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What to do if the child has severe vomiting?

Severe vomiting in a child can be the consequence of variety of reasons. It is not only infections, but also emotional turmoil. Adult to provide adequate support, it is necessary to observe the child, assess other symptoms and try to figure out the reason of such condition. This will help make the decision about whether to call an ambulance or you can wait for the arrival of pediatrician.

The most common causes of strong vomiting in children are:

  • Intestinal infection;
  • Food poisoning, medications, poisons, chemicals, etc.;
  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Diseases of the Central nervous system;
  • Diseases requiring surgical intervention;
  • The change of zone of residence;
  • Emotional distress.

The first assistance that should be provided to a child with severe vomiting, not depend on the etiological factor that caused it. It is important that the patient has taken a position which will not gag the masses to get into the respiratory tract. To do this, the baby's head should be elevated and turned to one side. After vomiting it is necessary to rinse the child's mouth, and after 90 minutes to offer him mineral water without gas.

You should not feed the baby, especially if he does not want it. In that case, when the baby asks to eat, you can give him some sweet tea and a biscuit. Other actions of the adult is coming from causes terrible nausea.

If the attack was triggered by emotional stress (fear, anxiety, forced eating, etc.), then, as a rule, the vomiting will not harm the physical health of the child. Therefore, seeking medical attention can be waived. However, it is important to reassure the child, let him feel your concern. To get the child to eat should not, it is best to offer him to drink plenty of liquids throughout the day. This will give the possibility to restore the water-salt balance.

Severe vomiting with intestinal infection is almost always accompanied by a fever and diarrhoea. Health continues to deteriorate after a bout of vomiting, relief of the condition does not occur. Severe vomiting intestinal infection is the reason for calling the ambulance.

Vomiting in case of poisoning always brings relief to a patient. In mild poisoning, you can appeal to the doctor to wait,trying to help the child at home. The stomach should be washed with boiled water with Activated charcoal. 3 liters of water will need 3 tablespoons of charcoal, crushed into powder. The drug is well dissolved in the liquid and give the child to drink 2-3 glasses. Then provoke him vomit. When the stomach will come out only clean water, stop the procedure, give the patient a sorbent and placed in bed.

After the toxins are withdrawn, the child needs to recover. For this he offered the salt solutions (Rehydron, Trisol) who drink little swallowing during the day. You should also fill in the lost volume of liquid via fruit drinks, sweet tea, non-carbonated mineral water.

Severe vomiting may occur with the following illnesses of the digestive system:

  • Appendicitis. This disease requires immediate call to ambulance.
  • The pilorospazme and pyloric stenosis. It is a congenital pathology of development of the digestive tract, which often require surgical treatment.
  • Exacerbation of gastritis. In this case, the child will complain of pain in the epigastric region. Medical consultation is necessary.
  • Bowel obstruction causes severe vomiting with impurities of feces. Requires immediate medical assistance.

It is possible that severe vomiting provoked by getting into the digestive tract foreign body, and the body is trying to get rid of it. If a foreign object makes it difficult to breath, you need to call the doctor. In some cases it is possible for the child to leaving a foreign object through a natural way.

The vomiting center in the brain aktiviziruyutsya in diseases of the Central nervous system that may cause strong vomiting. It can be brain tumor, encephalitis, meningitis, epilepsy. If the child had received a head injury, then he may have a concussion. All these conditions require urgent treatment from professionals.

In infancy the cause of the vomiting may be increased intracranial pressure. The child with hydrocephalus high intracranial pressure or mandatory placed on record to the neurologist.

Parents, it is important to understand that by itself, vomiting is not a disease, so treatment it requires. But a delay in therapy of the underlying disease that precipitated it, maybeto be very dangerous.

There are situations in which a call of the ambulance is required:

  • Severe vomiting more than 3 times per day.
  • A triad of symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, hyperthermia.

  • Convulsions.

  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Pale skin, their dry.
  • Trauma to the head, which is preceded by severe vomiting.