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Rheumatism in children

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Rheumatism in children is a disease with allergic and infectious nature, systematically affects the synovial membrane of joints, connective tissue heart and blood vessels, serous membranes, skin, CNS, eyes, lungs, liver and kidneys.

In medical terminology it is possible to meet another name of the children's rheumatism – a disease Sokolsky-Buiko.

The average age when diagnosed this disease, varies from 7 to 15 years. Rheumatism has a population of limited and spread throughout the world.

Symptoms of rheumatism in children

The first symptoms you may notice at least a week after suffering streptococcal infection and a maximum of one month.

The symptoms of the manifestation of rheumatism following:

  1. Rheumatic heart disease. Characterized by an inflammatory process in several or all layers of the heart wall, may be accompanied by pericarditis (lesion of the outer membrane of the heart), myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle), endocarditis (inflammation of the connective lining of the heart) and pancarditis (involves inflammation of all layers of the heart). Among the grievances against young patients, caused by rheumatic heart disease, it can be noted fatigue, dyspnea, the occurrence of pain in the heart, the development of tachycardia.

  2. Polyarthritis. Is accompanied by damage to the large and medium joints, pain in them. The disease develops symmetrically.

  3. Small chorea. Affect more girls and appears in the form of increased irritability, tearfulness, frequent changes of mood. Then begin to suffer gait, handwriting changes, speech becomes slurred. In the most severe cases, the child will be unable to feed himself or care for himself.

  4. Annular erythema. Is accompanied by a rash, with the appearance of a pale, slightly pinkish rings. Mainly on the abdomen and chest. The affected areas itch and peel.

    Rheumatic nodules. Formed in the subcutaneous tissue, localized mainly on the head and in the place where joints join the tendons.

This is the top five symptoms that accompany children's rheumatism. In parallel, the patient may suffer from fever, abdominal pain, nasal bleeding. Threat of repeated attacks of rheumatism, which occur a year later. The symptoms of intoxication are increasing, developing heart disease, including mitral valve prolapse, aortic insufficiency, stenosis of estuary of aorta, etc.

Causes of rheumatism in children

Among the reasons leading to the development of rheumatism in children, include:

  1. First, acute respiratory infections, scarlet fever, strep throat, tonsillitis or a sore throat, caused by hemolytic Streptococcus group A. However, infection is not sufficient to rheumatism began to develop. It is necessary that the infection provoked the failure of the immune system, which, in turn, starts to "attack" healthy cells in the body. This is often due to inadequate or delayed treatment of streptococcal infection.

  2. Secondly, the hereditary factor. Studies show that the disease rheumatism can be traced to members of the same family.

  3. Third, prolonged carriage of streptococcal infection in the nasopharynx can trigger an inappropriate immune system and cause arthritis in childhood.

  4. In addition, there are secondary factors, influencing the development of the disease. These include fatigue, hypothermia and poor nutrition, which in turn reduces immunity and increases the risk of Contracting infectious diseases.

Diagnostics of rheumatism in children

To suspect the presence of disease in a child may as a pediatrician and pediatric rheumatologist.

The reason for further research is the specific criteria that have guided each doctor:

  • Any type of carditis;
  • The presence of chorea;
  • The formation of hypodermic nodes;
  • Erythema;

  • Symptomsarthritis;

  • Transferred streptococcal infection;

  • Genetic predisposition to rheumatism;
  • Positive response to specific therapy.

In addition, there are small assessment criteria, allowing to suspect the disease are: arthralgia, fever, specific blood parameters (ESR acceleration, reduction of hemoglobin, neuropilins leukocytosis, etc.).

Therefore, besides studying the history, standard of examination and survey of the patient, it is necessary to conduct laboratory research:

  • There is also a rationale for the chest x-ray. This study allows to determine the configuration of the heart (mitral or aortic), as well as cardiomegaly.
  • The ECG allows you to see disturbances in the functioning of the heart and phonocardiography to determine the presence of lesions of the valve apparatus.
  • In order to indicate the presence of heart disease in the child, he is shown holding the Echo.

Complications of rheumatism in children

The disease is dangerous for its complications. Among them are the formation of heart disease. This affects its valves and septum, resulting in impaired functionality of the organ. Often the progression defect occurs in case of repeated attacks of the disease on the child's body. It is therefore important, in time to take the patient to the consultation the surgeon and, if necessary, to perform the surgery in a specialized clinic.

Among other possible complications secrete the inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, thromboembolism, arrhythmias, formation of heart failure of congestive nature. These States are deadly, can trigger the development of heart attack such vital organs as the spleen and kidneys. Often found cerebral ischemia, insufficiency of blood circulation.

To avoid complications of the disease, it is crucial to notice the signs of rheumatic fever and begin treatment.

