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The types and causes of scars

What is a scar?

The scar is a trace from Saiva injury. If the person had a strong inflammation, on the same place, subsequently, there will be a scar. The greater the inflammation, the greater the scar. Therefore, to avoid scarring, you need to treat inflammation.

Types of scarring

There are 4 kinds of scars: this normotroficheskie, atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Keloid scars increase skin on healthy skin around. This elevation has a pinkish color. These scars are very ill. Usually occur on the shoulders, shoulder blades, nape, neck.

Hypertrophic scars are also elevated over the healthy skin. These scars are formed at the places where it was formerly strong wound.

Atrophic scars is, on the contrary, the deepening of the skin after the wound.

Normotroficheskie scars – these are scars that are located on the same level with healthy skin.

Causes scarring

Causes scarring, particularly hypertrophic or keloid scar, quite a lot. It can be:
– mechanical factors (abnormal wound healing, being wound in a functionally active area);
– factors of localization (shoulder, chest);
– racial and individual factors (black, red);
– metabolic disorders (diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypovitaminosis, hypoproteinemia);
factors exposure to physical (UV, x-ray irradiation, wound infection).

Methods of correction of scars

There is a plastic removal method of scars in which the scar is removed a surgeon, and is applied on top of the seam. Also a common treatment with creams, various lotions – that is to say, the conservative method of treatment. Recently used laser treatment.

How to heal the skin?

Eat sufficient amount of fish, as well as special fatty acids omega 3, which you can get from flax – for example, buy a linseed oil and take 1-2 tablespoons every morning. It is helpful to eat foods that have a lot of vitamins A, b, C, E, for example, drink fresh juices from vegetables. And most importantly – accurate treatment of the inflammation to the scar was not formed. For treatment of internal scarring drink fresh cabbage juice.

What's important to remember?

Do not assume that due to the fact that your skincovered with scars, it has something to change the attitude of other people towards you. People have many other problems in appearance, but none of the others does not cease because of this to communicate with them or to love them.