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Causes, symptoms and treatment of rheumatism of the heart

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What is rheumatism of the heart?

Cardiac rheumatism is an inflammation of the body wall or of individual layers, which occurs as a result of complications of streptococcal infection. Mainly has mixed lesions of the myocardium and endocardium at the same time, although sometimes the rheumatism affects any particular section separately: the heart bag, the muscle or wall of the chamber and valves.

Most often the disease affects young adults and children. Although in developed countries in recent years there has been a marked downward trend in the incidence of cardiac rheumatism.

Symptoms of rheumatism of the heart

Among the symptoms indicating progression of the disease, it is possible to allocate following signs:

The clinical picture is determined by the increase of neutrophils and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, increased antigens streptococcal infection. In recent years, doctors have noted a tendency during cardiac rheumatism symptoms occur hidden. When the body temperature stays normal or rises slightly, the pain in heart and joints do not exist. Therefore, to suspect the disease is possible only with the development of heart failure and increasing heart size.

Causes of rheumatism of the heart

Triggering factors of the disease include:

  • Ingestionhemolytic Streptococcus that causes diseases such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, angina, scarlet fever. Rheumatism of the heart is a complication of streptococcal infection.

  • The decrease in the protective forces of the organism and its inability to resist the aggressors.
  • Genetic predisposition to the development of disease. It is known that complications of streptococcal infection is more often in those families where close relatives have had rheumatic fever.

The treatment of rheumatism of the heart

All therapeutic measures aimed at elimination of the disease, are in hospital. To eliminate the signs of rheumatism of the heart used complex therapy, which includes use of antibacterial drugs and anti-inflammatory medications.

Treatment of the acute phase

  • When the disease is in the acute phase, the patient is injected the penicillin in a certain dosage for two weeks. Then prescribe bitsillin periodicity – 2 times a week until discharge from the hospital.
  • If the patient is unable to tolerate penicillin drugs for allergic reaction, it shows the introduction of erythromycin. Also, the therapy is supplemented by the intake of corticosteroids, if the rheumatism is not in the stage of minimal activity.
  • As for drugs to eliminate the inflammatory process, the patient is assigned to acetylsalicylic acid or similar means.
  • In addition, it is shown taking NSAIDs. Treatment when acute rheumatism continues throughout the month, and in subacute 2 months.

Treatment of persistent rheumatism of the heart

  • If rheumatism of the heart responds poorly to therapy and becomes protracted, the patient is administered such remedies as delagil or plaquenil. They are able to help even if recurrent forms of the disease. Course of these drugs of the quinoline series of lengthy and must be at least a year and sometimes two years.
  • When classic tools from rheumatism be ineffective, then apply immunosuppressants, including isotropy, hlorbutin and others. The obligatorystrict medical supervision with daily blood sampling.
  • When necessary, the administration of preparations of gamma-globulin of the series should be in parallel to assign desensitizing agents such as: diazolin, tavegil, diphenhydramine. However, this scheme is not used when there are marked cardiac irregularities. In such course of the disease, the appropriate use of diuretics and cardiac glycosides.
  • The patient should take vitamin complexes, with emphasis on ascorbic acid and rutin.

    A full treatment of rheumatism of the heart is impossible without physical therapy. The most popular mud baths, healing waters, ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis of antibiotics. If the disease for a long period of time forcing the patient to stay bedridden, he needed a massage. This will improve blood circulation and quickly remove the inflammation from the joints that accompanies rheumatism.

    After the patient is discharged from the hospital and the rheumatism of the heart go into a dormant phase, he will need to undergo courses of sanitary-resort treatment. Moreover, during the first two months the patient is administered aspirin, and then at the same time – brufen. Then, for six months, people taking indomethacin. If necessary, the therapeutic framework is complemented by taking an antibacterial, vitamin and desensitizing means.

    On topic: the 5 most powerful tools from rheumatism

    Prevention of rheumatism of the heart

    To preventive measures to prevent development of the disease include:

    • Frequent airing of rooms;
    • Stay in the fresh air;
    • Proper nutrition;
    • Tempering procedures;
    • Isolation of the patient with suspected streptococcal infection;
    • Watching contact with infected hemolytic Streptococcus people;
    • Removal of all foci of infection, especially of the nasopharynx;
    • Careful observation of children in a family where there were cases of rheumatism of the heart.

    This is to avoid the development of disease and minimize the risk of potential complications.