Treatment of rheumatism in children

Children with diagnosed "rheumatism"will be placed for treatment in hospital. During the acute period of the disease it is important that the patient remained in bed. Itthe duration is determined by the status of the child and the nature of the disease. If rheumatism has mild, bed rest should be followed for about a month. After this period, the child is assigned physiotherapy. Unlike adults, children find it difficult to comply with the minimum activity. Therefore, parents need to organize properly his leisure. Will come with Board games, coloring books, etc.

Medical treatment is to remove the pathogen, which led to the development of the disease. Is used more often antibiotic therapy, based on penicillin. The tool is introduced parenterally for 10 days. The minimum duration of such therapy is a week. The dose is prescribed by the physician individually and depends on the severity of the disease and weight of the child. Then used bicillin 5 or 1. When a child has had an allergic reaction to penicillin, you should make the change to erythromycin.

When the heart muscle wall of the heart affected, the child prescribe corticosteroids in combination with NSAIDs. Often use the scheme of"acetylsalicylic acid + prednisone". If there is a visible effect, then gradually cancel the drug, by lowering the dose.

Popular contemporary drugs for the treatment of rheumatism are voltaren and indomethacin. They have strong anti-inflammatory effects.

When the heart muscle wall of the heart is not affected, and the inflammatory process is slight, the patient does not recommended by hormonal means. The doctor selects only anti-inflammatory drugs in appropriate dosage.

In addition, the child needs assistive therapy, which is the appointment of the vitamin complexes, appointment of drugs potassium. In the hospital, the children typically spend up to 2 months. Doctors who see young patients – cardiologists and rheumatologists.

It is important to sanitize all the existing inflammation, without this the therapy of rheumatism will not be successful. We are talking about caries, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

When the patient is in remission, he is shown sanatorium treatment. For prevention use a course of NSAIDs in the fall and spring. Time of reception – 1 month.

Modern drugs that may be used for the treatment of skin diseases:

  • NSAIDs (indometacin, voltaren, bruen, etc.);
  • Corticosteroid hormones (trimsalon, prednisolon);
  • Immunosuppressive drugs (delagil, chlorambucil, etc.).

With timely treatment to the doctor, the risk of death is minimized. Depending on the degreeheart disease will depend on the severity of the prognosis of the disease. If rheumatic heart disease continue to progress and recur, it is the greatest threat to the health of the child.

During the activation of the disease, the little patient is important to follow a certain diet, which is based on several principles:

  • The exclusion of foods rich in simple carbohydrates. This is because such products often during the exacerbation of the disease provokes an allergic reaction, Cotonou previously could not be observed.
  • Menu is to diversify the fruits and vegetables.
  • In the acute phase of the disease should eat one egg every day except Sunday.

  • If there are serious disturbances of the heart, for a few days (3 days), then you must refrain from protein foods, eating only vegetables and fruits. To drink 300 ml of milk.
  • It is important to saturate the body with vitamin C. it is Therefore necessary to use herbs and citrus.

It is understood that the therapy of rheumatism should be comprehensive and based not only on medication but also on a well-organized nutrition and correct routines.

On topic: the 5 most powerful tools from rheumatism

Prevention of rheumatic fever in children

As the disease is dangerous serious complications, it is important to its prevention. Regarding rheumatism, usually distinguished as primary preventative measures and secondary. The first aims to prevent disease and to avoid infecting the baby, and the second on preventing recurrence of the disease and the progression of rheumatism.

In order to avoid the disease, preventive measures should be carried out from childhood:

  • First, it is necessary to properly organize the child's life, this includes physical exercise, prolonged pastime in the fresh air, tempering, proper nutrition, low carbohydrate foods.
  • Second, is the strengthening of the child's mind. These measures will help to maintain the protective forces at the appropriate level and in the case of infection to help the body faster to cope with the infection.

  • Thirdly, the primary preventive measures include isolation of the patient a streptococcal infection and observation of contact children. This will allow time to identifyinfected and quickly begin treatment and to prevent the spread of the disease in groups.
  • Fourth, if there was an infection, it is necessary as soon as possible to begin treatment. It is proved that, if the therapy of streptococcal infections started not later than on the third day of infection, risk of rheumatic fever is reduced to zero.

Parents, it is important to realize that primary prevention is a necessary measure, which is the responsibility of not only health workers. To maintain the health of your child, you need to be attentive to any symptoms of illness and time to seek qualified help.

With regard to secondary prevention, it is due to the tendency of rheumatism to recur. Therefore, children with a similar diagnosis for a long time with medical supervision. Their watches rheumatologist, cardiologist, orthopedist and other specialists.

It is important to support the immune system of the patient to the appropriate level that will ensure a high resistance to rheumatism. Besides, special control of doctors should be the children in whose families there are cases of the disease among close relatives, including brothers and sisters.