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Causes, symptoms and treatment of psychosis

Psychosis referred to the expressed form of the disorder with mental type. Satellites are psychotic delusional state, abrupt changes of mood, hallucinations, agitated, uncontrollable or depressive behavior, violation of process thinking and a complete lack of ability to critically evaluate their condition.

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Causes of psychosis

The emergence of psychosis contribute to the reasons for having a variety of characteristics. Causes of psychosis in the first place klassificeret internal and external factors. External factors leads to the development of exogenous psychosis. External sources of psychosis are: various infections (influenza, syphilis, typhoid, tuberculosis and so on), dependence on alcohol or drugs, poisons, industrial origin, any stress or trauma of a psychological nature. Leader of external causes is alcohol abuse results in alcoholic psychosis.

Internal factors that influence the development of psychosis, lead to the expression of the endogenous type of psychosis. Sources of this type are mostly disturbed function of the nervous system and imbalance of the endocrine system. Endogenous psychosis is closely linked to changes in age-specific occurring in the body, so-called senile psychosis. It develops as a result of the hypertensive processes in lesions of brain vessels by atherosclerosis, and schizophrenia.

Unlike endogenous psychosis – duration and possibility of repetition. This psychosis causes a complex condition in which difficult to establish the true reasons of its occurrence. Sometimes the source may lie in external factors, then it is complemented by internal problems. Senile psychoses require the allocation of a separate group. Usually they appear not before 60 years disorders endomorphic nature and the state of clouding of consciousness, but without developing full dementia.

Psychosis can occur in reactive and acute form. To a reactive form include psychosis, occurring in the form of temporary reversible disorders with mental and character arising from any injuries mental type. The acute form of psychosis occurs suddenly and develops rapidly. The impetus to development can serve anyunexpected news, e.g. death of a close relative or the loss of something. Observations show that psychosis more susceptible to women than men regardless of race and financial situation.

The symptoms of psychosis

Rich in the human psyche gives psychosis for boundless manifestation. The main symptoms of the disease include hallucinations, the appearance of delusions, disorders of motor character and mood disorders. Hallucinations are auditory, olfactory, visual, tactile and gustatory type. Their expression is simple (call, call) and complex (speech). The most common hallucinations are auditory in nature in the form of voices, sounding in the head of the patient or coming from the outside.

Ideas delusional of contents make judgments and conclusions that do not correspond to reality. They fully take over the consciousness of the patient, to reason with him or explain him anything. Most often there are delusions of persecution (surveillance, intrigue), about the negative effects (intelligence, aliens, curses, and so on), damage (survival out of the apartment, stealing things, poisoned food), a terrible deadly disease. Sometimes there are delusions of grandeur, jealousy, love and so on.

Movement disorders manifest retardation (stupor), when the patient keeps one pose, slow-moving, his eyes directed to one point, he does not answer questions and refuses to eat. Other side of movement disorders – patient stay in a state of excitement when he is constantly in motion, says without stopping, sometimes building faces, mimics the interlocutor, perhaps aggressive, can make unmotivated act.

Disorder in the mood of the patient, is expressed by depressive States or manic in nature. Depression can be seen by lowered mood, manifested in the form of sadness, depression, retardation of mental faculties, the pessimistic assessment of the past and the future, suicidal thoughts. The manic state is estimated at the unreasonably elevated mood, acceleration of thought and speed of movements, planning unrealistic (fantastic) prospects, lack of sleep, abuse of anything.

People in a state of psychosis changes in behavior, emotional manifestations and thinking. Such metamorphoses testify to the loss of the ability to realistically perceive the world, what does a complete lack of awareness of what is happening and the inability to assess their changed psyche. Patients with altered consciousness,being depressed, resisting treatment and hospitalization.

Diagnosis of psychosis

At diagnosis the doctor will base the features of the manifested symptoms and the dynamics of this disorder. A signs of psychosis arise in the form of light long before manifestations of the disease and are a serious harbingers of disease. The first news of psychosis are recognized, is very difficult. These include changes in the nature, when people exhibit excessive irritability, nervousness or anxiety, he upset dream, the lost appetite, its appearance can be described as strange or unusual.

A sign of incipient psychosis may be a change in health that is reflected in the decline in activity, and in a sharp, low resistance to stress, inability to keep attention. Can change feelings: mood swings, the emergence of fears, depression over nothing. Another sign is a change in the habits shown in isolation, the mistrust, communication problems, complete the withdrawal. About early psychosis can speak a sudden change of interests and perceptions (colours, sounds).

Signs of mental disorders concern the patient's relatives, who begin to suspect schizophrenia, although psychosis has other causes. Therefore it is very important to hold the patient in a timely, thorough examination, in order to avoid severe consequences, which manifest psychotic condition, stroke and so on. The real cause of psychosis finds a qualified psychiatrist using sophisticated high-tech methods.

Treatment of psychosis

Treatment of reactive psychosis in a first stage, requires removing the cause of the disease where there is opportunity. The reaction of affective shock, in the absence of its transition into another state care practitioner is not required. All other types of psychosis need a quick hospitalization of the patient, since the presence of psychosis does not allow him to control his actions and threatens unknowingly causing harm to themselves or others.

For the treatment should clinical rationale – correct diagnosis, correct identification of severity of illness, psychotic symptoms, the individual characteristics of the patient's personality and his physical health. In drug therapy used drugs psychotropic type, mainly neuroleptics, sometimes tranquilizers. Tothey added medications restorative actions, if necessary – antidepressants.

To date, a drug capable of acting selectively on a certain kind of psychosis. In the case of psychosis, which was the result of intoxication, use of drugs that promote the body cleansing. In any case, the prescription takes into account an individual approach, a professional specialist. The doctor takes into account the causes of the disease, patient's age, other existing diseases and contraindications.

Drug treatment, usually conducted in parallel with the rehabilitation of a psychological nature. It is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the treatment. The task of the psychiatrist enters the location of contact with the patient and compelled him positive thoughts about recovery, about the need of medication, his imminent return to normal life. The patient necessarily guaranteed full anonymity treatment.

Rehabilitation course also includes training programs. They help patients to develop a different reaction to the world around them, learn a new form of life conduct. After completion of a rehabilitation program, the patient must establish the sense of equality in society, to have a better attitude towards yourself and to other people who also feel their inferiority due to the presence of psychosis and those who deny their disease.

Physiotherapeutic methods of the type relieve the strain emotionally. Promote better metabolism, improve the ability to work. They are appointed as a Supplement to the basic treatment and includes treatments such as physiotherapy, reflex therapy with needles, electro, Spa treatment. Be organized if necessary, electroconvulsive treatment, which induces seizures artificial method using alternating current. It effectively affects certain parts of the brain.

Timely treatment largely increases the positive result and quickly normalizes the patient.