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Treatment of reflux esophagitis

Treatment of reflux esophagitis folk remedies

Treatment of reflux esophagitis charges

Folk medicine knows the recipes of medicinal herbs, able to assist in the treatment of reflux esophagitis. Will acquaint you with those that are easy to prepare at home. Remember: to defeat the disease, you need to alternate fees, after a couple weeks of their consumption. Treatment usually is for about two months.

Collection 1. Reduce pain, relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and to reduce acidity in the stomach to help the collection of inflorescences of chamomile (2 tablespoons), flax seeds (2 tablespoons), motherwort, licorice root and leaves of lemon balm (1 tablespoon of each ingredient). Pre-shredded blend (2 tablespoons) brewed in boiling water (500 ml) and evaporated on a water bath for ten minutes. After that, the medication leave for a couple of hours, and when the time – referring to himself and drink one third of a Cup four times a day.

Collection 2. For preparing this medicine, you will need the rhizomes of calamus, anise fruit, herb and white dead-nettle, oregano, mint leaves, willow herb and calendula flowers. All the components take one tablespoon, mixed and milled. Then take a couple of tablespoons of the collection and poured them two glasses of water. The water must be boiled and cool. Leave the infusion for two hours, then 20 minutes, heated in a water bath. When the time, wait another hour, then strain and drink warm half a Cup. A day to make up to six techniques, the latter of which is carried out on the night.

Collection 3. Take a couple tablespoons of rhizomes of Polygonum, the same plantain leaves, grass shepherd's purse, dandelion drug and mix with the same quantity of marjoram, chamomile flowers, blossoms and yarrow. Brew and consume the same as collection number 2.

It should also be remembered that for the treatment of reflux esophagitis it is important to stick to a sparing diet, refusing coffee, tea, alcohol, soda and fatty food. Eat better – fractional up to six times a day. Consume low fat dairy products (cheese, yogurt), cereal, drink, jelly or stewed dried fruit. Try not to strain the abdominal muscles and sleep on high pillows.

Treatment of reflux esophagitis potatoes and sugar

Heartburn is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of reflux esophagitis. To overcome it enough to know a few simple ways. Well suitable for this purpose is potatoes. You need to grate it on a fine grater and squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth into a glass. When it is half full, drink potato juice. Remember that you need to drink it on an empty stomach, eating sugar.

Can help also sugar water, to prepare you need with the night, and to drink in the morning. Traditional medicine advised for heartburn chew the dry leaves of raspberry or BlackBerry, drink chamomile or peppermint tea, there is fresh cabbage. An effective remedy is also an aqueous solution of carbon powder.

Treatment of reflux esophagitis fennel and millet

To remove inflammation in reflux esophagitis by using the infusion of fennel. Fennel seeds need to be crushed in a mortar and a couple of teaspoons of pour a glass of hot water. Under the hood, the medicine is supposed to stand for several hours, after which it the company and drink four times a day. Before the meal should drink one tablespoon of medication.

Has healing properties and Jerusalem artichoke (Jerusalem artichoke). It is useful not only in reflux esophagitis, but also in other gastric diseases. A few tubers of Jerusalem artichoke and an Apple rubbed on a fine grater, mix and eat. Such a delicious and useful means should be taken twice a day – and you can forget about heartburn with reflux esophagitis.

Folk healers recommend eating thoroughly washed in boiling water millet grain (a couple teaspoons). If such a method will seem to you radical, you can eat ordinary millet porridge or low-fat soup with millet.