanks to enzymes in the saliva of leeches, according to Savinov, V. A., and M. I. Kuznetsova. However, any alternative treatment should be discussed with your doctor. They can not replace the ongoing conventional therapy.

  • Whether chronic prostatitis can trigger prostate cancer? It can be argued that prostate cancer is the causethe development of prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate gland causing complications such as urethral stricture, abscess of the prostate, a sclerosis of the tissues of the body. As for cancer, no such data. However, if men diagnosed with prostatitis, regardless of its form, it should be regularly examined by a urologist and, if necessary, undergo treatment.


Prevention of chronic prostatitis is aimed primarily to prevent it from worsening. In that case, if it has already happened, inflammation need to be removed as soon as possible.

To minimize the risk of recurrences, you need to completely give up, or to minimize the impact of the following negative factors:

  • The consumption of alcohol. This does not mean that it should be abandoned altogether, but to limit yourself is necessary. A glass of red wine, nobody forbids, but to drink a whole bottle not worth it.
  • Smoking. The prostate gland is the body that is constantly experiencing oxygen deprivation due to poor blood supply. Inhalation of tobacco smoke is a spasm of blood vessels and blood circulation even more disturbed. In addition, all smokers sooner or later will suffer from high blood pressure.
  • The lack of movement. You need to get yourself off the couch and start moving.
  • Stress. Should learn to clean from the head all the negativity that was received during the day. Family in this case will be the best antidepressant. A weekend spent with close relatives, will replace any sedative.
  • Hypothermia, colds. These negative factors directly impact on the prostate gland. If you have a car, you should ensure that it was heated seats.
  • Physical fatigue is no less dangerous than the lack of movement. It is not necessary to lift weights if your body isn't prepared for it.

There are also several recommendations that would strengthen men's health:

  • Exercise. Should be given at least 10 minutes of morning time to do exercise. You do not need to be included in the workout heavy exercise. Let it be just easy exercises that allow to disperse stagnant blood. The same is true when sedentary work.
  • A contrast shower is a great way to improve your health. Veryefficiently take it before sexual intercourse. Moreover, it is important the effect of water on the whole body and the prostate region. Useful in this respect a visit to the baths. But should not the comfort of the steam room immediately pour cold water – it will bring only harm.
  • As for the food, then you need to include in your diet raw pumpkin seeds, honey, garlic, prunes, parsley, walnuts.
  • Need to unsubscribe from pickled foods, this is especially true in the various sauces with the vinegar – mayonnaise, ketchup, pickles, marinades, etc.
  • Sex life should be established. Very harmful unfinished sexual acts, unfulfilled erection. Better to get rid of stagnant secret, what for a long time to heal from congestive prostatitis.