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The causes and symptoms of muscle strain

What is a muscle strain?

Sprain (distortion) is called the tissue damage (ligaments, tendons, muscles), which does not violate their anatomic integrity. Tensile pathological changes are characterized by the anguish of the individual fibers of the ligaments. As a result, hemorrhage occurs in their structure. A sprain occurs when the ligaments impact load greater than the elasticity of the tissues. The severity of sprains vary from minor damage to tendon ruptures or muscle.

The most common are sprains of the ankle and the knee joint. Often suffer ligament of the wrist, when a person falls on an outstretched hand. Back, hamstring and elbow are also common place, stretching the muscles and tendons.

The reasons for muscle strain

Causes of sprains and tear of muscles and articular ligaments are sudden movements in the joint, leading to excessive stretching of muscles: the amplitude of motion does not coincide with a normal direction of the joint.

Tissue damage can be caused by a fall, dislocation, blow, awkward movement of the body. When disturbed the normal position of a joint, a ligament that supports it is torn and stretched. Sprains are acute and chronic. Acute tension is usually caused by lifting weights, injuries and blows. Chronic stretching is typical for athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor. They cause repetitive strong movements of muscles.

The symptoms of muscle strain

Symptoms of a sprain depend on the severity of the pathology. Distinguish between the following degrees:
the first is the gap of a few fibers of the ligament; mild pain;
– the second swelling of the joint, disability, pain moderate strength;
third – complete tear of the ligament, instability of the joint, severe pain.

Stretching the muscles, due to injury, damaged muscle fibers, or muscle joints and tendons. In this case, corruption is also classified into three degrees of severity:

– first degree – mild pain;
– second degree weakening of the affected muscle, painful cuts;
– third degree – muscle connection or tendon is completely torn, intense pain; damaged muscle is not reduced.

Often the muscle pain occurs in humans after physical overexertion, but the symptoms of a sprain may occuralso during physical activity. Threat signal is when the pain affects the daily physical activity, making it impossible.

Pathology of the tendon may manifest itself in three forms:
1) tendinitis (tendon injury, destruction of blood vessels, inflammation in the tissues);
2) tendinosis (fibres within the tendon are not exposed to inflammation; partial or complete tendon rupture);
3) tenosynovitis (inflammatory process occurring in okoloogiline shell).

Also common symptoms of sprains and sprains are bruising at the site of tissue damage and pain by palpation (feeling). Sometimes there is swelling of the joints, but the limb is not deformed as in fractures.

The symptoms of sprain and muscles usually end on the fifth to tenth day. When the tears they last up to four weeks. To differentiate a sprain from a break with inspection of the damaged joint palpation and radiography.

Treatment muscle sprains

Treatment of sprains depends on the degree of severity. Minor sprains can be treated at home, whereas severe damage of muscles and ligaments require outpatient treatment.

After injury resulting in a sprain, the person should attach to the damaged area with the ice for at least 20 minutes, changing it every 4 hours. The procedure lasts at least 20 minutes and not more than 48 hours. Don't forget to protect your skin from frostbite by placing a pack towel or cloth. You also need to avoid physical exertion and to put in place trauma bandage elastic bandage. The injured limb is best to keep in the raised position. After 48 hours cold compresses can be replaced by warming, it is also useful to take a hot bath. Stretching the damaged muscle, it is necessary to avoid re-injury. For the treatment also used funds relieves pain and inflammation tissue: injections, creams and gels containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Patients recommended massage and medical gymnastics. In the complete rupture of a ligament surgical treatment is necessary.