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Vomiting after eating: what are the reasons?

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Vomiting after eating is not an independent pathology, but a symptom of the fact that the body that something is wrong. It may occur due to poisoning, disease of the digestive tract, head trauma, oncological diseases and for several other reasons.

Whatever were the etiological factor in vomiting after eating – this is not a sign of health, and to navigate that it could be necessary to everyone.

Mechanisms of development of vomiting

The vomiting act is divided into several stages – nausea, urge to vomit and vomiting.

The nausea is not always preceded by the gag urge and is expressed in an unpleasant sense, which is localized in the throat and stomach. At the same time, the natural tension of the muscles of the stomach falls, and the small intestine starts to work harder.

Retching accompanied by strong and frequent contraction of the muscles of the peritoneum and diaphragm. During the process of vomiting opens the valve of the esophagus, and the food in the stomach goes up, then goes out.

Respiratory system at this time, overlap that does not allow stomach contents to get into the bronchi and lungs.

With regard to the mechanisms of vomiting, there are two:

  • From body or organ systems is the transmission of nerve impulses to the gag center. Signals can apply the coronary arteries, the digestive tract, the vestibular system, pharynx, etc.;
  • Transmission of signals may proceed in the vomiting center of hemoretseptornoy trigger area which is irritated for one reason or another. This may be due to the following factors: oxygen deprivation, medication, radiation therapy, infection of the body by pathogenic bacteria, etc.

The symptoms of vomiting after eating

Except that you're nauseated, vomiting after meals can be accompanied bythe following symptoms:

  • Salivation;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Weakness;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Violation of the chair;
  • Dizziness.

Causes of vomiting after eating

Nausea and retching after eating are often caused by pathologies of the digestive tract, although there may be other etiological factors.

Causes of vomiting after eating can be as follows:

  • The presence of ulcers of the stomach, esophagus, intestines;

  • Cancer of the digestive system;

  • Inflammation of the gall bladder and its ducts;
  • Inflammation of the pancreas;
  • Any brain injury of mild severity (in other cases, a person loses consciousness);
  • Pathology of the Central nervous system (tumors of the brain);
  • Food poisoning;
  • Alcohol poisoning;
  • Overeating;
  • Presence in the menu is too fatty foods in large volumes;
  • Emotional distress;
  • Chronic fatigue.

Gastritis and stomach ulcers vomiting would occur after eating. It is possible that the person has stenosis of the cardiac orifice of the stomach and pylorus. Stenosis of this part of the stomach can be caused by the presence of a tumor or chronic inflammation.

If the cause of vomiting are pathology of the gallbladder, it can occur not only after the completion of the act of eating, but also during this process. Pancreatitis, in turn, in addition to vomiting is manifested by pain in the left hypochondrium and flatulence.

Injury, tumors and infections of the brain can cause vomiting after a meal, however, this pathology is accompanied by a whole set of severe symptoms.

The vomiting center, which is located in the brain, can be irritated due to severe emotional stress after experiences of anxiety or in severe fatigue. There is vomiting after meal just because of the fact that the stomach appears any content.

Vomiting an hour after eating

Vomiting that occurs after such a short period of time after a meal may indicate such diseases of the digestive tract, as the pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis of the liver. These pathologies are often accompanied bybloating, burping, lack of appetite.

Vomiting and high body temperature

Sometimes the background of low immunity in a person may experience vomiting after eating. But this requires the combination of several factors. For example, if the patient has fever and there is iron-deficiency anemia, it may cause an increase in blood pressure and vomiting.

Temperature and vomiting after eating can be symptoms of food poisoning. Similar manifestations characterized by intestinal infection, but she always complements diarrhea.

Vomiting right after eating

Vomiting, which occurs within a few minutes after eating, can be triggered by overeating. In this case, can help enzyme preparations, for example, Mezim, Festal, etc.

Eating very fatty, spicy, fried and smoked food can cause the rapid vomiting. This is because the pancreas, stomach and liver didn't cope with digesting such heavy food.

High blood pressure also can trigger nausea and vomiting.

Regular vomiting after eating

Aggravation of diseases of the digestive tract can cause regular vomiting after eating. Or the problem may be hiding in the medication that do not fit a specific person. In any case, regular vomiting after eating is cause for referral to a specialist.

