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The treatment of salpingitis

Salpingitis treatment of folk remedies

Along with drug therapy can be used treatment of salpingitis folk remedies and methods. Undoubtedly, conventional medicine is compulsory, the people's recipes can only enhance the effect of drugs.

The treatment of salpingitis drugs for oral administration

Recipe 1. For the treatment of salpingitis folk remedies you can use Echinacea purpurea, from which is prepared the alcoholic tincture. The finished product is diluted in a small volume of water, using 5-6 drops of the tincture, taken every 3-4 hours for several days.

Recipe 2. For taking internally in the treatment of salpingitis, you can use the broth from a mixture of medicinal herbs. For the preparation of the drug is necessary to take equal parts of the roots of wormwood and yellow fruits of the cherries, pour one liter of boiling water and add a little dry white wine. All the ingredients are mixed in an enamel pot and left to simmer. After reducing the volume of the solution two times, the broth is removed from heat and allowed to cool. Ready means take 75 ml two hours after a meal.

Recipe 3. Aloe Vera gel or plantain is also possible to prepare a decoction for the treatment of salpingitis. To do this, one tablespoon dried herbs pour boiling water and put three minutes on a slow fire. The finished product is then cooled and taken orally half a Cup three times a day, in the solution to improve taste you can add honey.

The treatment of salpingitis preparations for external use

Recipe 1. For the preparation of the drug is necessary to take equal parts of flowers of chamomile and Linden, grind them and add water, then put the container on the heat and bring to a boil. Ready broth must be cooled down to room temperature and used for douching.

Recipe 2. The treatment of salpingitis traditional methods can be carried out using swabs soaked in aloe juice or psyllium.

Recipe 3. Steam bath with salpingitis can be done using regular cow's milkyou need to boil before treatment. It is important that the milk was not too hot, before the procedure it has cooled to a comfortable temperature.

Recipe 4. Infusion of stems and juniper berries can be successfully used for the treatment of salpingitis. 50 grams fruit pour three liters of boiling water and infuse for two hours, then filtered. The finished product is poured into water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.