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Scar treatment folk remedies

Scar treatment oil

It has long been known that the scars are well healed from the effects of dog rose, corn or sea buckthorn oil.

You can use the following national treatment for scars. Take four hundred milliliters of sunflower oil and a hundred grams of yellow beeswax. Mix these two components and simmer for ten minutes on low heat. After the tool has cooled, evenly apply the ointment on the bandage or cloth and apply to the scar. Course of popular scar treatment should continue for three weeks twice a day.

Scars treatment herbs

If severe burns after you have formed scars, they can be cured by means of traditional medicine from colloidal scars. For this you need to dry the nettle leaves, flowers chamomile and calendula, and yarrow herb, grass knotweed, herb St. John's wort and cudweed herb swamp.

Mix all of these components equally, take two tablespoons of this composition and all brew with boiling water, then warm dishes, where is this potion with a towel or warm blanket and leave for hours. Then the broth must be filtered, moistened in this part of the napkin and apply it to the scar. Lay on top compress paper and wrap a warm cloth, scarf. Let the compress lying for three hours. Scar treatment should continue for three months – daily for two to three times.

Scar treatment Sophora japonica

In keloid scars take two cups of dry powdered fruits of Sophora japonica and mix with two cups of goose fat. If no goose fat, then take a badger. Warm the composition in a water bath for two hours. And within three days, two hours each time, warm the composition. And on the fourth day of the need to bring to the boil and then remove from heat. Stir well tool and pour into a glass dish, can be in ceramic.

Put a layer of ointment on a bandage and apply to the scars. Do these procedures every day until healingscars.

Scar treatment camphor oil

If after operations, or simply large wounds you have formed keloids, then you can help folk remedy for treatment of scars on the basis of compresses of camphor oil.

To do this, wet a flannel in the oil and put it on the seam.