Vomiting, with belching after eating

Belching is often caused by the ingestion of excess air. This occurs when one eats food slowly, quickly chews and swallows food, or eating while talking. An additional risk factor is the consumption of carbonated beverages.

It is possible that belching and vomiting after eating associated with the use of certain foods, which informed the body such a reaction is not allowed. For example, older people often lose the ability to digest milk products. This is especially true for whole milk.

Drinking strong coffee on an empty stomach may cause regurgitation and vomiting. The same applies to alcoholic drinks, mushrooms, canned food.

Vomiting after heartburnfood

Heartburn and vomiting after eating – symptoms of pathology of the digestive tract, the most common of which is the ulcer of the esophagus. So, increased heartburn will occur when a person lies or bends forward.

Heartburn is expressed in pressure in the epigastric region, nausea and bitter taste in my mouth. Risk factors are snacking on the go, overeating, drinking alcohol, taking medications.

We should also mention the wearing of too tight clothing and obesity.

Vomiting bile after a meal

Vomiting bile after eating often due to the fact that the pyloric valve does not cope with its functions and remains open. The causes of the violations in his work – it's alcohol poisoning, pyloric stenosis, chronic inflammation in the digestive tract, diseases of the Central nervous system, stress, poor circulation, intestinal obstruction.

A separate condition, which can lead to malfunction of the valve, is pregnancy. Therefore, during carrying a child may experience vomiting with bile.

Vomiting blood after eating

The reasons why in the vomit there is blood, may be the following:

  • Damage to the integrity of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus;
  • Varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach;
  • Launched peptic ulcer disease;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • The acute gastritis;
  • Internal bleeding.

In children, blood in the vomit may be present after nasal bleeding, because the baby swallowed blood. Late toxemia and high blood pressure can trigger internal bleeding in pregnant women, with the result that they have vomiting blood.

Mucosa vomiting after eating

If in vomitus is present in mucus, it often indicates poisoning of food or toxic substances, or bacterial intestinal infection. The mucus in the vomit appears due to excessive activity of the duodenum that is inflamed. It is possible that in addition to mucus in the vomit will be present foam and blood.

Other causes of mucus in the vomit are all sorts of pathologies of the digestive tract and stress factors. When the mucous vomiting are concerned only in the morning hours, you can suspect chronic bronchitis, where the mucus accumulates during the night time in the bronchi and in the morning went out with vomit when a strong cough.

Dizziness and vomiting can be caused by non-hazardous to human health causes, including sea sickness, motion sickness in transport.

To other, more dangerous etiological factors of dizziness and vomiting after eating, include:

  • Meniere's disease with prolonged bouts of dizziness and vomiting and hearing loss;
  • Vestibular neuritis. In addition to vomiting and dizziness, the patient has panic attacks, congestion in the ears, impaired coordination and balance;
  • Migraine. In this disease vomiting, and dizziness combined with severe headaches. In addition, a person develops photophobia, suffer the balance;
  • Hormonal changes in a woman's body. Vomiting and dizziness may cause pregnancy, menopause, regular menstruation

  • Head injury;
  • Epilepsy.

Bulimia after eating

In some cases, a person can provoke yourself retching. Do that often girls desire to get rid of extra pounds. To do this, after the next meal they cause vomiting. In the end the brain that received the signal about saturation, the more food is not required, and body weight is not reached. But over time, the stomach gets used to such a reaction and rejects any food, even in small quantities. This disorder is called "bulimia" and represents a threat not only to health but also to human life.

Vomiting after eating the child

Causes of vomiting after eating in children the same causes that trigger this symptom in adults. There is also congenital malformations of the digestive tract (pyloric stenosis, pilorospazme, etc.), a difficult birth and subsequent hydrocephalus or high intracranial pressure, as well as physiological regurgitation, which is not a threat to the health of the baby and ends as they grow up.

If a person is worried about vomiting after eating, it is not necessary to engage in self-treatment, and the need to seek qualified medical assistance. A doctor who deals with treatment of diseases of the digestive tract – a gastroenterologist, but you may need the help of a neurologist, neurologist, internist,oncologist or surgeon.