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Treatment sprain ankle

Sprain ankle

A sprained ankle is damage, partial or complete rupture of one or more ligaments in this area. Corruption often is exposed to the outer side of the ankle joint.

The severity of this injury is determined by the number of damaged tendons and torn fibres of each tendon.

Unlike sprains ankle sprains from others, is that in this case rupture of the muscle occurs, only injured ligament.

The causes of sprains ankle

A typical mechanism of stretching of the ankle ligaments is povertyline of the foot outward or inward, often in the cold season, on slippery pavement, icy steps or platforms. Steenie may occur when walking on a curved surface, wearing uncomfortable shoes, an awkward movement or even with bad landings after jumps. Often injuries to the ankle occur during sports.

Sometimes a sprain can sometimes be due to the fact that man by nature weak tendons in the ankle.

The symptoms of sprain of the ankle

There are three degrees of severity of damage of ankle ligaments.

First degree is characterized by damage or tearing of a few fibers of the ligament. Victim disturbs mild pain when walking, felt a bunch.

The second degree is a partial tear of the ligament. In this case, the symptom of injury is the spread of the swelling on the outer and anterior surface of the foot. Severe pains, especially in the area of the ligament tear. They are amplified when walking, so the movement of the ankle joint due to pain syndrome are limited.

When the first and second degrees of damage to the ligaments of the ankle deviations on x-rays is not noticeable.

The third degree is a tear of the ligament or even separation from the attachment to the joint. The patient complains of severe pain while trying to step on the injured leg. Swelling, swelling, and bleeding spread over the surface of the foot, plantar grasp even a part of it. Function walk painful and very difficult. Appears instability in the joint. On x-ray may be visible pieces of bone that come off along with the ligament.

Treatment sprain ankle

Injury to the ankle should be given special medical attention for several reasons. First, delayed treatment can cause chronic instability of the ankle joint. Secondly, in case of partial tendon rupture may develop damage to the feet that at first go unnoticed, but in the future will greatly hinder movement. Thirdly, the sprain may accompany a more serious injury or serious complications (e.g., bone destruction). Therefore, effective treatment, the damaged ankle ligament is necessary to restore immediately after trauma.

As a first aid in case of such injury it is necessary to apply a tight pressure bandage, and on top of it – wrapped in a thin towel ice. Apply cold need no more than 15 minutes, and then after an hour break, repeat the procedure again. This will help reduce swelling and stop the bleeding at the rupture site.

In injuries of the ankle sprain first degree the patient wears a bandage for up to two weeks. But after two or three days from the moment of injury prescribed physical therapy: ozocerite, alternating magnetic field, paraffin baths, massage. By the end of the second week of recovery occurs.

Second and third degree sprains are usually characterized by severe pain, so the patient will first require anesthesia. Most often used solution of novocaine, which is injected into the injured area.

If any difficulty damage to the ankle ligaments is recommended sparing regimen of physical activity: less walk, less to strain his bad leg. The rest required only in the first couple of days after the injury.

You should pay attention to another important detail of the treatment: the elevated position of the ankle will reduce pain and swelling for sprains. To raise the leg above heart level as possible, using chairs, pillows and other everyday items.

On the second to fourth day of illness (depending on the complexity of the injury) start physical therapy. As a warm-up exercise you can use flexion, extension, rotation of the foot in different directions. Stop the warm-up is joint, if it causes pain.

It is recommended to consult with your doctor. The specialist will prescribe anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs that reduce pain and inflammation, as well as choose any course of rehabilitation, which will accelerate the healing process and restore mobility of the ankle joint.